Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted July 5, 20168 yr Kitchen Sink All the things you want changed or restored in one single plugin! Everything including as they say... Restores topic stats! Topic authors can always edit first posts! Customize the breadcrumb! Remove the Create menu! Better IPS update notifications! Change the lightbox! More! Why? There are many small things with the IPS suite that need to be customize-able or restored from the 3x series. I could write a bajillion single-use plugins or I can put some effort into it, pile them all into one plugin, and make a few bucks for the work (and she is wrapping up her second cancer in three years so yes, money good...) So this includes...? Global: Customize the breadcrumb! Remove the last element, swap out the home icon, etc. Control appearance of Mark Site Read and Unread Content (just words, just icons, or move them out of the breadcrumb to the user menu). Square up the appearance of the search entry area. Customize the light box! Full screen effect? White instead of black? Yes! Userbar: Disable the Create menu. Replace the Create menu appearance with just a FontAwesome icon. I recommend fa-pencil. Remove all horizontal separators in the userbar. Change the member menu dropdown link. Leave it as the default avatar and member name, just member name, or just avatar. Calendar: When you scroll down, the view title (day, month, week, etc.) is pinned to the very top edge of the browser. Adds padding to make it look much better. Square up those calendar and event tags from those rounded monstrosities. Make the cover photo header area for events much bigger (larger event title font too). Forums and Topics: Restores the 3x series topic count statistic on forum index views. Yes, it's back! Can choose to display post count, topic count or both on forum index views. Add a locked icon badge in front of topic titles in topic view when a topic is locked (similar to pinned and featured posts). Change start new topic, moderator option, etc. links in topic view to appear as buttons instead of text links. Disable reply to topic button if you like (no one really uses it anymore...) Fully customize-able new posts separator in topic view. Set some basic info in custom.css and then use the full editor here to add content! Change number of topics listed per page on forum view (same as one of my free plugins). First posts: Allow all topic authors to edit their first posts regardless of any edit time restrictions in the ACP. You can even configure this on a per-forum basis! Post view: A bunch of structural options. Hide the multi-quote button. Move the quote and/or edit buttons under the options menu. Change the options menu to a single gear icon. IPS Upgrades: For admins with permissions to view upgrade announcements this replaces the full page width upgrade announcement header with a pulsing download icon in the userbar. Clicking it displays a popup with the complete upgrade information. (The pulse is sped up for the gif. It's slower on normal upgrades; security upgrades will pulse faster but not this fast (and they pulse red!) I've probably forgotten some stuff. And there is more to come too! Questions Can I ask for something to be changed or included? Yes, absolutely! That's kind of the whole point of this. There are some basic rules though. If I think it is too involved, or I think that once I start it that it would be better off as it's own plugin I'll pass. Just ask in the support topic and we'll go from there. I decide in the end, you may or may not like my decisions... What if IPS changes something and... If they add something into the suite that I fixed/added here then it will probably be removed from Kitchen Sink. No need to duplicate functionality. If something in this plugin breaks due to a change in the IPS Suite I'll of course try to fix it if it is fixable. Or I might remove it until it can be fixed; I expect things to change over the years - you should too. Seems to be forums heavy... Yep. I can only target what I'm most familiar with. If you need something with the other applications speak up! The focus of this plugin is on the Core, Calendar, and Forums. I can fold in some stuff from the other apps if they are small things but otherwise I've got something else in the works for Gallery, Commerce, and Downloads (yes, another all in one...probably). Anything on the ACP side? No but... Spacious ACP! Get that! Especially since I'm due to rewrite it and it will include a Kitchen Sink-like plugin to tackle any ACP things that need to be done! This <feature> isn't working on my site! If you have custom.css that conflicts, or your custom theme has moved elements around, and so on, there is not a lot I can do. I can give you some help in the support topic but the further you (or theme authors) move away from the default IPS structure the harder it will be for plugins to work. Most of Kitchen Sink should work for everyone. I do not support modified themes but I'll lend a hand as I can time permitting. This plugin is FULLY tested on a fresh installation of the IPS suite with no other plugins loaded and no custom.css. What's next? If I don't release Kitchen Sink now I would never release it as I would always be waiting to add "just one more thing..." But yes, there is stuff already marked for inclusion. I recently took over a ton of Adriano's free work. Most (all?) will remain free but updates and new features are likely to be folded into here or the revised Spacious ACP. Cost $10 to buy, $5 every six months. That's $8.50 and $4 to me after IPS fees. Regular renewals keep me perky enough to want to support this wonderful monster. Your renewals get you support, bug fixes, and new features too! You don't have to renew of course but if you lapse too long I might make you just buy it outright again. Terms One buy, one site. Feel free to use on your test site if you have one of course. If you lapse on renewals so long that I tell you to buy it again that does NOT mean you now have licenses to two separate copies. Thank You!
July 5, 20168 yr Hey, good work @Flitterkill :-) Especially the lightbox alone. I have no idea what IPS was thinking.....
July 5, 20168 yr Author Thx. The lightbox can probably be done better but this will get things going. Ran into some transparency settings problems so had to just stop for now and go with "more white" "more dark". Another thing on the list...
July 5, 20168 yr Author Head this one off at the pass. Default theme, forum view, with both topic stats, sidebar enabled, browser window shrunk to just before responsive kicks in: Both stats are still side by side. If they stack for you, check your theme css and custom css. Something has been changed.
July 6, 20168 yr Purchased Minor suggestion: Icons for New Content and Mark Site as Read - enlarge to fit with notifications, messages, avatar size Mark Forum as Read - Use icon or choose own fa-icon The pulse icon for download is pretty neat.
July 6, 20168 yr Author @Joel R Mark Forum as Read icon swap: Already on the list, just one of those things where I said "later". As for the first option. Embiggen them. Doable, Can't tell if you want them embiggened on the breadcrumb line or want them moved into the userbar. Both doable. Might make things funky on the breadcrumb line but can cross that bridge when I get to it. Edited July 6, 20168 yr by Flitterkill
July 6, 20168 yr On 7/6/2016 at 3:25 AM, Flitterkill said: As for the first option. Embiggen them. Doable, Can't tell if you want them embiggened on the breadcrumb line or want them moved into the userbar. Both doable. Might make things funky on the breadcrumb line but can cross that bridge when I get to it. I meant on the breadcrumb since the icons seems especially small there. It's an entirely aesthetic thing. But I'll be happy to consider whatever option you later implement. This is what it looks like on my website
July 6, 20168 yr Hi Flitterkill, Another minor issue: Kitchen Sink > Forums and Topics > Change Start New Topic into a button? It looks like you use a different kind of button from my theme (Normal vs Important) between the Topic view and the Topic List view. See screenshots.
July 6, 20168 yr Author Link to site pls.. I just threw on an ips button something or other, didn't purposely match the forum view button but can do but want to look at yours to be sure. The breadcrumb stuff. Messing line height junk going on (it's fight between the right side and the left side) but I'll see if I can't work around it. EDIT: Nevermind - it's just ipsButton_primary vs ipsButton_important. Mainly a choice (if you make the start new topic link a button) between having it identical in color to the reply button or different. I can probably option this too. Edited July 6, 20168 yr by Flitterkill
July 6, 20168 yr Author Done. Won't be pushing them to the userbar though. Too much clown car. KS2 tomorrow sometime. Edited July 6, 20168 yr by Flitterkill
July 6, 20168 yr What about an option to move the search box (two options, to the center, and to the right as usual). I readed some members asking how to move this so maybe there is demand for this
July 6, 20168 yr Author That would be a nightmare to handle. Right now the search element is embedded within the navbar and floated right. You can swap the positions of the menu and the search (search on left, menu on right) easily enough but after that it's pretty much madness and way beyond this plugin. KS 2 released: Bigger Mark Site as Read and Default Stream icons option (also added in missing title element on Default Streams) Apply button classes to Start New Topic, Question, Moderator Options links if they are optioned over to buttons.
July 7, 20168 yr On 7/6/2016 at 7:56 PM, Flitterkill said: Looks good to me. I just can't install it :'( I get HTTP 500 error after waiting at 'theme setup' stage.
July 7, 20168 yr Author Something on your end. It installs fine on a clean installation. You can pm me acp access and I can take a look in the morning.
July 10, 20168 yr Author KS 3 released: Fixes font and link color on IPS update description popup when using the pulse icon updates option. Oh, and I fixed the screenshots adding two non-developmental lightbox images. Derp. BTW, there is a bug with Downloads here. Any image attachments in file reviews also get attached to the file description editor, so those all get pasted on afterwards once you make an change Edited July 10, 20168 yr by Flitterkill
July 10, 20168 yr Author FYI, the changes in the file amount to two (count them!) css class additions. If for some reason updating crashes your system, it's not this. At least not in the directly responsible way. I'm not convinced the IPS plugin update (or install) system is as robust as it needs to be yet. If you do have problems, when you get a chance, screen shot the php-info junk you can get to in the support area in your ACP. Just the six lines starting with max_execution_time are needed (for now). Already harvested Joel's. EDIT: Specifically, the KS language file is big. 135 lines, which, honestly isn't that big at all - it's just comma separated lines of text, but there is something up with the import of the file into the database. For the vast majority of plugins this would never come up as a problem - none of them have language files this big. My bet, for those who might run into trouble installing (or updating too), are people with max_execution_time of 30, 60 if you have a lot of other plugins installed (12 or more). Probably submitting this to the bug tracker (or contributor forum for discussion) once I get some more data. Edited July 10, 20168 yr by Flitterkill
July 10, 20168 yr Hi I brought this plugin for one specific purpose - I wish to allow members to be able to edit their initial post outside of the general edit time in one specific forum. I installed the plugin without issue. When I turn on "allow topic authors to edit their initial posts regardless of any ACP setting" I get an error when I enter a forum. Rather than the list of topics I get an error:- OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Content/Content.php(81): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load('19') #1 /home/atfotfin/public_html/init.php(434) : eval()'d code(31): IPS\_Content::loadAndCheckPerms('19') #2 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(718) : eval()'d code(3976): IPS\forums\hook322->canEdit() #3 [internal function]: IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_forums->topicRow(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array) #4 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(718) : eval()'d code(1219): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('topicRow', Array) #6 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(718) : eval()'d code(1219): IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate->topicRow(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array) #7 [internal function]: IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_forums->forumTable(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array, NULL, true) #8 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #9 [internal function]: IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('forumTable', Array) #10 [internal function]: IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate->forumTable(Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array, NULL, true) #11 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(472): call_user_func(Array, Object(IPS\Helpers\Table\Content), Array, Array, NULL, true) #12 [internal function]: IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #13 /home/atfotfin/public_html/init.php(434) : eval()'d code(36): call_user_func_array('parent::__toStr...', Array) #14 /home/atfotfin/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php(402): IPS\Helpers\Table\hook324->__toString() #15 /home/atfotfin/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php(39): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums->_forum(Object(IPS\forums\Forum)) #16 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums->manage() #17 /home/atfotfin/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #18 /home/atfotfin/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #19 {main} Are you able to assist me please? Many thanks Bill