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Posts posted by AlexWright

  1. 2 minutes ago, newbie LAC said:

    How to reproduce?

    - I'm on album page

    - I clicked on Add Images

    - I don't see tags sets


    Oh sorry. Upload an image from the Albums page. Click on that image to set description, caption. Expand "set tags", which should load the enhanced tags block too, but it's only doing this from the Add Images on album view, and not anywhere else. I'll make a video when I get home if needed. 

  2. 7 hours ago, newbie LAC said:


    How to reproduce?

    I don't see tags sets in any cases because there is no Tags field. There uses simple input field

    I'm not entirely sure. It occurs on all of our themes, but only from the Album view. We do have the setting "required tags" on and set to 1 if that makes a difference.

  3. Hi there, we're noticing some issues with this for Gallery. The tagging system only displays if a member uses the "add images" in an album, otherwise it won't load. This is from "add images" in the album view:


    And using the "Create Menu" or "Add Images" from category view:



    It would also appear that the selection for the tags no longer encompasses the entire tag, and gets cut off. Any help appreciated. Cheers!

  4. Having the app enabled, attempt to edit blog post.

    Error: Class 'IPS\cms\Records5' not found (0)
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(191): IPS\Content\nbenhtagssystem_hook_nbEnhTagsSystemContentItem::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog))
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(14): IPS\Content\rules_hook_ipsContentItem::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog))
    #2 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/applications/blog/sources/Entry/Entry.php(381): IPS\Content\hook753::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog))
    #3 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Item.php(121): IPS\blog\_Entry::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog))
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Item.php(153): IPS\Content\_Item::buildCreateForm(Object(IPS\blog\Blog), Object(IPS\blog\Entry))
    #5 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(439): IPS\Content\_Item->buildEditForm()
    #6 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Content\_Controller->edit()
    #7 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #8 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/applications/blog/modules/front/blogs/entry.php(60): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #9 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\blog\modules\front\blogs\_entry->execute()
    #10 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #11 {main}

  5. 14 hours ago, TAMAN said:

    Thank you

    I will take a look and let you know it needs to be fixed ? 



    @AlexWright I just updated the files in marketplace, so just re-download and update ? no changes on version number.

    Thank you for letting me know. 

    Found one more area that might need a touch-up in gallery. This is on uploads when choosing where to place the images.


  6. 7 minutes ago, Morgin said:

    I'm obviously just speaking as a consumer, but there is also a point where you step back and realize IPS has a relatively small team for the scope of what they already support.

    There are companies out there devoted entirely to being consumer to consumer storefronts. With the new OAuth features in 4.3, I'm somewhat inclined to argue that IPS would be better served by making it easy for us as customers to integrate with these other platforms (and to the extent IPS realizes there are some extremely popular integrations and builds in some specialized community-first features to enhance those integrations, that's great) and focus on the core community products that are key to IPS. Even with Commerce, IPS will never be (and shouldn't be trying to be) magento or shopify and simply don't have the resources to compete in that area of e-commerce. Expanding their offerings into p2p e-commerce will increase the complexity of the core offerings, and unless they can scale revenue and staff to match, would presumably slow down development of the other components.

    If the future of IPS is a great community platform that seamlessly integrates with other more specialized software packages for various uses, I personally will be a happier customer than if they try to please everyone and end up stretching themselves too thin.

    Well said.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Cyboman said:

    yes, please. Commerce, paid downloads, personal member stores, events business, points commerce, TAX per app and per app content category and accounting really require more attention for business customers. It hurts me having to realize most of these requirements in WordPress... I would love to do more community businesses directly with IPS instead of leading my members away to WordPress.

    I agree. Also the ability to chose which payment gateways are available per-application too. One of my communities is in a weird spot with that at the moment.

  8. Hello @Fosters, we are getting an error 500 with this application. I have attached a list of apps and plugins that our community uses.




    Edit: it also seems that when uninstalled, the folder itself cannot be deleted from FTP. 550: Can't remove directory: Permission denied.

  9. On 12/18/2017 at 10:59 AM, joshuaj said:

    Shame. Thanks for the reply.

    It is possible using a custom tenplate and CSS !important element on those pages.


            display: none!important;


    Just include this at the top of the template.

  10. 1 hour ago, ProSkill said:

    Just a forewarning, S3 can be insanely expensive depending on how much media you have. I switched over to S3 and it was costing me $400 - $500 per month in bandwidth fees alone, for comparison my VPS is only $250 per month. I've heard that CloudFront can reduce the charges, but Cloudfront has it's own fees as well. Also, it was significantly slower for me. Currently, I host everything on a dedicated server and use cloudflare and it works great.

    Yeah, that'll probably be true. However, I personally don't allow users to upload Videos. And the images are all compressed through Kraken. My costs last month were $1.20.

  11. 4 hours ago, thetrials said:

    Yup that's similar to what I did. You set up a distribution on CloudFront pointed to S3. I then added a DNS entry for images.xxxx.com. In IPS,  my endpoint still is s3.amazon.com, but at the bottom I enabled Custom URL and have the images.xxxx.com entered. Now all my images are served off of CloudFront as opposed to S3. In terms of SSL the Custom URL I'm using is https and I also set up a Custom SSL certificate in my CloudFront distribution. Once all this was set everything is now being served via CloudFront. It works pretty well. 

    Hope this helps, I know it's simplistic, but once I understood it conceptually it was fairly easy to implement. 

    Yep, definitely helped. Needed the custom Certificate.

  12. Just now, ProSkill said:

    Did you find a guide for this? I setup S3 for my images and was costing me between $400 - $500 per month and it was slower than having them hosted locally. I use CloudFlare as well but i couldn't figure out how to use CloudFront for S3 files only. 

    From what I remember, you need to use "create new distribution" on CloudFlare. Link that to your S3 bucket using the built in methods (I remember it being fairly easy), I left most other things default. Create the distribution and it gives you a Url (you can cname a subdomain to this, but I can't get this to display as SSL yet), plug that URL into your S3 storage method on your IPS site, and done. I'm mobile and in vacation, all I can offer at the moment.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    I use S3 but not Coudfront. I try to get the grip of things. As far as I have read there is no need to use Cloudfront if your users is in a small geographical area. Like for myselve. I have 5-7000 daily users and all are in Norway, while I use S3 in Frankfurt, with cross region replication to one US bucket.

    I have 150k+ with images and my bill with amazon is around 10-14 USD a month..

    CloudFront should still help. It caches those images to limit the GET requests. 

  14. 44 minutes ago, Andy (FTF) said:

    Ok thanks, modified and seems ok. Forgive my lack of understanding of CDN's but will it mirror the core installation files of IPB or just the content. Moreover, how much reliance is taken away from my original server environment with the CDN in place? 

    So all the Amazon CDN does is distribute the images and other files you have on the S3 storage space. Your server still serves all of the necessary php and any other files that are using the File System storage method. So to answer your question, no it doesn't mirror your IPS files, those are still server-side. The only reliance that it's taking away from your server is in actually serving all of the image files to your visitors.

  15. 1 hour ago, Andy (FTF) said:

    Thanks guys. It is working as it should now :) Next step is to look at the Cloudfront and get that up and running. 

    I found a guide but when creating a distribution I am wondering how to manage the fact my forum is not located in the home directory of my server. i.e. Should I state /forum when setting up the distribution or is this irrelevant.

    I ask because when I created /forum under the distribution, and then pasted the created AWS Domain into IPB, the forum lost all images. 


    You shouldn't need to input anything about your own domains. All you should be using is a distribution of the bucket you are hosting the images on, then in your file settings, placing the CloudFront URL as an end point in your AWS file settings.

  16. 14 hours ago, Andy (FTF) said:

    I have been able to get the S3 component working in terms of images are now being transferred across to it. Thank you for your input guys.

    Couple of queries though:

    1: Images are now not appearing in the threads / topics.

    2: Struggling to upload images over 1mb when upload size is set at 7mb. Is this to do with PHP on my server as I think host changed something last week or do I need to do anything on the S3 end?

    Yes, as Kjell said for all of these.

    Furthermore, I would ABSOLUTELY recommend using CloudFront (amazon's CDN) for distribution of your S3 files, otherwise your Get requests could be ridiculous, especially if you run a large community. There should be a guide to set that up for your IPS community (I followed it, and it seemed to be more updated...idk though, it was pretty easy to get through without a guide too).

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