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Strange page while viewing Groups only

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4 hours ago, Jim M said:

First step would be to disable any third-party applications/plugins to ensure that these are not impacting you. Likely, with the number you have installed, there may be some incompatibilities or bugs there. 

I just disabled all plugins , and the result is the same. it is only happening on this page only. 

Support status is all ok.

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13 minutes ago, Maxtor said:

I just disabled all plugins , and the result is the same. it is only happening on this page only. 

Support status is all ok.

I am getting mixed responses throughout your community. Some 403s, 503s, etc... You will want to review this with your hosting provider. This could also be related to what you're seeing.

Your server through a 403 when attempting to re-enable third party applications/plugins so you will want to review those.

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53 minutes ago, Jim M said:

I am getting mixed responses throughout your community. Some 403s, 503s, etc... You will want to review this with your hosting provider. This could also be related to what you're seeing.

Your server through a 403 when attempting to re-enable third party applications/plugins so you will want to review those.

since this error "2023" is only on /admin/?app=core&module=members&controller=groups , maybe some core files are damaged? what can i check to verify this?

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6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

The first file I would be doing would be to look at /applications/core/modules/admin/members/group.php to see if happens to have the following code anywhere:

echo "2023";

or even something like this:

echo date("Y");

And if it is there then remove it.

i did replace entire folder, but there wasnt any edit:

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

Also the page i mention does load and show but at 90% percent it returns "2023" .

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If you are only replacing files, then no. So effectively you are doing a merge, so it replaces any files which are in the upload

It should be noted, you should always take a full backup before doing anything of this manner in any case

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24 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

If you are only replacing files, then no. So effectively you are doing a merge, so it replaces any files which are in the upload

It should be noted, you should always take a full backup before doing anything of this manner in any case

just replaced all files. the same excact error. maybe its some kind of sql error or php addon ?

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Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

We would need more context on this. Is this while its still only loading "2023" as you show above?

yes these errors show only on the page "groups" . seems like the uploads files are damaged? i did clean cache. 

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39 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Have you recently updated groups at all? More specifically the markup on them?

Not any special changes on groups lately.

what ive noticed is that the last groups are showing http 302 status while loading:

Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot, Number, Symbol

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Then next question would be if you have a CDN or other proxy which is interrupting/redirecting this. Otherwise, we would be back to what my colleague asked and did you or someone else change the group formatting recently as this can execute HTML (potentially Javascript).

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2 hours ago, Jim M said:

Then next question would be if you have a CDN or other proxy which is interrupting/redirecting this. Otherwise, we would be back to what my colleague asked and did you or someone else change the group formatting recently as this can execute HTML (potentially Javascript).

1.there is no CDN or proxy.

2. how can i verify if a group settings causing this error? from sql maybe? because all files are overwritten and checked.

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The core_groups table would house this information about the formatting prefix and suffix. I'm afraid, we do not provide information on how to do manual queries. Please be sure to take a backup prior to attempting anything manual in the database.


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