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Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]


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1 hour ago, JTHastings said:

OK, on a whim this morning I uploaded the original IPS_Infraskew_theme.xml to my theme area. For some reason it fixed the above problem with all my themes modified from this base. Something common to all of the modified themes (Infraskew) must have gotten refreshed but I sure would like to know what. Crisis is over now though.

Glad to hear that :) 

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Is there any easy way to remove all font capitalize in this theme? The auto capitalize maybe is a good effect for Latin languages but not for languages with special characters like Greek in my case. 90% of the auto capitalized words are wrong.

For example the Greek word: Διάχείρισή becomes Δ'ΙΑΧΕ'ΙΡΙΣ'Η while the correct is ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ In Greek there is no accent in capital letters.

I believe that is easier for the webmaster, in case that he wants to capitalize something (eg Menus) to write it with capital letters than letting the system do it. Machines will never become humans.

Thank you


Edited by ChrisTERiS
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28 minutes ago, ChrisTERiS said:


Is there any easy way to remove all font capitalize in this theme? The auto capitalize maybe is a good effect for Latin languages but not for languages with special characters like Greek in my case. 90% of the auto capitalized words are wrong.

For example the Greek word: Διάχείρισή becomes Δ'ΙΑΧΕ'ΙΡΙΣ'Η while the correct is ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ In Greek there is no accent in capital letters.

I believe that is easier for the webmaster, in case that he wants to capitalize something (eg Menus) to write it with capital letters than letting the system do it. Machines will never become humans.

Thank you



The only area i have capitalized the words by default is the navigation menus and it has an option to disable in theme Header settings 


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36 minutes ago, TAMAN said:


The only area i have capitalized the words by default is the navigation menus and it has an option to disable in theme Header settings 


Have seen that switcher, thank you. So I need to check IPS defaults.

Another question. When I enable Grid view in forums shows 2 forums per row which is what I want. But as I like theme's settings with Rules, I enabled Style Forums. The design appears fine (means fonts and colors) but the problem is that it shows 4 forums per row. In your demo I seen 3 forums per row so I suppose that is something configurable. How I can change the amount of forums per row to be 2?

Thank you

EDITED: Ignore it. Seems that "Add a cover" was causing this. When I disabled, it works fine.

Edited by ChrisTERiS
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi TAMAN! Happy New Year!

Question: in my theme it appears that there is a bit of "padding" missing from the bottom edge (before the footer). I've added your Advanced Footer as well and as you can see from the pics it's a bit too close together. I didn't notice this in your sample pics. Is there a setting for this that I am missing?




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4 hours ago, JTHastings said:

Hi TAMAN! Happy New Year!

Question: in my theme it appears that there is a bit of "padding" missing from the bottom edge (before the footer). I've added your Advanced Footer as well and as you can see from the pics it's a bit too close together. I didn't notice this in your sample pics. Is there a setting for this that I am missing?




any link to check?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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