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Invision Community Insight: Spring has sprung and the April Beta is out!

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๐ŸŒธย Welcome to this week's Invision Community Insight!ย ๐ŸŒธ

Thank you for checking in. I hope you have had a wonderful week! To those in the US or my neck of the woods (as some would say), Happy Spring! I enjoy this time of year and getting outdoors but I know those with allergies may feel differently. How about you? Does spring give you a spring or pep in your step or not so much?ย 


From the Invision Community team, this week ...


Current Happenings

Our April beta is ready for you!

As with all beta releases, upgrading your community is at your own risk. Please make sure you backup before pressing that button!ย This betaย specifically contains changes to the PayPal and Stripe integrations. Please proceed with caution if payments are core to your community.ย 

Here is what is slated for the April release, version 4.7.9.ย https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/


Live Topics is ready for beta release in April. Feel welcome to join that discussion and excitement.


On Deck

iPhone notifications will be available when Apple releases their latest iOS update later this month.ย 

You will receive notifications regardless of whether or not you are in the browser. How exciting?!


Bounce Management is coming in May.ย 

For Cloud customers, we are adding the ability for you to view reports on bounced/complaint emails, take action on member accounts (purge them or mark them as no notifications), and unblock emails that our platform may be refusing to email. Cloud customers can catch that conversion here:ย https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/472318-coming-soon-email-bounce-management/#comment-2936928



Our next scheduled event (which will use our Live Topics feature) is our April Release Chat. Follow and add that event to your calendar so you can join us.ย 


Peeking Aheadย 

Statistics and reporting improvements are nearing completion and our Courses and Lessons applications are progressing nicely.ย 


Finally, for those that like to see what we are up to line by line, here is the changelog for the week.




- Improved performance in some situations when posting content.

- Improved outbound connection speed when connecting to the same host multiple times.

- Fixed an issue where pasting files into the editor may display an unsupported file type notification.

- Fixed an issue where profanity filters were being applied to account email addresses.

- Allow users to reply to alerts even if they have messenger restrictions that would prevent them from doing so.

- Allow iOS/Safari notifications from Safari 16.4 onwards.

- Accordion titles on the Notifications settings page now wrap to multiple lines if they're too wide for the browser window.



- Updated PayPal integration to v2 API where appropriate.

- Updated PayPal Payout API to latest version.

- Updated Maxmind integration to latest API, added support for tracking pixel.

- Fixed an issue where Maxmind would show invalid response info if the Maxmind request failed.

- Deprecated Authorize.net, Braintree and 2Checkout payment gateways.

- Removed Hosting Reseller support.



- Added the ability for records to use the publish date field when synchronising with forum topics.

- Padding has been added to grid cells while viewing files in profiles.


Change affecting third-party developers and designers

- Added a new constant `NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD` to determine when to defer sending notifications to background process.

- Switched from cURL to cURL multi handle for improved connection re-use.


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Yesterday was peak bloom in the Washington DC area for the Cherry Blossoms and it was near 80 degrees! ย Talk about an incredible day!

I love spring and I love the chance to sit outside and have dinner with a gentle breeze rolling by.ย 

Thanks for this update! ย The format is great with hereโ€™s whatโ€™s next, whatโ€™s following it, and what is in the pipe.ย 

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On 3/24/2023 at 10:31 AM, Randy Calvert said:

Yesterday was peak bloom in the Washington DC area for the Cherry Blossoms and it was near 80 degrees! ย Talk about an incredible day!

Awesome! We made it up to DC a few weeks ago and only saw a handful of cherry blossoms. Still pretty but were hoping we were a bit closer to the peak.ย 

It's warm here today too! Just got back from a walk and was not expecting to be sweaty.ย ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

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