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Link for Online Events only?


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I'm trying to create a button on my front page that leads to just the Online Events in the calendar. If I search for online events only, it brings up results -- but that link only seems to be good for a limited time. If I test the button the next day, all results are blank. How do I find a permanent link to the Online Events results only? Thanks!

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This is not something which we currently have. The current search for online events would not be valid for other users and would expire for yourself as it uses a CSRF key. You're more than welcome to submit a topic for Feedback to see if this is something in the future we can provide.

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Got Pages? In the ACP, do the following (specifics included only...if it's not specifically mentioned, it's up to you what you set things as)

  • Go to Pages -> (Page Management) Blocks
  • Click "Create New Block"
  • Change "Plugin" to "Upcoming Events"
  • Click 'Next'
  • Name it & add a description
  • Go to the 'Content' tab
  • Change "Use this tempate as-is" to "Use as a base for a custom template"
  • Find the following:
{{foreach $events as $event}}
  • Add this below it:
{{if $event->online}}
  • Scroll down to find:
  • Add this above it:
  • Save
  • Go to Pages -> (Page Management) Pages
  • Click "Add Page"
  • Click "Next"
  • Name it, give it a filename
  • Click "Save"
  • Give permissions
  • On the resulting listing of Pages, click the "Open page builder"
  • Use the block manager to drag your new block into place on the page.
  • There's your online events page.


Edited by Nathan Explosion
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