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(NB41) My Football

newbie LAC

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16 hours ago, Unlucky said:

I have just noticed that the league news widget is not ordering the news items by latest created

It's a bug. Fixed.

15 hours ago, Unlucky said:

1 - Ability to pin or set news item as featured to keep it at the top of the list.

Pin or feature? Or both?

15 hours ago, Unlucky said:

2 - When creating a new league for it to appear at the top of the list instead of bottom of the list of leagues in the acp.

This is default behaviour. I changed it. Please test

13 hours ago, Unlucky said:

It seems to hide countdown when the match has not been played,

It's a bug. Fixed.

Edited by newbie LAC
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Would it also be possible for the us to select the order the news widget displays news items?

I have just had a member complain he has added an entry to an existing news item but the news item has not appeared on the top of the list in the widget

So would it be possible to have a sort by option added so we can choose from

Recently Updated in addition to start date


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The new version just released still doesn't seem to have the sort by working correctly

we have set the sort order to - Recently updated so the following entry should be top


But if you look on the Latest League News on https://www.walkingfootball.com/

It is still showing as the 3rd entry


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The new version just released still doesn't seem to have the sort by working correctly

we have set the sort order to - Recently updated so the following entry should be top


I can't reproduce on my dev board.

I ran also sql query to get rows sorted by update date




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We only have this sort order problem with this widget

A comment was added Wednesday at 08:50 to https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/news/6-historical-manchester-walking-football-league-news-pre-2018/

But news entries dated January 29 and Tuesday at 12:25 still sit above it.

We have just this moment added a comment to https://www.walkingfootball.com/football/news/9-walking-football-history-made-at-the-hive-home-of-barnet-walking-football-team/

We then ran the support tool to clear cache.

But the topic we commented on is still stuck 4th in the list

It looks like it is not counting the entry to the comments as a new update for some reason

Edited by Unlucky
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12 minutes ago, Unlucky said:

Adding a new comment does not update the "update date" column.

Updating mean what you edited a news.

If you need a sorting by last comment select the "Last comment"

Edited by newbie LAC
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