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Sitemap for Clubs


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I know that clubs are a rather niche module and not much used (at least I think so) but some forums use them and have a lot of content there 😉 

BTW: Will clubs be removed in the future or do you have an idea for them (to improve)?

Edited by SeNioR-
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Sorry for my intervention in this topic, due this topic contains the club Sitemap words, I suppose it is related with my topic.... because I was searching how can I get a specific club forum, or 2 specific club forums sitemap file, what I want is provide that sitemap to an AI project, the chatbot need to scrape that sitemap content to be trained. 

But I never know how to work with sitemap, where or how can I get that file? 

Thanks for any comment... 

Edited by kmk
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This would require a 3rd party application!

The IPS "clubs" sitemap will contain a list of all clubs, but not the specific forums from clubs, these will be covered in the forums sitemap which contains the list of literally all guests accessible forums, which brings me to my next point:
It's probably not smart to "only" sitemap.

If you want to train your own AI chatbot, you'll probably want to contain also more domain specific content, so you'll probably want also to include content which is accessible by your members but not guests.

You could probably use a RSS feed that contains all the forums that you want to use for the training.

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