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Server transfer issue - InvalidArgumentException: (0)

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It seems that restore is not going through correctly unfortunately. I would check both of these. If you are using tools such as PMA, I would advise instead using the mysql commandline interface to export and import those

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32 minutes ago, Neoflix said:

For database access I only have access to phpMyAdmin for the old and the new host 
By the way I don't have access to the old host anymore, it has expired 

You would need to ask your hosting provider to restore these if you do not have direct shell access, as PMA is creating issues here, I’m afraid.

You may need to ask your old hosting provider if you can obtain back ups if your current does not work. As this is related to data being exported or imported from the database level, it is not something we can resolve from the software side. 

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  • Solution
12 minutes ago, Jim M said:

You would need to ask your hosting provider to restore these if you do not have direct shell access, as PMA is creating issues here, I’m afraid.

You may need to ask your old hosting provider if you can obtain back ups if your current does not work. As this is related to data being exported or imported from the database level, it is not something we can resolve from the software side. 

An update to this - a colleague reached out to me and said that upgrading to 4.7 should fix your corruption issue with theme resources as it should replace them. Please try that now and let us know how it goes!

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49 minutes ago, Neoflix said:

Oooh Perfect!!

I had a hard time doing this update but once done it's perfect 
Well the theme I use is not yet updated but apparently it's coming soon 

I'm starting to despair a bit, but thanks very much

The issue seems to be that when you transferred the database, it corrupting some of the theme resource images that are stored within it (may have been exported/imported with a different character set etc). The upgrade process always re-imports these resources to the database, so it'll effectively replace the corrupted data with the valid data. I'm not sure if you may have issues with other parts of your data though if something did get damaged during the transfer.

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