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How to modify return to community URL or after login redirect


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I have pages configured as default app to serve our landing page by default under main domain. Forums (community) went under domain.com/forums then.

The issue is e.g. after payment there is return to community link. When clicking it returns user not to place he went from, not to the actual app he came from (forums) but to default app - pages.

Additionally, after login in forums, it redirects to default app, pages. This is pretty much unexpected and unwanted behavior. I would like to redirect to place user came from OR to actual app instead default. Where to modify that?

Edited by PatrickRQ
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What type of login function is used exactly? Most should indeed keep you exactly where you were. 

I also don’t understand what you say about “after a payment”. There is no payment option in the forum, so you can’t return there after the payment. The “return to community” link will indeed take you to your homepage, whatever that may be. 

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@opentype, I meant order summary, you have a return to community link on the top left then. The order summary is a page Commerce points to after processing a payment.

General issue is that all gets redirected to default app. Best solution would be to redirect to referrer.

The only login method I use is standard with following config: image.thumb.png.6cde107597a4e00433fe32037a20e497.png

Edited by PatrickRQ
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Once you have updated to the latest release, we can take a look at that for you to confirm. if it's the "redurect to community" button, then it is indeed sending the users to the community. The login part of things however doesnt sound to be correct. For that you need to upgrade before we can look

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@Marc Stridgen, as I already mentioned, I can't upgrade to 4.6.10 yet and won't be able for some time.


if it's the "redurect to community" button, then it is indeed sending the users to the community.

I suggest to modify that behavior. Most expected in Commerce app would be to redirect to referrer or some other page, e.g. Orders, pointing to default app when default app is Pages makes decrement on user experience. What I mean it most likely redirects user to place he would never like to be at that specific time.

Edited by PatrickRQ
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