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2X204/1 We could not locate the item you are trying to view.

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Since a few days(maybe longer, didn't check for a week or so) I can't view Support request "directly" anymore in the ACP.


I can view them in the list, but as soon as I click on them, I get this error.



The "Application" is enabled.



Any idea what could cause this? there are no other errors.

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34 minutes ago, ZLTRGO said:

Is there no other way? I don't really like giving access to my server x)

We are unable to investigate without being able to see the issue unfortunately. You can check your htaccess is in place, and that no 3rd party items are interfering with this, but other than that we would need access in order to help you resolve.

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2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

We are unable to investigate without being able to see the issue unfortunately. You can check your htaccess is in place, and that no 3rd party items are interfering with this, but other than that we would need access in order to help you resolve.

Alright I updated the FTP access. I think you meant that right? 

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Just now, ZLTRGO said:

Alright I updated the FTP access. I think you meant that right? 

We would need the admin CP access to be populated also. We would check the ACP first of all, but yes I would check your htaccess etc to see if this is causing you problems

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Thank you for updating your access details. Unfortunately, this issue is due to one of the many third party plugins you have installed. Once I disabled all of them, I was able to access tickets in the ACP. Please disable all plugins then enable them one-by-one to find the culprit. Once you do, please contact the author for assistance.

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