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Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. That's the only one giving me problems.

    Tomorrow I'll try to uninstall/reinstall.

    I've confirmed this as a bug. Next version should be out soon and will include this fix.

    Hmm... this raises a good question, since IPS is still having quite a few upgrades, fixing bugs and/or issues with 4.0, If I pay to have widgets or work done, then upgrade to a new version, say every two weeks, each time, I will risk the work I paid for does not work.

    I would remind everyone, I am a fan, supporter of IPS 4.0, and I know, introducing totally news systems takes a while to work out, what I am going to call a stable environment.

    Any thoughts on this? 

    Generally custom work comes with an included fixed amount of support for bug fixes.

  2. That wil be great Mike, I have like 4 or 5 register per day so it is not so much and I prefer to see if someone is asking me some doubts. If you can give me this file to make it works I would appreciate.

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to test this but let me know if you have any issues.

    Open applications/autowelcome/sources/Alerts/Alerts.php


    //$conversation->authorize( $pmSender );

    Replace With:

    $conversation->authorize( $pmSender );


    On email template page, template name emailtpl_welcomeEmail is not translated.

    Could you clarify a bit more please? There's no fixed text as the message is sources from settings which does have translation support.

  3. I have just purchased this App today and I am having trouble getting the donations to be tracked when a donation is made.

    First off, can you confirm your using the very latest version? i.e v3.2.5 As that fixed quite a few of the recent ipn issues I was having.

    I've got a number of things you can go through but it might be easier if you could provide admin cp login details and then I'll check the basics are all set first.

  4. Yes widget.

    That worked for actually automatic uploading new monthly poll but if I click on "Edit" button same loading circle.

    Have you had any issues with other plugin widgets? As far as I can tell there hasn't been any requirement changes for plugin widgets, so I might be leaning towards an IPB4 bug at this point.

    I've tested application widgets without issue but seems once you've added a plugin widget, you can't edit it afterwards.

  5. Hello there I just purchased this Application and have a couple of questions.

    1. Is there any support for blocks, I cannot seem to see anything on my blocks manager about Forms.

    2. How do I set a form to have information etc before the form itself? I am assuming it's the field called 'Description' when editing a form. (picture below)

    Hi sorry I figured out number 2, I was adding the formatting to the wrong section and should instead be using the Form Rules section.

    However I'm still confused as to what the 'Description' section does. Is that simply just for Admins that can access the Forms in ACP? I can't see the description section being displayed anywhere other than when editing a form.

    Also, is there any way to get {field_value}'s to post as a link to in a topic it creates? If I try to this is what happens.

    1. No widgets currently included but a "mini" form has been suggested and will be looked at in the future. Provided forms can be reasonably compacted like that.

    2. Yep, under Form Rules instead. Description should be showing on the forms list page i.e. index.php?/forms/form-list/

    What type of field will you be trying to get the value from? Is it a Url field or normal Text input?

    Mike, is this saving the data to the database?

    Yes that's correct, saves to the form logs database table and there's permissions for who can view the form logs.

    This may be a silly question (and I'm asking anyone who reads this thread not just the developer), but is there a way for forms to accept submissions from guest users? I'm getting an error: 1048: Column 'map_user_id' cannot be null

    Just wondering if there is some sort of work around to allow people to post forms as a guest? If not that's totally fine I can understand why the database wouldn't accept that.

    Did you have anything set for the "Guest bot override" setting, ideally it would use that member as the sender if a guest submits a form and it needs to create a topic or send a pm.

  6. Can modification be made so a forum topic feed is added and rotation of the feed?  I would like to be able to select which forum polls are added, so when the widget is placed in the sidebar it rotates between the selected polls, or perhaps create a new widget that works this way.

    As in a forum option for each new widget? Or do you need to be able to specify the exact polls that will be placed in rotation?

  7. As I said, before it works fine and I received the messages in my administrator account, but now the message is just show in the new menber account. This is not a big issue, in fact is better because now I don't have in my account houndreds of messages "Welcome to the forum!", but the real problem is sometimes the new users reply to the autowelcome message asking me something and I do not receive this reply because I cannot see the conversation.

    This was probably changed for that reason, not to clutter the sending members inbox. But if you do want to track the message from your inbox, I could put together a file edit to do this? At least until I've added maybe a setting for a future version.

  8. When running it I'm getting this error:

    Table 'smartest_ipb.core_members' doesn't exist

    Try including your database prefix, you'll see it before your other database tables.

    In my case, i reinstall again the auto welcome app and I have configured just to send a PM to new registers in the name of the administrator of my forum. I have created a new users in my forum to test it and it works, they received the PM, but when I logg in with my admin account and I enter in my private messages I see no new conversations with these new registers.

    I enter in the database and I have even seen that one new user reply to the autowelcome PM but I cannot see this conversation in my account. The user is a normal one, not comming from FB or TW. Thank you.

    What do you currently have set as your PM sender? Have you changed that since installing?

  9. I've just released a new version of the Donations app that fixes several more bugs and introduces support for Paypal addresses for each goal. This version in particular should address some of the donation not being saved issues that were reported. Especially guest access which has a temporary bypass hook in place until a full interface file can be added.

    This release marks a transition from bug fixes towards adding new features and improvements. If you have anything you would like include or changed, please let me know.


  10. I just updated the donations app to the the version released on the 31st, the issue with the drop down down not working is still present. It's not a massive issue but when you have the time to look into it, it would be appreciated. 

    As in the goal dropdown doesn't work? Are you using the very latest IPB4? I've had some reports this was fixed after upgrading.

  11. When truncating status replies is enabled there's no obvious link to click so you can read the whole thing (e.g. a "read more" link) it just appears cut off, could this be added at some point?

    Yep, will be added next version. Just working my way through another round of ipb4 bug fixes now.

  12. Also maybe Edit for all members, that's the main complaint I have in 3.4. Yes in 4.0 you can finally edit from the member page but members may not know that from the feed so that would be nice if possible. :)

    Is there a setting or permission needed to edit updates? Not seeing an edit option...

  13. Thanks @Greg W noticed that on return to the index, one additional request would be the ability to delete replies from the widget?

    I'll look into getting the reply added at the bottom like the display is done. I didn't really look too deeply into sorting but will see if it can be sorted differently.

    I'll also take a look at if moderator options can be added but still maintain a compact design.

    Feature Request: a "Read More" like Blogs/Pages has under some circumstances, or an icon. If its under X amount of lines it'll display whole status/comment or If it's over X amount it takes you to the URL of the Status for example: (Read More)

    I'm not usually good at explaining ideas coherently so if you need any clarification, let me know. ^_^ 

    I think I got you. I'll include for next version.

  14. Yes. The latest two:

    Try running this in your SQL Toolbox (ACP > System > Support > SQL Toolbox ).

    SELECT member_id, name, fb_uid FROM core_members WHERE member_id IN (4661,4663)

    Will print out results and any facebook id they may have. Just let me know if there is a match for the fb_uid column.

  15. Hey mike, I have a question some of my members like to share the videos on social media and some issues arise around how they share. Im wondering it its possible to make these display a on image om facebook using the thumbnail. Any idea's? just to make them more appealing when shared.

    I've logged a bug report and will see if this is possible next version. Ideally the share links would utilize the thumbnail already but will see if I'm missing something.

  16. Can't find any info about type of registration in acp

    Good question, I'm not entirely sure. I know there is a "fb_uid" field in the "core_members" database table but not sure if there is a admin end display for that.

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