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Twitter promotion not working suddenly


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Promotion of my posts to Twitter suddenly started failing. So I removed my settings to try and link my Twitter account again but clicking “link your user account” leads to an error that says expected key not present. 
Can anyone help?



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Its hard to know based on a simple error code.  There might be several reasons:

  • The error could represent a temporary system glitch.  Try, try again...
  • Your ex-moderator might be making trouble for you with Twitter.
  • Your members might be submitting content that Twitter doesn't like.
  • Twitter might have actually had an employee review your site and they decided to restrict access.  

You should submit a support request with Twitter.  I honestly don't expect a timely response or any for that matter but as the saying goes: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

I would recommend that you do a review of your entire site through the eyes of a Twitter reviewer.  Is your site and the postings promoted to the Twitter site in Twitter's best interest. You and your members might find value with your site's content but there is a possibility that other people might not.

With governments throughout the world in the process of placing more and more restrictions on big websites, this will likely cause them to place more and more restrictions on who they will grant access to their APIs. "If" continued access to these big websites are of "real" value to your website than you will need to match  the "norms" being forced upon the big websites in the short and long-term.

The challenge going forward is there is no telling how transparent these big sites will be with those wishing access to their APIs as to what is or is not going to be cause for losing access to their APIs and underlying account. 

It wouldn't surprise me if all of the big sites embark on a largescale culling of those sites requesting access to their APIs in the future as the overall value of the content promoted will likely be seriously offset by the money required to ensure it continuously meets the "norms" being imposed upon them.

Edited by Chris Anderson
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@Jordan Invision Payment processors and social media sites experience periods of downtime or make changes to their APIs or change requirements for access. it would be nice to have a centralized location that customers could drop by to see if there are any upcoming changes they need to prepare for or to see if others are experiencing issues.  Those experiencing issues could click on a report button and the site increments the total upward or downward if the issue resolves itself. This would help determine issues that seem to be of a temporary nature or something that might need to be addressed on an individual or community wide level. If IPS determines that site specific troubleshooting is required they could toggle a switch requesting those effected to submit a trouble ticket.

As many people will forget to stop back and resolve the issue IPS could reset the stats at midnight.  If the problem still exists on subsequent days the customers would need to drop by after midnight and indicate that fact. 

If a software fix is required IPS could toggle another switch indicating a fix will be provided via an upcoming hotfix or next dot release. With this knowledge a site owner could readily determine if a problem is only being seen on a small amount of sites or is wide spread and the necessity of submitting a trouble ticket or having to patch their site to address the issue.  As it stands now there are often problems our sites might be experiencing that we are entirely unware of that could impact our site from collecting all the funds we expect and desperately need or being able to fully interact with the various social media sites. 

Having timely knowledge of problems will allow us to better deal with problems internally as well as being more transparent with our members that certain aspects of our site may not be fully operational and a better understanding when they will be resolved.

If" API access is being limited for particular sites it would be helpful to see such a trend as quickly as it occurs so we can come together as  a community to help those affected and to see if we can collectively come together to figure out ways to minimize such occurrences going forward and maybe winning back access through collective brainstorming of how that might be accomplished.  Working together will help to more effectively deal with the vagaries of dealing with our big business partners.

Edited by Chris Anderson
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#0 /home/admin/web/mysite.org/public_html/forum/system/Login/Handler/OAuth1/Twitter.php(449): IPS\Http\_Response->decodeQueryString('oauth_token')
#1 /home/admin/web/my site.org/public_html/forum/applications/core/modules/front/system/twitter.php(60): IPS\Login\Handler\OAuth1\_Twitter->requestToken('https://mysite...')
#2 /home/admin/web/mysite.org/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_twitter->manage()
#3 /home/admin/web/mysite.org/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 /home/admin/web/mysite .org/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}

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5 hours ago, Daniel F said:

Could you please submit a ticket so that we can take a look at this? 

I tried.. unfortunately they say they won't help unless I have the newest version of IPS.  Which I cannot do.

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Just to follow up on this, we worked with SJ77 and there was an issue with their Twitter app configuration on Twitter's developer website. 

If anyone runs into this, I would recommend reviewing your app configuration with our Guide, as things (unfortunately) change frequently: 


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