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Group Collaboration

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I may have asked this before but can't remember -

Is it possible when moving a forum from the main site into CG that all participants (in all topics)  (and any whom may be following ) are automagically joined to the CG?

So as to present zero barrier to entry and not requiring them to do anything extra? - even if it's not instant but a background process and does it in bitesize peices until complete?

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  • Kevin Carwile
    Kevin Carwile

    New version in the marketplace - 1.1.9: new collab category option to include the category on forums index redirect forums pointed at collab categories will now show active category info redirect foru

  • Brandon.Stone

    Dude Kevin keep it up man.  You've got some great mods already made and 4.0 hasn't even officially been released yet.  I'm looking forward to seeing more from you.

  • Kevin Carwile
    Kevin Carwile

    I love the idea. And there is always a way. I just have no idea what that way is at the moment.

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No, there is not a built in process such as that because its not really necessary. Barriers can be easily removed by setting permissions on content in the collab to be open to guests. Its not mandatory for site members to be an active member of the collab to use it. And the join mode can be set to allow instant membership if needed. Plus, there is a rule set already in the marketplace to automatically add members to collabs if they post content to it (created by Police Community). 

can a widget get added that allows us to filer collabs based on category? right now there are my collabs featured and latest



Hi !

Thank you for this awesome plugin ! :)

May I ask what I could change to make the description texte more easy to read ? For exemple, by adding some background color like the header:

  • behind the groups' list (second screenshot)
  • and behind a group's description (first screenshot).

Thank you !!





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It appears you are using custom theming. In order to change the background colors of text and other stylings, you will need to do it with custom css on your theme layer.

Thank you for this answer.

Hi Kevin,

great app so far. I looking forward to use your work for the next update on my community boards. But I struggle a bit with some functionalities.

Is there a way for pull out specific content like forum topics out of a single collab? I read earlier something about an API you wrote. Is there a documentation for that?

I need this information to create a widget or template for that purpose.

Thanks a lot,


Edited by TheMaker

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3 hours ago, TheMaker said:

Hi Kevin,

great app so far. I looking forward to use your work for the next update on my community boards. But I struggle a bit with some functionalities.

Is there a way for pull out specific content like forum topics out of a single collab? I read earlier something about an API you wrote. Is there a documentation for that?

I need this information to create a widget or template for that purpose.

Thanks a lot,


There is not an API per se. Collab is designed in a way that affects all the existing core API methods such as \IPS\Content\Item::getItemsWithPermission() and \IPS\Node\Model::roots().

With GC installed, those api methods will only return results in the context of a specific collaboration, or lack thereof.

So if you want to pull topics from a specific collaboration using \IPS\forums\Topic::getItemsWithPermission(), you simply need to switch to that collab context first before pulling the topics.

Switching context is easy. I'll follow up with a code example here shortly.

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/* Load a specific collab */
$tempCollab = \IPS\collab\Collab::load( collab_id );

/* Switch to the new collab temporarily ( current collab, if any, is returned from this method ) */
$activeCollab = \IPS\collab\Application::switchCollab( $tempCollab );

/* Pull topics from our selected collab */
$topics = \IPS\forums\Topic::getItemsWithPermission( ... );

/* Switch the collab back to whatever it was before (very important!) */
\IPS\collab\Application::switchCollab( $activeCollab );


Thank you very much for the examples.

I'll take a look.

Is it possible for content with a collaboration to also appear in the main IPS applications please?  For example to have a collaboration calendar also appear under the main calendar application so we can still see all events in one place?



This might be a Collaboration or Rules question.  I'd like to create a collaboration that is only accessible for people aged 18-30.  If we have a custom profile field for date of birth could we have a rule that either automatically adds everyone who is aged 18-30 or kicks out anyone over 30.

An intermediate step might be to have a hidden profile field like 'is18_30' and then have a separate script that toggles this based on the DOB field.  Could we then have some sort of rule that if is18_30 == Y then add user to collab number X?


39 minutes ago, Edward Shephard said:

Is it possible for content with a collaboration to also appear in the main IPS applications please?  For example to have a collaboration calendar also appear under the main calendar application so we can still see all events in one place?

We'd love this too. Right now the forum listing appears on the main forum listing through what amounts to a theme hook - a forced widget at the bottom that shows all of the forum boards present. I'm not sure how the same could be done for the Calendar listings without subclassing the entire Calendar application to look at all calendars, as well as subclassing the widgets for things like "Upcoming events" to look across all Calendars as well.

I'm eventually going to have to look at modifying this for our board if Kevin doesn't get around to it himself.

I see this design-bug on default theme when a new collab is made an is waiting for approval.


What can I do about it to fix it?

Also if there are over 15-20 (can't remember exactly) members in the group, and if you click on active members and then on 2+ page in the pagination, it transfers you to a new page. Is this intentional?

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13 hours ago, Edward Shephard said:

Is it possible for content with a collaboration to also appear in the main IPS applications please?

GC content is segregated from that of non GC content at the core level based on the context of the page being viewed. This is by design since collaborations are by concept separate workspaces for content creation.

For that NOT to happen is an exception to the general design of GC. It can be done, but it would require case by case specifics. 

12 hours ago, wohali said:

I'm eventually going to have to look at modifying this for our board if Kevin doesn't get around to it himself.

As wohali mentioned, it is best for plugins or custom widgets to be used to fit the exception.

13 hours ago, Edward Shephard said:

I'd like to create a collaboration that is only accessible for people aged 18-30.

Create a member group for 18-30 and only allow collab access to that group in your collab category settings. You could definitely use rules to automate the moving of members in and out of that group based on your own criteria and timing.

Ok people! Is there any documentation? Cause I don`t mind what and how can I do with all this stuff. 

Hi Kevin -

Can you give any tips on exporting joined group member lists from Social Groups (old tool) into your new Group Collaboration tool for version 4. I'm having an issue with finding a way not to lose all these privacy settings during transition since it doesn't seem to be tied to any permission member setting. 

Thanks in advance!



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Support is now being directed to


I can answer this question there. Thanks.


Looks like I'm banned from the website. Any help with this?

Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 4.23.28 PM.png

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Use the gbarry account you created.

  • 2 weeks later...

Suggestion -

External links in the Affiliate menu should maintain click count (and a way for us to seed values ) - as would a redirect form does.

It would be nice to get rid of the redirect forums (takes up space) for the only purpose that takes them to an external site, and get some sort of metrics. 



Suggestion - 

  • You can create “group models” in each category which act as a base layout and content structure for new groups.
  • Group models can be used automatically, or you can give new group owners the choice as to which model they want to use.

Group models should not be a "front of site" thing but an site admin operation, when you pick an existing GC as a "model" you should be prompted to give a name to this collab something that makes sense from the standpoint of an end user (newbie) starting a new collab. 

Case in point:  XYZ Company's is flagged as a "model" but then ABC Company wants to create their own - the name of the model should be arbitrary to the collab that it was modeled after. 

In addition a description - either from when the model was created - or an automated smart description based on the model's settings at the time it was created. I imagine after a while XYZ may wish to have other features such as a blog or downloads but originally didn't have this in the model so you make changes to that collab - does this mean that all existing GC's based on the model are dynamically elevated to these changes or are they static from the point in time the model was created?



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1 hour ago, Ocean West said:

does this mean that all existing GC's based on the model are dynamically elevated to these changes or are they static from the point in time the model was created?

The model is only a template that can be copied from when the collab is created.

No syncronization happens beyond that because each collab is fluid and can be changed independent of the model. There is no way to make safe assumptions as to what to sync and not sync, and what parts match up with the original model or have been customized, etc.

I had the idea myself, but quickly discarded it after realizing the technical nightmare the it would create.

great glad that alterations to the model does not retroactively change groups based on these models.

Is it possible to easily translate your application?

Thank you

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