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ThreadStarter: Steam


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ThreadStarter: Steam allows users to easily create topics about steam games and fill them with content automatically. Posted steam content will be shown in the first post of the topic and can be used in widgets.




  • Users can add steam games to topics. After attaching the information, which can be done easily using a search with auto complete, the thread will show various information about the game above the post.
  • Discussed steam games can be shown in adjustable widgets which allow random, recently posted, most discussed and much more...
  • Posting games can be restricted to certain forums.
  • Game forums can show steam content with the game logo above the topic list.
  • Access rights to edit and post games.






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  • 1 month later...

I uploaded a new version:



  • some design improvements
  • added loading message while obtaining data
  • boxes now show smaller icons on mobile devices
  • fixed some issues with non-English letters in search results


  • some design changes are only visible after editing existing topics and reattaching the data
  • if you use more than one ThreadStarter plugin you should update all of them at the same time


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello tommax,

where does the error occur - in the ACP right after installing or when you access the forum?

Do you get a more detailed error message than just 500? Can you see any error in the logs in the ACP?

If you send me the link to your forum and an test account via PM I can also have a look myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there,

I've been testing the app on our demo forum but the game list isn't loading it stays empty for everything I enter.
Now our demo board is secured by htaccess (as it must to be done according to IPS staff) and has no cron running. I manually started the task which pulls the games.

Is this a bug or is it related to my mentioned setup?

Thanks in advance,

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The task needs a while - It parses the game file in about 20 steps, there should be a progress bar in the ACP start page. If you have to trigger it manually I guess you have to trigger it x times until you're at 100% there.

It your demo forum accessible online? If you give me an test account I can have a look to see what's going wrong.

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I uploaded a new version:

  • It is now possible to change the position of the ThreadStarter bar
  • Links in the description text are now clickable in the preview
  • Fixed issue with special characters in search requests
  • It is now possible to add games by using the steam AppID for games that are not available using the search yet

Steam sometimes needs a couple of days to update new games to the search. If a new game is not available using the search you can now just enter the appID in the search field which should always work.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/4/2019 at 4:13 PM, batarjal said:

The task needs a while - It parses the game file in about 20 steps, there should be a progress bar in the ACP start page. If you have to trigger it manually I guess you have to trigger it x times until you're at 100% there.

It your demo forum accessible online? If you give me an test account I can have a look to see what's going wrong.

I installed the app on our live community and the "problems" are gone, seems like secured communities with htaccess might have a problem or it was the cron having a small hickup. Doesn't matter, it works now and it looks really great, so thanks for the app 🙂

Unfortunately I chose a game with transparent background screenshots and white text (not visible with the white forum background), but this is nothing you or I could do about it, it is the developer of the game who chose to use such screenshots.

One question remains:
In the screenshots you can see a "Reveal hidden content" link while the app uses just a "More..." link, also on the demo forums you linked. Would it be possible to change that link? You can easily miss the more link and the other version in the screenshots looks better in my opinion.

Edit: The "Released" section is missing for me (game: PC Building Simulator). Shouldn't it alway be extracted from steampowered.com? Release date was the 29th Jan 2019


Edited by Phil7789
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Glad to hear that everything worked.

The design has changed a little since I uploaded the Screenshots.
You can make the button more visible by going to

ACP > Themes > </> (Edit HTML and CSS) > Search for 'ThreadStarterTruncate' and edit and replace everything with:

<div class="threadStarterMoreContainer">
    <div class="threadStarterMore threadStarterMoreLarge">
    <a class="jsThreadStarterMore threadStarterHidden"><span class="ipsButton">{lang="noexcept_threadstartersteam_more"}</span></a>

Only the 'ipsButton' has been added compared to the original.  

Edited by batarjal
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14 hours ago, batarjal said:

Glad to hear that everything worked.

The design has changed a little since I uploaded the Screenshots.
You can make the button more visible by going to

ACP > Themes > </> (Edit HTML and CSS) > Search for 'ThreadStarterTruncate' and edit and replace everything with:

<div class="threadStarterMoreContainer">
    <div class="threadStarterMore threadStarterMoreLarge">
    <a class="jsThreadStarterMore threadStarterHidden ipsButton"><span>{lang="noexcept_threadstartersteam_more"}</span></a>

Only the 'ipsButton' has been added compared to the original.  

Thanks for the quick reply, the solution looks good and works, but the button won't disappear after being clicked.

I tested the missing release section with an older game and it is also missing there, has it been removed or might this be a bug?


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