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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. That mod forces user to change his e-mail, but he will receive e-mails still. The only way is: That app is helpfull of course, but not a solution to stop sending mails to selected member.
  2. You need to ask your hosting provider if he could increase that limit.
  3. First question - do you want to keep your 4.1 customizations? It yes then the answer is - hold with the upgrade and work with a upgrade but of these customizations first!
  4. Try here: https://www.thedarkblues.co.uk/profile/1744-tayzurri/ https://www.thedarkblues.co.uk/contact/
  5. You didn't get it. Any clickable urls in the profile, added by the owner, should be hidden on mark as spammer. That would be awesome then.
  6. Or: https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/902-dp45-custom-profile-view-permissions/ 😉
  7. And will be done. Job taken. 👍
  8. What is hook352? Try disable it first and then check again.
  9. Doable via plugin. PM sent. 🙂
  10. Then it's weird. Are you Cloud hosted, right?
  11. Are you able to search the theme for "ENT_DISALLOWED" text and show us the results and parts of the templates with that?
  12. DawPi

    Vote app

    There is - https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/
  13. Open PMA and find core_logs table. Check a few latest positions and share them with us.
  14. You may try disable Rocket Loader - https://developers.cloudflare.com/speed/optimization/content/rocket-loader/enable/
  15. Do yo have any SQL errors in the Support tab maybe?
  16. Nice! 😮 Available for both types (Cloud / Self-Hosted)?
  17. Hmm, out of space? Just guessing..
  18. You can open PhpMyAdmin (if you have access), find any corrupted tables, check them and use Fix option from the dropdown. More info - https://www.nexcess.net/help/how-to-repair-mysql-tables/
  19. It's random. 🙂 $featured = iterator_to_array( \IPS\blog\Entry::featured( 5, '_rand' ) );
  20. Wow. I know. Why you thought that is?
  21. I see you had access to the database. I didn't and couldn't help.
  22. It might be from a 3rd party item to be honest, but hard to guess which one. Try do what Jim said:
  23. Hello, it's carousel HTML type displaying form: <div class='ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsSpacer_bottom'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionTitle ipsType_reset'>{lang="featured_entries"}</h2> <div class='ipsClearfix'> <div class="cFeaturedTopics ipsCarousel ipsClearfix" data-ipsCarousel data-ipsCarousel-slideshow data-ipsCarousel-fullSizeItems data-ipsCarousel-shadows='false'> <div class='ipsCarousel_inner'> <ul class='cTopicCarousel ipsClearfix ipsList_reset' data-role='carouselItems'> {{foreach $featured as $entry}} So it will be displayed with a horizontal scrolls buttons.
  24. I was thinking about CiC from Amazon instead. 😝
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