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  1. teraßyte's post in Automatically Follow Content Setting? was marked as the answer   
    You can setup the option as enabled by default in ACP. Any member who has not edited their notification setting for that specific option will have it automatically enabled after your change.
  2. teraßyte's post in Site Require Member Sign in to Access was marked as the answer   
    You most likely disabled the group setting Can access site? for guests.
    Edit the guest group in ACP > Members > MEMBERS > Groups > Guests to re-enable it.
  3. teraßyte's post in How do I turn off ability to add files for Download ? was marked as the answer   
    A bit confused. Do you want to block those groups from adding new files or do you want to disable the downloads app for those groups?
    If you want to block them from adding new files, deselect the UPLOAD FILES checkbox when editing a category permissions If you want to disable the app completely go to ACP > System > SITE FEATURES > Applications > Downloads and follow these steps: Click on the lock icon Put the app offline In the new settings that appear select which groups can still use  the application Eventually add a custom message for those who can't access it (like purchasing a subscription, etc) Click the save button
  4. teraßyte's post in ON/OFF switch in forms savable after clicking? was marked as the answer   
    This. You need to add some Javascript that catches the state change of the button and save the change with an ajax request to the backend.
  5. teraßyte's post in [BUG 4.7.17] Checking moderator permissions throws an "Undefined array key" error was marked as the answer   
    This is fixed in 4.7.18 Beta 2.
  6. teraßyte's post in The Ignore function was marked as the answer   
    A will still see a message similar to "You are ignoring posts from this user. Click here to read it" while B will not know he's on the ignore list at all.
    That said, even if the member is on the ignore list, A should still be able to see B's profile, search for them in the search page, etc.
    The only option would be to login as them from ACP and go to their ignored users page.
  7. teraßyte's post in Polyfill security risk was marked as the answer   
    I just ran a grep on the 4.7.17 files, but there are no references to that domain in any file.
    If CloudFlare detected it on your site, it must be coming from another script. Or maybe a 3rd party modification you're using.
  8. teraßyte's post in Admin Dashboard has broken icons was marked as the answer   
    Have you already tried clearing the system cache in ACP > Support?
    If clearing the cache didn't work, have you translated language strings in ACP? Those FontAwesome icons are actually loaded from language strings. If you edited them, the translation broke the correct name.
  9. teraßyte's post in Group Promotions Not Working was marked as the answer   
    Promotion rules are only checked when a member logs in. If a member is inactive and doesn't visit the forum anymore, the rule to move them will never be triggered.
    I assume the mod to member 2 group is a similar rule. Inactive moderators are downgraded to normal members. Again, if the member doesn't visit the site the rule isn't triggered.
  10. teraßyte's post in Is this a Cloud feature? was marked as the answer   
    It's called Topic Summary. You can enable it in ACP > Community > FORUMS > Settings > Forum Settings TAB. 👍
  11. teraßyte's post in New Member Group & conf_global was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that's all normal. You have a couple of old values that aren't used anymore in 4.7 (banned_group & auth_group), but they won't cause any issues if you leave them there.
  12. teraßyte's post in Problem with license authentication system using IPB web API was marked as the answer   
    The function that checks if the IP is banned or has made too many bad requests is the function _checkIpAddressIsAllowed() in system/Dispatcher/Api.php on lines 198-230.
  13. teraßyte's post in Enable Debug in Production was marked as the answer   
    No. Don't enable IN_DEV on a production site. Everything will slow to a crawl since the cache data is rebuilt on each page load, etc.
    If you really need it, make a test site using a copy of the live site's data (database + files), update conf_global with the test site details, clear the cache in ACP, upload the IN_DEV files, and finally enable the IN_DEV constant in the constants.php file.
  14. teraßyte's post in [BUG 4.7.16] The s3Delete task is not activated correctly when deleting an Amazon S3 container was marked as the answer   
    This is fixed in 4.7.17 Beta 1. Marking as resolved.
  15. teraßyte's post in [BUG 4.7.16] Announcements allow an end date before the starting date was marked as the answer   
    This is fixed in 4.7.17 Beta 1. Marking as resolved.
  16. teraßyte's post in Retrieving plugin? was marked as the answer   
    No. While you can download an application's folder from the server, plugins aren't the same. When plugins are installed, the setup folder is NOT saved on the server. And the original XML file is not available, either.
    You'll need to rebuild the XML file from scratch based on the files on the server, plus rewrite from scratch the setup folder (if the plugin creates tables or adds columns).
    It may take some time, but it can be done. I've done it several times for clients, especially recently after the marketplace closed.
  17. teraßyte's post in Error when creating CMS record via REST API was marked as the answer   
    It's indeed the same issue.
    I posted a fix here if you can't wait for IPS to fix it in the next (?) version:
  18. teraßyte's post in View / Edit Forums User Follows was marked as the answer   
    No, there is no function like that in the suite. There might be a modification for it if you look around, or you might need a 3rd party Provider to make it for you.
  19. teraßyte's post in Gallery Image Sizes and Removal was marked as the answer   
    The original image is used to rebuild all other images if you change the max or thumbnail sizes, and also if you add or remove a watermark.
  20. teraßyte's post in Where are PM strings stored? was marked as the answer   
    The API currently allows only 3 options:
    Create a new personal conversation Add a reply to an existing personal conversation Delete an existing personal conversation  
    There is no way to list/retrieve a member's personal conversations right now. 🤷‍♂️
  21. teraßyte's post in [BUG 4.7.15] Wrong template parameter in "nexus > global > forms > businessAddress" was marked as the answer   
    This is fixed in 4.7.16.
  22. teraßyte's post in Cannot Upgrade to Version 4.7.16 was marked as the answer   
    You also need to upload the files to the server before clicking Continue. Have you done that step?
  23. teraßyte's post in Can't edit Guest group permissions was marked as the answer   
    They moved support from tickets to this forum, if a specific issue requires a more private discussion they'll create a ticket for you.
    In this case, it's a known issue:
    You can either ask your hosting to disable STRICT MODE for your MySQL server or wait for 4.7.16 (currently in beta) which contains a fix for this issue.
  24. teraßyte's post in Having problems upgrading Invision Forums from 4.2.9 to the latest version 4.7.x was marked as the answer   
    Are you using this SMF forum? Based on your reply, you didn't even know it was there, I guess not. You can ignore/remove it. Or, if there are some posts or other content, and you want to preserve/import it, you can use the converter application after upgrading to 4.7.
    As for the steps to upgrade to 4.7, what you're doing won't work because you also need to change the PHP version as I mentioned before. You need to proceed with a manual upgrade. If you follow the instructions in the IPS guide I linked, you'll be okay and the data will be retained.
    If you're still uncomfortable doing the manual upgrade yourself, there's also the option of hiring a 3rd party Provider to do the upgrade for you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/
    I'm also on that list if you want to send me a PM.
  25. teraßyte's post in Where is robots.txt file? was marked as the answer   
    If you use the "optimized" option it's automatically generated. That's as long as you don't have a robots.txt file on the server itself. In that case, the request isn't rerouted and the static file is provided.
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