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Commerce Help - zero in stock

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Reaching out to others with the commerce application.  I'm exploring commerce in the 4.7 trial. I have set up a product, a shirt, and added two colors and 5 associated sizes. I added the stock numbers for each size and color.  On purpose, I had some sizes as zero but other sizes and colors do have some stock numbers.  

My question: why does it show "0 in stock" under the product label and price when in fact the system allows me to select an instock size and price and go all the way to checkout?Could contain: File, Electronics, Desktop, Computer, Text


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Thank you very much.  I changed the size selection and suddenly there is a quantity.  

In case IPS folks happen to read this, I just want to comment that the way this is currently configured, it is not at all intuitive to a casual visitor.  It would be much more preferable to show the total in stock.  If a visitor lands on the page, and the default size happens to be out for that color, it sends a message that there are no items in stock.

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