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[4.7.14] Duplicate Twitter + X insert queries for core_share_links table

Go to solution Solved by teraßyte,

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On a fresh install, both Twitter and X share links are inserted in the core_share_links table.

This happens because the file \applications\core\data\schema.json was updated in 4.7.14 to insert a new row (ID 10), but the old one (ID 0) was not removed:

        "inserts": {
            "0": {
                "share_id": 1,
                "share_title": "Twitter",
                "share_key": "twitter",
                "share_enabled": 1,
                "share_position": 1,
                "share_groups": "*"
            "10": {
                "share_id": "13",
                "share_title": "X",
                "share_key": "x",
                "share_enabled": "1",
                "share_position": "13",
                "share_canonical": "1",
                "share_groups": "*",
                "share_autoshare": "0"


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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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