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Posts posted by bradybarrows

  1. 2 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    Do you mean a particular topic perhaps? There has never been a feature for individual posts, I'm not even sure how you'd track that even if you used to have a modification for it.

    I found it. I just forgot where to look for the number of views of a post. They are found on each individual post in a forum category. It helps to see what posts are popular to guests. 

  2. In the past I could view the number of views of a particular post. I have been somewhat out of the loop for the past several months (or longer) and haven't checked in a while and now this feature is missing. Is there some way to restore this feature or is there a different method to find the number of post views?

  3. This issue is still going on. Guests can create an invoice with absolutely no contact info. This floods my invoices with PENDING invoices which have to be deleted (see screenshot).

    Since we can't force guests to pay first before an invoice is made, in a future upgrade could IC please allow multiple invoices to be deleted, i.e., a check box that selects all the invoices for a page and then delete them all? I have two pages of invoices that have to be deleted one at a time, and having this feature would make it a bit easier to delete them all. 

    Also the ability to delete multiple EXPIRED subscriptions guests create that flood that category and need to be deleted. These bogus invoices are just a nuisance. 

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

  4. opentype, you are so helpful. I feel like a child when you explain such a simple solution to this glitch. There is so much to know about keeping a website hosted on invision community, especially for a non profit organization. We simply don't have any volunteers to help me in this web hosting. I am glad Android users don't have to worry about switching from Apple's reading view vs whatever. We are barely hanging on trying raise enough donations to keep paying Invision Community's hosting fees. We have enough to get through 2024 but we can't get subscribers to post. They want rosacea data but they don't want to post at all. Weird. Twenty years ago it was so different, but now the younger rosacea sufferers are so different. They don't like to post in forums an prefer the social media sites which are mindless and difficult to search for research. We keep plugging away to trying to figure out how to attract rosacea sufferers. 

  5. There is a glitch I am experiencing when viewing our website on a mobile device (iPhone). It does this quite often on just about all the posts in the forum. Take this example:


    On a computer (iMac) the following comes up (see attached file ScreenshotFakeNews.pdf). I can then click on the screen and it goes to the post. 

    On my iPhone all I can view is the 'FAKE NEWS' screen on my device and I cannot figure out how to get to the post. This seems to be some sort of glitch on a mobile device. If this is how other viewers of our web site are struggling to find the post, I am sure they are completely frustrated and leave the site. Guests will be so irritated that they don't bother browsing our site for rosacea data. 

    Is there a way to turn off this feature on mobile devices so that that the huge 'FAKE NEWS' screen isn't triggered so I can eliminate this glitch?



  6. This issue is still not resolved. I have to delete each invoice one at a time. Really irritating. No contact information so there is no way this is useful. In the next update can we resolve this issue? Or could you select as many pending invoices in the list and delete them all in one click?  That would resolve it for me. 

    Nobody else has this issue?  If you don't have this issue, what do you do to resolve it?


    Another caveat is that pending invoices turn into EXPIRED invoices. I have three pages of expired invoices submitted by guests who do not fill in the required information. None. Zip. Nada. I have to delete all this too since it just adds to the list of PAID members in the list. Three pages of bogus members. Not sure how IC thinks about these things. There must be a reason. 

    I did notice that two members CANCELLED their subscriptions. I understand that concept. But a GUEST will not cancel a subscription since they don't go through the process to pay or fill in the contact info. It would be nice to figure out how to resolve this issue. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Please see the description of the "Text to Show" field, it has several options available there which will insert texts with links for you if you are unsure how to use HTML to generate a link there:

    Could contain: Text

    Ok. I found that at the bottom of the page. Not sure what to do?  Apparently you are implying I need to insert {terms} in the source code of the TERMS & RULES page?  That didn't work. I don't get it. What is the point of showing "IMPORTANT INFORMATION Terms and Rules' when the guest can't view the terms and rules?

  8. On 7/2/2022 at 7:34 AM, Jim M said:

    Please check the "Guest Options" in ACP -> System -> Terms & Privacy Policy

    Yes, I understand. What I am wondering is if you look at the screen shot below at the bottom is the 'I Accept' button which is clickable. What I am referring to is on the top of this button which clearly states, "IMPORTANT INFORMATION Terms and  Rules' which implies to a guest that they can click on 'terms and rules' and be able to view these but it is NOT clickable (so a guest can read the terms and rules). How can I make this clickable (so a guest can read the terms and rules)? 

    Could contain: File, Text, Webpage, Document


  9. Haven't really noticed this before and not sure how long this has been going on, maybe it started with upgrading to Invision Community v4.6 ??  

    There is a footer notice to GUESTS and if you click on SIGN IN this footer notice says, "Important Information Terms & Rules" implying that a guest can read the terms and rules however it is not CLICKABLE, only the "I accept" button works. This seems odd, that the guest cannot click on the terms and rules and read what they are. I am not sure how to make this clickable so that a guest who is curious might want to read the terms and rules. How do I make this clickable so that a guest can do this, please?

    Could contain: File, Text, Electronics, Computer

  10. 21 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Log in to the ACP and type "Post before" into the search bar, and click the 'Post before registering' result.

    Alternatively - go to System -> (SETTINGS) Posting and scroll down to the 'Posting' section

    Thanks. So I switched from the top choice to the lower post DISABLED and guests can still post before registering. We don't want any guest anymore to post unless the guest subscribes. There is some other setting that allows guest to post without registering or subscribing. Please assist. 

    Could contain: Text, Word, Page

    Then I kept searching and found where the permissions are set: 

    ACP > Members > Groups > Guests > LOCK 

    and uncheck where the guests are allowed to post. 

    Could contain: White Board, White, Texture

  11. On 5/1/2022 at 9:28 AM, media said:

    I had to turn guest post off

    Our non profit has allowed guest to post without registering and now we want to turn it off and only allow guests to view and not able to post unless registering. How do I turn this off? I can't find where we allow guest to post without registering. Can someone please help me find where to turn guest posting off please? We can't keep deleting Russian spam which is relentless. Those Russians simply don't give up and find ways around the word filter. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    ACP > Support > Clear System Caches

    Thanks!!! It worked!!!!

    4 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    The Member Statistics widget is also cached. The default time is 5 minutes, but if you've increased that value in ACP the cache can also last longer. If the member registered after the widget was cached it will show up next time it's recached.

    Have no idea where the Member Statitics Widget is located to look at the settings. Help?

  13. 4 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Has the user validated completely? This block will only show validated users.

    If you clear your system cache in the software, does it change?

    Found where you clear system cache: 

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > Tools & Diagnostics > Clear System Caches

    That worked!!!! 

    The newest member shows up. 

  14. If you look below the newest member is Moo who joined April 17. 

    Could contain: Text, Page

    Another member,GiavannaM, joined May 19. See below: 

    Could contain: File, Text, Menu, Webpage, Page

    Why isn't GiavannaM who joined May 19 NOT showing up as the latest member who has joined?  I can't figure it out. What setting is messed up?

  15. I was using the Active Member group (see screenshot below) as the default when anyone registered. We recently went to a subscription registration. I had moved all the Active Members to a group called Inactive Member (can only view what Guests view) so there are absolutely no one in the Active Member group. I want to delete this group since I don't use it anymore. For some reason there is no delete choice. 

    All guests who subscribe are put in a new group called Subscriber 1 Month or Subscriber 3 month, depending on which subscription plan they choose. 

    Registered members who are in the Inactive Member group if they login are forced to purchase a subscription plan of their choice or they can only view what Guests view. So far one inactive member has done so and it works,  the member chose the three month subscription plan and was moved automatically into this group, so I know it does indeed work. 

    Just wondering why I can't delete the Active Member group?  Any ideas?

    Could contain: Text, Page, Menu, Calendar

  16. I am still using the word filter, for example, the last spam had the following: 


    порно маленькими девушками бесплатно

    are two examples above which I have added to the word filter. What I do notice is that there is less spam attempted, but they still get past the word filter somehow. I think the word filter helps but obviously isn't a way to stop this. I have no idea how they get around the word filter block. 

  17. On 5/2/2022 at 1:23 AM, nigeld27 said:

    Does anyone know where I get information on Invision security, hosting and stuff like that? We want to use Invision to host content for third parties/business customers, and need to provide their IT security team with information about Invision. My thanks in advance.Thanks, Nigel 


    About Invision Community

    Install and Upgrade

    Getting Support

    Security and Rules

    We have been using IC since 2006 and recommend you simply host with IC since the support is really good. 

  18. On 4/28/2022 at 7:21 AM, Gauravk said:

    Can you please point me on how to view these errors?

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > Critical Issues 

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > Known Issues 

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs > System Log

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs > Error Log

    ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs > Email Error Log

    By the way Gauravk, when I have issues usually if you disable all the plugins and anything that is added by a third party to see if the issue resolves. If it does resolve, it is probably one of the third party items I have added. All you do is turn each one on one at a time and see if the issue returns until you figure out which one is the culprit. If you turn all the third party items off and the issue is not resolved then at the very least you can explain to IC support the issue is not resolved when you turn all third party items off. 

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