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Google Ads integration


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How do we integrate Google Ads?

From the Integration tab, I see the Google Tag option, which if enabled asks for GTM Head Snippet and GTM Body Snippet. Is that the correct place to integrate Google Ads?

As Google Ads asks to put below script in the head tag:

<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"


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Putting it in the Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager integrations will place it in the Head.

I would not advise implementing automatic ads from AdSense as they do create issues and go sometimes where they are not wanted. It would be advised to implement their manual placement ads.


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Thanks, Jim and Alex, I have proceeded with manual placement of getting individual size-based ad codes from Google and placed them through IPS advertisement section.

Do I further need any other head or body code for global application?

The reason I am asking this is that Google ads are not loading on all pages. About 50% are loading and another 50% show whitespace as if the ad is waiting to be shown.

I thought it may be due to limited inventory as per the size I opted for initially, then turned to responsive square and horizontal, still the ads not showing on all pages.


Any help in the right direction is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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10 hours ago, Gauravk said:

The reason I am asking this is that Google ads are not loading on all pages. About 50% are loading and another 50% show whitespace as if the ad is waiting to be shown.

This would be Google hasn't approved those pages yet for ads. Keep in mind that our software just "prints" the code on the page, it's up to Google whether or not ads show. If ads are appearing on some pages but not all and nothing custom has been done to change that display on your end, that is typically Google not putting ads on those pages yet.

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23 hours ago, Gauravk said:

I thought it may be due to limited inventory as per the size I opted for initially, then turned to responsive square and horizontal, still the ads not showing on all pages.

I mostly just use responsive tags. If you’ve set specific sizes. You’ll probably not get the best fill/rates. Just a heads up.

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