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Posts posted by Joey_M

  1. @Mike John - I don't know if that error is fixed, as mentioned it was found by @newbie LAC and I'm not sure how to check if it's resolved myself.

    I am however still having issues moving topics as mentioned before, it's something some of my team members are constantly moaning about and it's doing my head in now. If you leave the 'Leave a link' option on and try to relocate the topic you get an area.

    However, moving works fine but despite this its causing constant issues for me.

    It's simple just to move it but oh no, the link needs to be left so people need to know where to find it. :unsure:

  2. @Pete T @Edward Shephard

    I would pay for this if the plugin could carousel between different banners, I think this feature would attract others who use the commerce app to sell items in a store.



    Please, please will you look into this. 👍


    Some reason the image doesn't show once I post, possible a bug in the board here. LOL 😛 

  3. 8 hours ago, DChiuch said:

    Hey, love the app and I really appreciate how on top of support you are 😄

    I was wondering if it would be easy to implement these features, or if they'd have to come under extra paid development work:

    - Friendly URLs for categories
    - The ability to have categories & subcategories appear in a URL, on a per-category basis (so a category URL might be /videos/category/subcategory/)
    - Friendly URLs for records
    - The ability to have the category URL appear in the record URL (eg. /videos/category/subcategory/friendly-record-url)

    Thanks, I really appreciate any indication about whether these are possible.

    The system already supports friendly URL's.

    You might want to try clearing your FURL's via the ACP, in the past I have installed applications that have odd URL's and this fixed it. The option to revert all changes but be warned if you do, this reset any customisation you have made to any FURL's.

    Worth mentioning.

  4. This is awesome and I most certainly will write a detailed review of the application.

    @TAMAN: How would I add a block above another? I'd also like to make the footer slightly transparent. May I PM you to show what I mean?

    Would I be able to change the block title colour within the dark footer without changing it in the light half?

    Can I add font awesome icons to the links I add?

  5. 9 hours ago, Mike John said:

    Thanks, will have a look soon.

    The plugin also interferes with the topic move function.

    It displays an error on the responsive side, on desktops it's fine but lower resolution devices it doesn't. Both with the 'show link' ticked and without. 

  6. On 9/13/2018 at 9:04 PM, Mike John said:

    Could I either get access to your site or a copy of the theme and will adjust my hook points to work with it?

    There's an issue with the pagination in the responsive side @Mike John.

    They overlap each other it makes it possible to select the page you want. 😞 

  7. 4 hours ago, Faqole said:

    The only way for me to add all those options would be as a custom job. 

    That's a shame as sometimes good features add to the overall appeal of the plugin/application.

    Well good luck. 👍

  8. @Faqole:

    Would you consider adding the following features.

    Pre-designed templates that are saved and put into use for only certain forums?

    Rather than the template popping up automatically, you would toggle the template from a drop down menu (possibly shown beneath the keywords).

    This would be useful for many different types of things.

    Welcoming new members - have a pre-designed introduction template

    Various forum games - It can get tiring to re-start forum games when you have reached x amount of replies

    Special discussions, such as things designed to be live.

    If you increased the price, I am sure others would pay but I'm not interested in going custom.

  9. @Mike John: Could you please take a look at the screenshot I just PM'ed you please.

    The index page seems fine now, did you fix it?

    However, the category section has now messed up. It's all over the place. I can't seem to figure out how to increase the number videos those pages are supposed to show either. Would it be possible to review the way the amount of videos are shown within the tabs? I have most set to four, I need to adjust the trending but on my laptop it created a column with plenty of space to the side out it.

    There's something weird going on Michael, I think I may have found some bugs. You'll start to curse me soon! 😆

  10. 14 hours ago, Mike John said:

    I can't reproduce this while viewing your site so can you try this edit and let me know if it fixes it?

    Open acp > theme editor > videos > front > browse > videoTable



    Add AFTER:

    data-ipsGrid data-ipsGrid-minItemSize='200' data-ipsGrid-equalHeights='row'


    No, not really really @Mike John.

    It's still off.

    Try looking from a 15.6 inch screen or something below 22. My main monitor displays the system perfectly but my laptop doesn't.

  11. On 6/25/2018 at 8:08 AM, jair101 said:

    I am also affected by the misalignment and it is definitely related to the two lines below the thumbnail. Sometimes you can have long usernames, they push the number of views on second line and this is not always handled correctly. Weird thing is...it is not a problem all the time, but only sometime. Here is an example of two lines working correctly and incorrectly:



    @Mike John

    I have a similar issue with my layout but I'm running the latest version. :unsure:

  12. 3 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    The updates tab?

    Yeah as discussed in the PM exchange Michael.


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    You can only edit this via the back, it would be nice to do it from the front end of the application. 🙂 

  13. Great job @Mike John. 👏👏

    10 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    Coming Soon in Part 2
    Due to the delays in some of the features in part 1, I've decided to split these updates into another major version. Part 2 will see long promised additional payment gateways and other improvements. I don't have an estimate on this next update.

    Will the part 2 feature the updates being able to edit from the front end.

    I can't tell you how thankful I am of this, your video system and the live topics.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    Could I either get access to your site or a copy of the theme and will adjust my hook points to work with it?

    Yeah Michael, no worries.

    I believe you still have access but I will send the details over again. No problem.

    Thank you for the features.

  15. @Mike John, just purchased and I'm struggling to see the live topic flag - it doesn't seem to show for me.

    It's just the topic title in the discussion which isn't showing, it does on the forums index page. It works on the default theme fine, just my custom one. 😞 

  16. On 9/12/2018 at 8:51 AM, Mike John said:

    The Live Topics plugin has received a new update that adds several more features. 

    • Customize new live post message.
    • Set which forums or clubs support live topics.
    • Set which member groups can view live topics, flag their own live topics and manage all live topics.
    • Enable/disable live topics through topic or forum moderator actions.
    • Option to flag specific topics rather then all topics enabled in selected forums. 



    I'm in love Michael! 😍

  17. @InvisionHQ: Would you please add an update which could be enabled so that the members the block shows can automatically adjust based on the space available?


    Rather than it being set to show 27 members, it would detect that 30 in fact could be shown?

    This would resolve a lot of difference I see between various resolutions.

  18. On 3/5/2016 at 11:31 PM, Mike John said:

    Yes I think some type of "Live" flag in a special topic would be something I would include if per topic support was added.

    On 11/22/2016 at 2:24 AM, Mike John said:

    No, not yet. It's a planned feature but still some time away before new features are added.

    These would be great additions, I don't know if you added support for the tag but I'd be over the moon with per topics to be live.

    I know how busy you are Michael.

    Just thought I would show support and declare my interest.


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