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How to use a landing page for your forum website?


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Hi, I've seen sites that have a landing page on their domain.com and forums on domain.com/forums. How do you achieve that with IPB? Do you just change the directory where files are installed? That would mess up everything and cause errors.

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46 minutes ago, 6ichem said:

I've seen sites that have a landing page on their domain.com and forums on domain.com/forums

The landing pages that are outside of IPS root, are not made with IPS. The sites that probably have it run ancient version of IPS. It was earlier possible to have IP.Content in the root of the domain and forums in subdirectory. With the new version (Pages) - it does not work. If you have some example links for what you mean, you can post here, so that one can investigate how it is achieved in certain cases.

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6 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

The landing pages that are outside of IPS root, are not made with IPS

Might not be true, actually - they may have the suite installed at site root, with Pages set as the default application (with its associated default page being the landing page)...."Forums" would then be site.root/forums

Example (this very site)

Pages: https://invisioncommunity.com/

Forums: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums

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@Nathan Explosion, that's true. IPS Suite is not installed on https://invisioncommunity.com/forums It is installed in the root of domain. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums is just an application like https://invisioncommunity.com/files/. I believe the topic starter means the case when IPS Suite is installed in subdirectory /forums/. (???) Then it is not possible. In case Forums is just not a default application, then this absolutely possible with Pages. @6ichem, what is the root of your IPS installation? What application is set as default?

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2 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

I believe the topic starter means the case when IPS Suite is installed in subdirectory /forums/

I know you did - but as they didn't mention that explicitly, I just wanted to point out what I did.

You are now asking the right questions...if the suite is installed in /forums/ then it would need to be moved to the site root, and then the fun begins.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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2 hours ago, Sonya* said:

The landing pages that are outside of IPS root, are not made with IPS. The sites that probably have it run ancient version of IPS. It was earlier possible to have IP.Content in the root of the domain and forums in subdirectory. With the new version (Pages) - it does not work. If you have some example links for what you mean, you can post here, so that one can investigate how it is achieved in certain cases.

Yup I know it's not made with IPS, i'm asking how to achieve that where you have IPS on /forum and landing page on the main domain and like I said earlier if you change the directory of the forum from the root to forums (make a new folder naming it forums) that wouldn't work it'll throw a lot of errors

2 hours ago, Sonya* said:

@Nathan Explosion, that's true. IPS Suite is not installed on https://invisioncommunity.com/forums It is installed in the root of domain. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums is just an application like https://invisioncommunity.com/files/. I believe the topic starter means the case when IPS Suite is installed in subdirectory /forums/. (???) Then it is not possible. In case Forums is just not a default application, then this absolutely possible with Pages. @6ichem, what is the root of your IPS installation? What application is set as default?

Installed on the default ubuntu server directory www/html and I'm trying to achieve the case where IPS is installed there, how can I make the default domain show a landing page and the /forums display the suite

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I think to answer that question, we need to establish what you want the landing page to be. Do you want it to be Pages? Static HTML? Wordpress? Something else?

There are a number of ways to achieve what you're looking to do, but we'll need a bit more context to help guide you.

One possible solution is to move your IPB installation into a directory named whatever you'd like it named (i.e. www/html/forums/), but there would be additional steps to ensure existing URLs continue to work. You could handle these with server level redirects or possibly the FURL system.

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2 minutes ago, Paul E. said:


I think to answer that question, we need to establish what you want the landing page to be. Do you want it to be Pages? Static HTML? Wordpress? Something else?

There are a number of ways to achieve what you're looking to do, but we'll need a bit more context to help guide you.

One possible solution is to move your IPB installation into a directory named whatever you'd like it named (i.e. www/html/forums/), but there would be additional steps to ensure existing URLs continue to work. You could handle these with server level redirects or possibly the FURL system.

Static HTML

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6 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

I know you did - but as they didn't mention that explicitly, I just wanted to point out what I did.

You are now asking the right questions...if the suite is installed in /forums/ then it would need to be moved to the site root, and then the fun begins.

How would you go about it if it's already in the root then?

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4 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

In that case, index.php is already your landing page and that will open /forums/* for Forums pages.

If you want to use a static HTML page then create index.html....and set your hosting to open that as your default page (so instead of .php file, .html file)

My default is opening the forum at domain.com or domain.com/index.php not /forums - /forums gives a 404 error

How would I access the forum on /forums if I set the server to open index.html as my default page?

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In that case then just do this bit and forget about the /forums bit then.

6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

If you want to use a static HTML page then create index.html....and set your hosting to open that as your default page (so instead of .php file, .html file)

Then you have:



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5 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

In that case then just do this bit and forget about the /forums bit then.

Then you have:



I assume domain.com/index.php would redirect to the forum but what if I want domain.com/forums instead of the index.php?

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1 hour ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Then you move your installation from root to /forums/ and enable friendly urls and rewrites so that index.php isn't included in the URLs (search your ACP)

Do you know where I could get the rewrite rules for nginx maybe? Did some research and found that IPB only supports apache officially 

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18 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

A quick search for nginx gives this as the first hit...


I've seen it already but my server is already set up and the structure is very different from the one in the thread there. I just keep getting this error when trying to enable rewriting


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1 hour ago, Mark White said:

I have a dumb question.

In VB sites I could show the forum listings as condensed or expanded and you can select How deep

I have a forum with all fifty states in it each a separate Topic. Its a jeep group.

How can I make the Main Category Show itself only and not show the entire list of every state?

I have been away for a while but Im not seeing it and Searches only bring me here. Also when I selected Grid they were so large I switched back immediately...

Can someone just point me into the right direction Please?


Make a separate thread for your issue, it has absolutely nothing to do with this

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