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Is there a way to assign a separate paid member ID?

Michael Hamaoka
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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We would like to assign an ID automatically to people when they pay for a subscription (either through the subscriptions interface or as a recurring renewal product). This would be a unique ID that becomes part of their profile. Ideally it would be in a simple format like 23-01275 that makes it different than just a number like their database ID, but not too long like the license key (0000-0000-0000-0000) that can be assigned.

Is there a way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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Sorry, I may be overcomplicating this.

Basically, we would like to offer a paid membership plan and assign each person who subscribes a membership ID that can be used to get discounts at different face-to-face and digital events.

  • We want the paid membership ID to be issued when they first pay to join.
  • The paid membership ID should stay the same when they renew their membership.
  • We would like the membership ID to be sent in their payment confirmation mail and available for them to get online  if they forget it (perhaps in an account settings view or something)

The other stuff about format is "nice to have" to help visually differentiate a membership ID from other IDs, but it's not  strictly required. I have been looking in the Marketplace for add-ons also.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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What is the membership number going to be used for?  You could just use the subscriptions feature that promotes someone from a normal member group to your VIP or Premium group. 

At that point, they don’t have to remember a user ID that is different than their paid membership number.  They get all the benefits/features based on being in that group (and optionally being moved out of it) if the subscription expires. 

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Hi Randy, thanks for the reply. We will be doing exactly what you're suggesting for benefits within the Invision Community.

However, we also have face-to-face events and events where other organizations are doing the checking. As these are done outside of the Invision system, we would like an easy way to identify paid members.

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You need someone to code this as customization. Plain and simple. 

(And if you do, I am not sure it really needs to be this complicated. Why go through the additional numbers? You could just as well set up a system to check the user’s actual member ID or email or display name and see if they are currently subscribed or let the system print out a list with all subscribers.)

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Actually you could do this by using products rather than subscriptions.

  1. Create a product with a recurring payment
  2. In the "Benefits" section, click to create a license key

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage


When someone purchases, they will then be given a license key for that purchase. This will show under their purchase within their client area on the front end (Store>Manage Purchases, Click the purchase)

Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

Outside the software, you can then check that license key with the following URL (replacing the relevant parts with your URL), and after enabling the API for this (see the guide below)


This will give a json response with the license details if the key is correct. See the following guide for more information



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