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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. How can I see what is my version of Video system?

    If your still in IPB 3.4, see ACP > System Tab > Manage Applications & Modules. Next to the Videos System entry will be the version.

  2. I have an issue where goals are still showing even though they are no longer enabled.

    1. Showing on the main page, view goals page or in the goal widget?

    2. Have they been disabled by an end time, target reached or physically disabled?

  3. I've been experiencing this:

    They aren't spam accounts, because when I go into the members area, there's no accounts listed. So I'm not sure why it's happening. I just upgraded to the latest version though, so hopefully that helps to solve it.

    Are you using v2.4.4? If you had a SSO/Facebook signup that enters their display name back is flagged as a spam account, IPB deletes that member straight away. But the very latest version of the app should exclude those accounts with no usernames for now.

  4. What is the latest version of IPB 3.4.6? I'll see if I'm with her and has updated if necessary. Then we'll do an update to IPB 4.

     v3.0.4, a full backup as well before starting ;)

  5. Yes it is - if I select the Global Hook option to on in settings and then under the message configure it to only appear in a couple of forum areas, it just appears everywhere. Its as if its global and ignores the setting.

    I'll add it to the list then.

  6. 3 new members registered today and for none of them new Welcome topic has been automatically created.

    Not sure about PM and email.

    Worked fine with previous version.


    Downgraded to 2.4.2 for now.

    I'll see if it works again.

    Were any of these Facebook or SSO registrations?

  7. @Mike John I firstly want to thank you for being so generous & providing this product for free, just like in 3.4. Until I get my pages sorted I will be using this.

    One problem I am having is the colour scheme is differen't from the rest of my website. Is there an area where I can change the bar colour etc easily?

    Also is there a way to change the menu name from Portal, to something else?

    You can edit the template from open ACP > Customizations > edit theme > portal > front > browse > index. It's a bit hard to give you the exact edit as the skin might use something different then the default skin but try this.


    <div class='ipsEmbedded_headerArea'>

    Replace With:

    <div class='ipsType_sectionTitle'>

    Ideally the skin author would include support for ipsEmbedded styling as that's used elsewhere in the forums as well.

    Yes to change the Portals tab name, open the language manager and change the "frontnavigation_portal" value.

  8. Any update on a fix for these issues please? @Mike John

    I'm working through some more IPB4 bug fixes now, Messages app shouldn't be much longer.

    You didn't get back to me about the forum permissions, if that's still an issue I'll need confirmation before I log a bug report.

  9. I've just released an update with a temporary solution for the Facebook issue and a fix for password change. Facebook registrations are temporarily disabled until a better solution can be found. The problem is that the member sync functions I used in IPB 3.4 are a little different in IPB 4 and that's making it harder as I need to hook in a lot more with this version.

  10. Great thanks, the Facebook issue is killing me atm with all the renames I have to do on threads.

    If you can provide ftp and acp access, I can apply the current patch I'm working on now. I still want to test it a bit more but at least it saves you time editing topics.

  11. I'm guessing you ran into issues? Let me know if you want me to test for you.

    Yes for the Facebook issue in particular that's holding up some other fixes. I'm going to try something else that I think will work.

  12. I am running a live 3.x site and a 4.x development site. How do I go about getting the videos in the old site moved to the new site?

    Provided all the Videos are still in the database, it's just a matter of uploading the new IPB4 version from the admin cp. You'll see the Videos app listed in the "out of date" section, here is where you can upgrade an IPB 3.4 app. Make sure a full backup is done before upgrading.

  13. Nearly perfect, thank you very much

    How can I centralise the image in the side bar?

    Try centralizing the form. i.e.

    $form->class = 'ipsForm_noLabels ipsForm_fullWidth ipsPad ipsType_center';


  14. having the ability to define the titles of the blocks is also very important to avoid having many blocks with the same titles "Last videos"

    Good point, noted.

    I'm moving to 4.0 and was wondering how I can keep all the videos I have created int he older version. Is there a way to import a list of videos? Ideally, I would like to have a csv file with the link, description, title, tag, etc.

    The upgrade from IPB 3.4 to 4.0 keeps all the data. You don't need to import/export anything. Just make sure your using the latest version of the IPB 3.4 videos app before you upgrade as that's been the most tested and most likely to go more smoothly.

  15. 3 - Haven't got a specific  image really as I would probably like to be able to have different images in different skins if it was possible, but something like this would be a start

    Try this edit and let me know how you go. Open applications/donate/widgets/donateDonate.php


    $form->class = 'ipsForm_noLabels ipsForm_fullWidth ipsPad';

    Add BELOW:

    $form->actionButtons = array( '<input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">' );

    Save. Now just alter the img url or text to what you want.

  16. Sure thing Mike, I'll drop you a PM.

    Thanks, just a forewarning that there may be a delay until I can address this.

    I am not sure of how others think, but for me, a little bit of text which I can edit and a Donate button is perfect.

    If I can play around with the button to make it stand out it will be perfect.

    1. Amount field will be removed next version but if you can't wait, I can put together some edits for you to do this in the meantime.

    2. If you want to edit the text, edit the language string "block_donateDonate_text" in your admin cp.

    3. I've just looked into the possibility of adding an image button instead and it does look like this is possible. Do you have an image in mind that I can test it out with?

  17. Thanks Carl, I've logged a bug report and these will be looked at next immediate version.

    The last one may be an issue as I believe the email sender itself is inserting that, I'll see if there is some way to override that.

  18. Ooops, posted this in the wrong topic earlier

    Is it possible for me to edit the donation box in the side bar in IPS4?

    Also, when setting up the widget in the side bar, if I click the edit button, nothing happens

    I want to change the button to an image if possible & also remove the donation amount from that box so that it can be filled in on the next page?

    That's a bit more difficult now as that widget uses the form helper to build the donation form instead of raw html code you can modify from the template bit. Any changes need to be applied to the widget file directly now.

    The edit button being there is a bug which I've logged a bug report for. And I will be very likely removing the amount option from the widget next version due to some conflicts with the next page.

  19. I use version 3.1.3 but this bug not fixed.

    Please write in detail step by step instructions. >_<

    I've just checked and this was definitely fixed in the latest version. I don't know why the upgrade wouldn't have removed it. I will need acp access to check.

    ACP > Community > Videos > Settings > Thumbnails & Uploads. Adjust the dimensions of the "Standard thumbnail dimensions" setting and see if that removes the black bars.

    we have the following error when trying to submit a new video

    Ok found the error

    i deleted one category, and then the list of the categories on the homepage disappeared !

    Both are confirmed bugs, will have them fixed next version. Thanks for reporting!

    Actually it should look the same than the new videos block, would look much better

    I'll add the dimensions adjustment next version. But if I can add a more detailed block will include that instead.

  20. I have a couple of bugs with the Donation Mike, the text in the donations box for the donations goals sidebar appears to be getting cut off.

    Secondly, I have the donation goals sidebar active on the forum, however, if I want to activate this on another page I can but it lists all goals (even when they are set to not to be featured, private goals etc). I cannot select from the drop down to choose a specific goal.

    That's actually intended but I will log a bug report to remove that for single widget goals as you wouldn't really need a truncate in that case.

    Just to confirm on the drop down issue, you can't actually select anything when you click that drop down? Doesn't appear or just too hard to select a goal with just a long list?

  21. In the setup of a media site i would leave the Oembed field ?  and no luck with facebook url?

    It looks like IPB uses this regex for Facebook videos, urls posted will have to follow the same pattern.


    How can I remove the black bars above and below the video?

    In addition, some translate keys is not working. For example num_comments. Not save.

    If it's part of the video than I can't do much about that. If it's a thumbnail image, then you try resizing the thumbnail dimensions to block out the black bars.

    The num_comments issues was fixed a few versions ago, are you using the latest version of the Videos app?

    Actually i am trying to build on the Videos homepage

    What about if the thumbnail image dimensions for the horizontal widget display where bigger? Or do you need the look of the "new videos" block?

  22. @Mike John

    There is a bug - on the field "Days Joined" within a message settings. The value for this field is defaulted to 5, if I enter 0 to disable this filed it does disable it however if I go back into that message and edit the text the message disappears, that is because when I check the message settings it has defaulted back to 5 again. If I change this value to 20 and save it applies that change and displays correctly but on re-editing the message in the future, the field value has again defaulted back to 5 so that is what is saved if you forget each time to go in and change it. Its not pulling the value from the database on edit despite the correct value being saved, it is defaulting to 5.


    Also @Mike John What is the difference between "Normal Block" and "Info Message" please?

    Thanks for reporting, I've logged a bug for that.

    The only difference is the css style used to display the message, nothing else.

    @Mike John - Also if I try to get the message to just show in a specific forum utilising the global hook it just shows everywhere and not in the forums specified? 

    Plus a language bug when adding Administration Permissions to the application

    And that's still with the forum permissions being set when setting up the message?

    Thanks for reporting, logged a bug report.

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