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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Kevin Carwile said:

There is a setting in moderator permissions in ACP under the collab tab to bypass collab permissions. Make sure that is turned on for the administrators group.


I had that on, but as it turns out I also had a separate entry for myself (my user) in Moderators which did not have that setting checked. The specific setting for me in Moderators overrode the setting for the Administrators group in Moderators.


Edited by wohali
1 hour ago, taylor.m@warriorpointe.org said:

Any word on a solution to the script execution time issue @Kevin Carwile

I analyzed it last night. All of the lag is attribited to slow performance in the language subsystem when displaying all of the words on the category form.

I singled out a single SQL query in \IPS\Lang which is taking 20+ seconds to execute as soon as the number of language strings on the page becomes of significant size.

I'm considering what I can do to mitigate this problem.


I have submitted an application to the Marketplace that extends Group Collaborations with per-role Badges, displayed in the user panel next to each topic post/reply. Assuming the file is approved, you can purchase it for a modest fee here:


On 11/3/2015, 12:07:00, Kevin Carwile said:

I analyzed it last night. All of the lag is attribited to slow performance in the language subsystem when displaying all of the words on the category form.

I singled out a single SQL query in \IPS\Lang which is taking 20+ seconds to execute as soon as the number of language strings on the page becomes of significant size.

I'm considering what I can do to mitigate this problem.

Could you load each tab on demand on the category form as they are clicked instead? I know the ACP does this in various places (e.g. the Developer Center).

You could also remove the need for saving thousands of values at once if you had a way to set each one individually when changed via JS, e.g. the way reordering is auto-saved. I don't know if this is practical though, given the form helper structure, you might be faced with having to code your own form helper! Eek.

2 hours ago, taylor.m@warriorpointe.org said:

Hope its fixed soon dropped $75 on this and can't use it 

Worked prior to 4.1 I used demo bought it for 4.1 and doesn't work

You should assume all mods, plugins, and third-party apps to NOT be compatible with 4.1 unless the author specifically says it is.  

With that said, I think you will find @Kevin Carwile to be one of the more responsive and attentive developers in the Marketplace, and he'll be able to provide an update pretty soon.  

On 11/3/2015, 7:55:25, taylor.m@warriorpointe.org said:

Any word on a solution to the script execution time issue @Kevin Carwile

On version 1.3.2 of GC, go to the Settings page for the app and disable the "Expanded Category Configuration" option. This will remove all of the app configuration settings from the collab category setup form. You can then configure each collab app for the category individually. Use the action dropdown on the category to choose the app you want to configure.

On 11/9/2015, 5:33:28, taylor.m@warriorpointe.org said:

in page setting i enable one of the databases and hit save and it doesnt show up in the collab i create when i go back into page setting s its disabled as if i never even enabled it

Yes, I see your problem. The server is not accepting all of the form data submitted by your configuration form because your PHP max_input_vars is set to 3000. However there are over 5000 form elements which get submitted with that particular form.

There are a couple of reasons why this number is so high.

You have 68! different member groups on your site and 5 different databases which qualify for use in collaborations. Each database has roughly 8 configuration options which amounts to roughly 15 form variables. Then there are 25 moderator options and a permission matrix for each database. The 25 moderator options amount to a total of 50 form variables when submitted (because IPS uses 2 form variables for each checkbox/radiobutton). And then the permission matrix is the beast. Each member group has 7 permissions available, each of which takes two form variables, multiplied by 68 member groups equaling roughly a thousand form variables just for each matrix.

When you do the math, it adds up to a lot of form variables.

I'm not sure what to do here. Do you really need 68 different member groups?


5 minutes ago, Kevin Carwile said:

When you do the math, it adds up to a lot of form variables.

I'm not sure what to do here. Do you really need 68 different member groups?

I haven't bought the product yet but I'm considering it, and would potentially have a need for similar quantities... is it really that unreasonable? Ideally the product could scale as needed and do something like:

  • Processing the form submission in batches, somehow...
  • Rather than submitting thousands of form variables, use JavaScript to take all of that data and aggregate it into a single variable, which would get deserialized/parsed on the other end (even possible?)
Just now, djpretzel said:

I haven't bought the product yet but I'm considering it, and would potentially have a need for similar quantities... is it really that unreasonable? Ideally the product could scale as needed and do something like:

  • Processing the form submission in batches, somehow...
  • Rather than submitting thousands of form variables, use JavaScript to take all of that data and aggregate it into a single variable, which would get deserialized/parsed on the other end (even possible?)

Or maybe excessive configurations could use server settings that would support that excess. Such as increasing the max_input_vars to account for the requirement.

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Kevin Carwile said:

Or maybe excessive configurations could use server settings that would support that excess. Such as increasing the max_input_vars to account for the requirement.

@Kevin Carwile If you increase it once, isn't that just delaying an inevitable problem down the road, where instead of 68 member groups, now it's 168, and it needs to be increased again?

Edited by djpretzel
13 minutes ago, djpretzel said:

@Kevin Carwile If you increase it once, isn't that just delaying an inevitable problem down the road, where instead of 68 member groups, now it's 168, and it needs to be increased again?

Probably. I believe blue jeans have the same problem. :P

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Kevin Carwile said:

Probably. I believe blue jeans have the same problem. :p

I've always felt good software to be more flexible & more capable than apparel; not sure the jeans metaphor is :P-worthy... if you're saying there's no way to make the plugin scale well with large numbers of groups without configuring PHP, I'll take your word for it. I just assume that the max_input_vars property exists for a reason, and that designing software to require its continued increase probably subverts that reason...

Edited by djpretzel


I'm running latest versions of Core and GroupCol.

After updating I get Errors viewing Pages-Database- Entrys/Articles.

Error is EX1054.

Log is:

Tue, 10 Nov 2015 05:31:51 +0000 (Severity: 2)
1054: Unknown column 'cms_database_categories.category_collab_id' in 'on clause'
#0 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Db/Select.php(334): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('SELECT cms_data...', Array)
#1 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Db/Select.php(529): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
#2 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Patterns/ActiveRecordIterator.php(62): IPS\Db\_Select->count(false)
#3 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/sources/Records/Records.php(1609): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecordIterator->count()
#4 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Content/Item.php(2626): IPS\cms\_Records->reviewPageCount()
#5 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/sources/Theme/Theme.php(567) : eval()'d code(3234): IPS\Content\_Item->isLastPage('reviews')
#6 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/sources/Records/Records.php(1670): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_display->reviews(Object(IPS\cms\Records15))
#7 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/modules/front/database/record.php(76): IPS\cms\_Records->commentReviews('reviews')
#8 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(94): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_record->manage()
#9 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(46): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#10 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Dispatcher.php(293): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
#11 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/widgets/Database.php(124): IPS\cms\Databases\_Dispatcher->run()
#12 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1069): IPS\cms\widgets\_Database->render()
#13 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1952): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->getWidgets()
#14 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(84): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->output()
#15 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(56): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->view()
#16 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(94): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->manage()
#17 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(33): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#18 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute()
#19 /www/htdocs/w00a4425/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#20 {main}


37 minutes ago, Ruedy said:


I'm running latest versions of Core and GroupCol.

After updating I get Errors viewing Pages-Database- Entrys/Articles.

Error is EX1054

You must be using prefixed database tables. See my bug report here:


1 hour ago, Kevin Carwile said:

You must be using prefixed database tables. See my bug report here:


Hm, okay. You mean the mysql-Database?

Is there any solution for that?

On 11/9/2015, 5:33:28, taylor.m@warriorpointe.org said:

in page setting i enable one of the databases and hit save and it doesnt show up in the collab i create when i go back into page setting s its disabled as if i never even enabled it

OK, I've updated your site with a pre-release copy of GC 1.3.3 which allows you to break down the configuration process for collab content settings even further. You can now configure your individual content types for a specific app one at a time. Furthermore, if you have the "expanded category configuration" setting turned off in GC settings, then the process is broken down even further into a wizard interface that splits up the form into 3 different steps. This puts your 68 member group permission matrix on a page by itself.



When you identified IPS's bug I disabled my groups and rules until 4.1 came out. In any casae I enabled both tonite and the link to the group does not appear in the menu for 4.1.3 nor can we find the Forums that were going in the group. We had created 4 re-direct Inside Trader forums in the regular forum area and those do not take me to them either. We should have 4 forums in there. They are Inside Traders forums. Can you check this out for us please? You have the info to get in as an admin at http://fishingminnesota.com/forums

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