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Marking a post as solved multiple times artificially boosts solution count

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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To reproduce:

  • Open "mark as solution" in a new tab several times
  • Look at the author's solutions list, and observe that the same post shows up multiple times, and the user's solution count has increased accordingly.

This can be triggered accidentally, eg if the user accidentally clicks the button multiple times or has a network dropout, and could also be exploited by users to quietly artificially boost their solution count.

It happens because in \IPS\Content\Solvable::toggleSolveComment, you don't delete the existing entry from core_solved_index when marking a new post as a solution (though you do clear the solved flag from the existing post). You also don't remove the duplicate notifications.

(This could also be solved with a unique index on core_solved_index on comment_class+item_id.)

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