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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 2 minutes ago, Koby said:

    Updated, now it doesn't list donation stats at all, and the top donor list still says offline donations.

    As in zero for both donations and goals totals? Do you have any goal reset or goals set to not show?

    The total stats will now take into account active goals, donation and goal resets and show the proper amount like they did in IPB 3.4.

  2. On 11/11/2015, 6:24:06, ehku said:

    @Mike John: If there is a hidden topic in one of the selected forum, then there is an error when opening the portal:

    Just tried and was unable to reproduce this. Are you using IPB 4.0 or 4.1? I'll need board access to troubleshoot this further.

  3. On 10/11/2015, 10:57:20, Police Community said:

    Hi - the issue here is that it is not useable and I have paid for a product plus support yet it has already been 4 weeks since reported to you and you are saying a few weeks more. 

    If the temporary workaround is not working I would be happy to provide another solution until this is fixed (PM me). I'm sorry but I have to prioritize the bugs I get in and to me the bugs that IPB 4.1 produced were more critical at the time.

  4. On 10/11/2015, 5:11:49, Koby said:

    Do you have any donation or goal automatic resets in place?


    Out of all the active goals, the total is exactly $25 right now?

    Yes the only active goal should be the one for $25

    Please check uploads/logs/ for any sql error logs that might match the donations or donate keywords.


    I've confirmed both and will have a fix out next version. If everything goes to plan, I should have that released tomorrow.

    21 hours ago, Joshua Dignam said:

    Have you got a little bit of code that I could just throw in to my Theme HTML/CSS editor in Templates>Forum>front>Topics>postContainer that would add that $ donated symbol to people that have donated?

    Are you using a different theme by any chance? There was a hook that re-added this in IPB 4.0 but maybe 4.1 messed it up. If you want to add it manually, the code that can be used is here

    {{if $comment->author()->donate_donations}}
    	<li class="ipsType_light ipsSpacer_top" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="donor_title"}">      
    		<span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_positive"><i class="fa fa-dollar"></i></span> {lang="member_donor"}


  5. 30 minutes ago, Koby said:

    I honestly don't really feel comfortable giving out that information. Is there any way the ability to edit/create goals could be solved otherwise?

    Ok well support will be slower as you'll need to provide feedback on each request.


    It's showing the total donation history amount as the current amount towards any open goals:


    Do you have any donation or goal automatic resets in place? Out of all the active goals, the total is exactly $25 right now?


    Also, when I tried the edit the existing goal in admin cp, it gave me an error:


    Same error happens when I try to create a new goal. So I can't add or edit goals at all. :/

    Please check uploads/logs/ for any sql error logs that might match the donations or donate keywords.


    and the top donors list just says this (while also saying all donations took place in 1969 o.O)

    I'm looking into this now as reported elsewhere.

  6. On 7/11/2015, 9:01:48, Police Community said:

    @Mike John - Is there any fix to the bug that was identified on the 12th October please? When is a fix due?

    No not yet, have been preoccupied with critical IPB 4.1 updates. I'll be going through another round of bug fixes again but won't be for a few more weeks.

  7. On 6/11/2015, 6:53:42, Greg W said:

    I had it in 4.1.2 and now updated to and it is still the same.

    Can you confirm if it's working or not for you when viewing the profile page?

    On 7/11/2015, 7:16:58, 9xx said:

    IPS not working :( 

    If you've just upgraded, try loading the latest plugin.

  8. New intermittent release has been uploaded that includes support for IP.Board 4.1, a few more minor bug fixes and the ability to set multiple recipient options in the Paypal gateway. i.e. Members can choose which Paypal address to use when donating.

    I'm working on another release to fix the remaining bugs reported before IPB 4.1 was released.

  9. I've updated this app with confirmed support for IP.Board 4.1 and a few other minor bug fixes.

    @Sonya* A fix for the uninstall issue is also included, you'll need to upgrade and then uninstall the latest version.

  10. On 4/11/2015, 7:39:53, Netherlord said:

    Latest version Bug report, If a comment is quoted and posted. If you go into the video comments and see all and hit read more on posts it cuts off some text.

    Thanks, noted for next version.

  11. On 4/11/2015 2:49:29, socceronly said:

    Not sure if this is a stupid question... but should a Donation show up automatically in the the list/log ect?

    On 4/11/2015 6:27:35, kkucharsky said:

    I  have the same situation. 

    Guest access will need to be enabled for the Donations app until this problem can be patched.

    On 4/11/2015 9:05:09, SiLink said:

    Out of curiosity, will you be looking to include Patreon as part of this? A lot of content creators are opting for this over PayPal these days.

    Once bug fixes are up to date, I'll be looking at stuff like features and more gateways.

  12. 3 hours ago, Greg W said:

    I still have another problem now. With the reputation in the status updates, if you go to look at them to see who liked the reply, you get an error saying "you are not permitted to view the reputation of this user"

    I'm actually getting this in the profile page as well. So right now leaning towards this being a bug with IPB4 itself. What version of IPB4 are you currently using? Have updated yet but possibly 4.1.3 fixes this.

  13. On 4/11/2015 11:59:12, Ausy said:

    Yes trying it as a guest.

    I couldn't find an immediate solution to this but have logged a bug report and will need to troubleshoot this further to find the solution. Could you please enable the "bypass captcha" permission for your groups until this is fixed?

  14. On 2/11/2015 7:11:58, Ausy said:

    Upgraded to v1.1.4 but captcha keeps failing when I test it. "You did not pass the security check. Please try again."

    Captcha working on standard IPS contact form on the same site.

    Are you trying this out as a guest or logged in?

  15. On 31/10/2015 6:33:11, Koby said:

    Is this fully compatible with 4.1?

    Not confirmed yet but will be by the end of the week.

    On 31/10/2015 6:33:11, Koby said:

    I'm needing to reinstall it. I previously purchased the one for 3.4.x so I'd be able to get the updates if I simply renew the license?

    Yes if you've got an active IPB 3.4 license, just open a PM and I'll add the IPB 4 for free.

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