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IPS 4.5.7 - Closing "guest topic" still not working properly


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Dear IPS support,

closing a guest topic doesn't work as expected.


  • Topic created by a user which was in the meantime deleted

=> Try to close/lock the topic.


You see this broken dialog below.

Important hint:
This happens only when using the "Moderation actions" at the bottom of the page. The upper one are working as expected.


Please have look.


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Latest IPS 4.7.5 installed
All hooks/custom apps disabled


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Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this on my plain test instance so I would recommend checking to ensure that you have all third-party applications/plugins disabled and test again on an unmodified theme. If you're still getting errors, please check if you have mod_security enabled on the server and temporarily disable to test again.

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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this on my plain test instance

Reproduced it straight away...

  1. Login as "User A"
  2. Create a topic as "User A"
  3. Log back in as an admin
  4. Go to the ACP and delete "User A"
  5. Go back to the topic
  6. Using the "Moderation Actions" above the topic, lock the topic.
    • Locks as expected
  7. Using the "Moderation Actions" above the topic, unlock the topic.
    • Unlocks as expected
  8. Using the "Moderation Actions" below the topic, lock the topic.
    • You get a prompt as per first screenshot
    • The topic is however locked

Do a lock on a topic whose user hasn't been deleted and you'll see that the dialog box would normally contain a single option to "send an alert to....", which would logically be unnecessary for a deleted user so a dialog isn't needed. However, because there are dialog elements in the link HTML in the lower menu then you're going to get a dialog with the results of the AJAX call -> "OK" as opposed to the action alone being performed.

There are no dialog elements in the link HTML code in the higher menu.


Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


Edited by Nathan Explosion
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