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Can't edit Guest group permissions

Go to solution Solved by teraßyte,

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(first, I updated to the latest patch, same issue)

When I try to edit the Guest group permissions I get an error.  All other groups save properly.

UPDATE `ipbcore_groups` `core_groups`  SET `g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_search_flood`=20.0,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_mod_post_unit`=NULL,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=false,`g_mod_preview`=false,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_can_report`=0,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=false WHERE g_id=2 
IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'g_mod_post_unit' cannot be null (1048)
#0 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/system/Db/Db.php(1159): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
#1 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(520): IPS\_Db->update()
#2 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(229): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save()
#3 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form()
#4 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#5 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute()
#6 /var/www/vhosts/x/httpdocs/ipb/adm1n/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#7 {main}

I'm attempting to change >> "Can report content?"

I tried manually inputting in the database using the value already in the DB...

MariaDB [tmn_ipb]> select `g_mod_post_unit` from `ipbcore_groups` `core_groups` WHERE g_id=2;
| g_mod_post_unit |
|               0 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

# I then ran

UPDATE `ipbcore_groups` `core_groups`  SET `g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_search_flood`=20.0,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_mod_post_unit`=0,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=false,`g_mod_preview`=false,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_can_report`=0,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=false WHERE g_id=2;

# and then queried g_can_report

MariaDB [tmn_ipb]> select `g_can_report` from `ipbcore_groups` `core_groups` WHERE g_id=2;
| g_can_report |
| 0            |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

No errors in SQL, query took.

I thought that would work but on the admin control panel it still shows toggled ON.
Could contain: Text, Nature, Night, Outdoors


I'd like to change this setting because over the past 12 hours I've had dozens of Guest reports... never happened do that degree before.  I'm just trying to disable guests from reporting content.

Invision needs to address this in a patch.  I'd like to communicate with them on this like I always did in the past but they've removed my ability unless I want to pay more. 

Note to Invision, that support contact helps YOU as much as it does us.  As a ultra long time Invision client I'm very disappointed to see support removed.  ...right when I was considering some of your other software.

If anyone knows where that toggle is controlled in the database... or maybe it's cached somewhere... please let me know.  I imagine it's possible that the setting is actually changed but it just isn't reflected in the admin interface.  Guess I'll find out, if the Guest reports stop abruptly.

Edited by CA3LE
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They moved support from tickets to this forum, if a specific issue requires a more private discussion they'll create a ticket for you.


In this case, it's a known issue:


You can either ask your hosting to disable STRICT MODE for your MySQL server or wait for 4.7.16 (currently in beta) which contains a fix for this issue.

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@teraßyte and @Stuart Silvester thank you for the quick response!


I haven't had any guest reports for hours now, so as long as that doesn't return I'll just be waiting for the next production update.

If it does come back, it's good to know that I can just disable STRICT.  I appreciate the responses, very helpful!

Great to know that Invision continues to quickly respond to topics and will open a side channel if needed.  Keep up the good work!

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