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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 13 hours ago, Apfelstrudel said:

    I get an EX1054 when trying to save a form. I have the latest version with

    9 hours ago, JEFF MACK said:

    I just purchased yesterday and I am trying it for the first time.  I just got this error as well.

    I've had some reports of this and so far the latest patch can be found here. Once I confirm it works, I'll be releasing it into the next version.

    13 hours ago, Apfelstrudel said:

    BTW, sorry for the stupid question, but where can I find the forms? How can I embed them into a page? I don't have any widget nor other menu items in acp.

    Forms can be accessed through the forms url. You'll notice the Forms menu appear and then link to each individual form from a splash page.

    I've had a suggestion about including forms in widgets but it's not included just yet.

  2. On 27/11/2015, 9:43:36, ehku said:

    Error when posting a comment (on your demo website). And after that, the comment was added twice.

    Currently a confirmed bug, once I find the cause I'll include a manual patch for anyone wanting to patch until the next version is out.

  3. On 27/11/2015, 8:34:47, B_U_R_I said:

     - can the news app be just section of the Portal?

    As in included widgets? There are a few widgets for the News app that can be used within the Portal as well.

  4. 43 minutes ago, icedream said:

    Hi, I cannot view index page now, with error

    I've uploaded v3.2.8.1 with a temporary patch to skip this widget if any errors are found. I will have a proper fix for this in v3.2.9.

  5. On 26/11/2015, 11:22:07, ehku said:

    Oh I didn't know about that app. From what I have read in the description, this app is similar to Pages, right? There is an option to create a discussion topic for the news, so News and Topics are separate, i.e. just like Pages, there are two different databases. Is there an option to promote a topic to News? By the way, is there a demo?

    A simplified version that was written specifically for News before Pages was ever released. I'll PM you the demo board so you can take a look.

    On 26/11/2015, 11:22:07, ehku said:

    If you modify News content, will the content of the corresponding topic be updated? And vice-versa? Since my website is forum-centered (just like most of IPS websites), I don't really like the idea of having two different items with the same content (SEO is one of many reasons).

    Yes topic is updated but currently no sync between news comments and topic posts.

  6. 12 hours ago, ehku said:

    I strongly recommend @Mike John to make a paid app with these features, as a Pro version of Portal. I believe it will be a success. Of course I would be very happy buying it :D If somebody else is also interested in this, please let Mike know.

    Does my News app offer any solutions here? Possibly with modifications to suit what your after.

  7. Add text or logo images to each forum. Useful if you want to have members "sponsor" a particular forum.


    • Set individual logos for each forum.
    • Positions options include next to forum name or below forum description.
    • Displays logos or text in both forum index and forum view.
    • Choose between an uploaded logo image or a text based advert/sponsorship.
    • Modify both logo/text url and prefix text.
    • Set fixed logo dimensions for each image or included fluid option for more responsive look.


  8. 18 hours ago, Adam Tappert said:

    The portal doesn't seem to respect permissions... any way to remedy?

    Seems like you've already had this posted.  I've also seen the "hidden topic breaks portal" bug

    Still haven't had access to test this on those who can reproduce this.

  9. 23 hours ago, icedream said:

    When using MySQL strict mode, query SELECT SUM(fees) FROM `donate_users` WHERE donate_users.status=1 AND donate_goals.g_show=1 will throw an error: Unknown column 'donate_goals.g_show' in 'where clause'. There is a bug with donateStats widget.

    Also, top donator widget is returning wrong information.

    There's a patch for the first issue here. Both issues will be fixed some time next week in a new release.

  10. On 19/11/2015, 10:01:56, Ilya Kirilenko said:

    One more question. Tell me please, is intended to support online broadcasts with Twitch, hitbox and other services? To mark was Live or offline + chat built from the service when he online

    I used the internal IPB4 embed template to generate my Youtube embed, so any setting you have for video embeds would apply within topics as well as videos.

    If the service supports oEmbed than it will auto embed the live streams but no tracking of live sites is included. I've had this one suggested to me already here but not very likely until next year now. I'm still working through bug fixes.

  11. 12 hours ago, nguru said:

    When I install Message 2.2.4 under and activate I get in front following message (see appendix)

    I'll need board access to troubleshoot this further, error could mean just about anything.

  12. 7 hours ago, socceronly said:

    Not sure if it's something best suited for this module or something Commerce should do.

    I assume it would keep the purchase price the same and not take that amount away from that purchase? I'm still focused on bug fixes but I have logged this and will look in a future version.

  13. 4 hours ago, Pete T said:


    the following error from Message 2.2.4 using it's fine if have permission correct people but if i am in the group can't view it i have above error.

    I've uploaded a new version that should patch this bug.

  14. On 15/11/2015, 2:23:42, Greg W said:

    However, the problem I have is that our site is about 95% USA members and the title of the topic which is posted is in a format of yyyy-mm-dd and we would like it to be in the standard USA format of mm-dd-yyyy

    Where can I change this?

    I haven't tested it but I believe this should do the trick. Open applications/birthdaygreeter/sources/Alerts/Alerts.php


    \IPS\DateTime::create()->format( 'Y-m-d' );

    Replace With:


    I believe the local date should use the local date setting, if not change the format variables around to m-d-Y and I'll be sure to include this as a setting next version.

  15. On 13/11/2015, 8:05:47, kkucharsky said:

    Hello @Mike John, 

    I have still this problem (on screen). When I donate I see member as guest not dedicated user... 

    Whats the problem?

    That's still a confirmed bug, just logging "Paypal" instead of the actual donor. That will be fixed in the next version after I overhaul the payments validator.

    On 15/11/2015, 6:22:52, Koby said:

    Any progress on this? Kind of makes it unusable when most of the time it just shows an error until you refresh

    I'm just waiting on some further test cases so I can track the exact cause as this seems to affect some boards and not others seemingly randomly at this point. My aim is to push forward another release again this week.

    On 16/11/2015, 2:58:40, kkucharsky said:

    1. What if when I'm using a standard account in paypal and skrill, not for business? 

    2. When I configure my gateway I have 'gateway instruction' in ACP. Skrill requires a secret word, and Paypal requires Paypals IPN to be turned on. So, if I have standard account then I will not have the ability to configure Donate application?

    I'd like to see every donate in my forum, but actually when I have standard account in Skrill I see: Gateway Email Mismatch despite the fact that the payment on account is added.

    1/2. I've seen conflicting reports but I do believe that Paypal requires a Premier or Business account to enable IPN support which the Donations app uses. You'll need to check with Skrill as to their policy on API access as I'm not entirely familiar with it as with Paypal.

    Can you double check your gateway email/id is set to exactly what you have in Skrill as well?


  16. On 14/11/2015, 2:09:28, Durango said:

    We are still on IPB 4.0 and didnt upgrade anything, it was working till yesterday, but today always got this error message

    oEmbed is used to generate both the embed code and thumbnail so maybe possible downtime for Youtube's oEmbed service or your server not being able to access for some reason. If it still happens again tomorrow, I'll need ftp/acp login details to troubleshoot this further and see if it's masking some kind of error when connecting to oEmbed.

  17. On 15/11/2015, 9:00:17, vinegredz said:

    What types of fields there are in this application?

    Uses the inbuilt custom fields functions, so any custom field that you would see in the profile fields will be present in the forms app.

  18. 23 minutes ago, Koby said:

    Maybe has something to do with it not working properly with my table prefix? My forum doesn't use the default.

    Should be independent of table prefixes.

    16 minutes ago, Joshua Dignam said:

    I am getting the exact same errors as Koby, Donations page breaks and so does any page that has a donations Top/Recent donators widget on it. so I'll be going back to version 3.2.6.

    If you've got this live on your site, can I get ftp/acp login details to look through this?

    16 minutes ago, Joshua Dignam said:

    I noticed when updating to 3.2.7 it actually put that $Donator postContainer code in, so I had to remove the code manually from postContainer that I had entered earlier. However when reinstalling 3.2.6 it no longer had the $Donator code in there? So maybe it was broken in 3.2.6?

    Yes IPB 4.1 changed the hook position, the latest version re-added support for this.

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