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Missed language strings


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Those are report statuses and severities, which can be altered directly by the administrators in ACP > Report Center > Status & Severity Levels.

It's like saying the names and topic titles for the forums and topics created during installation isn't translatable. I think it's the same for IP.Nexus support statuses.


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Please, confirm that English text on my last screen is the use imput. Or, please, provide your excuse.

I posted this post after tech-support adviced to do this in the request ID.

Those are report statuses and severities, which can be altered directly by the administrators in ACP > Report Center > Status & Severity Levels.

It's like saying the names and topic titles for the forums and topics created during installation isn't translatable. I think it's the same for IP.Nexus support statuses.

he did... it is user input, managed from the ACP.

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Thank you. I see it now.

This is not convenient for multilanguage systems.

I will provide .sql files to the buyers to translate this and many other places where the language strings are not abstracted.

that is still locking it to one language, not multi-lingual.

if you *really* wanted to abstract those you would do as farber said, modifying the skin(even if by hook, which if possible would be the best way to do it, I have not looked) to use language strings you add for each status, either keyed by status primary 'id' suffixed( {$this->lang->words['report_status_'.$id]} ) or a 'key' dynamically generated or provided by user when editing the status.

I have done such with the help files by hook.

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I will not do this for sure since I am selling the language pack and I am not agitated in IPB programming.

This is the IPS agenda to provide user friendly interface, not mine.

Why-ever do you think it was done this way?

Inconvenient for you? Perhaps.

Friendlier to the average user? Without a doubt.

The average user does not want to have to add a language string every time they create a report center status, or a content field, or a forum, neither would they think to remove the strings on deletion, yours is a power-user grief.

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We are exploring making these sorts of things better translatable in 4.0. I cannot say just yet what changes might be coming then. For now, the only way to translate user-supplied text like report statuses is to modify the templates to use language strings, and then manually add those language strings.

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