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Guest Lindy

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When trying to purchase something using a Mastercard you get the following PHP error:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to secure.authorize.net:80 (Connection timed out) in /home/ipslink/public_html/customer/core/sources/classes/gateways/gateway_core.class.php on line 147

Dont know if its a bug or just authorize.net thats giving problems. Also, why are the cc transactions not running over ssl ?

*Edit: Running firefox on Windows Xp - Not really relevant ;)

We're aware - we'll have it resolved as quickly as possible. Thanks! :)
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This isn't really a bug, but it's a suggestion: In the "Call us" section, it says:

"outside usa" as such.

It should have usa capitalized to be "outside USA" (as it is a proper noun and a proud country we're dealing with here).

It's just using forced-lowercase, if they were to capitalise one part correctly, they'd have to capitalise the others too, or it'd look silly.
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I was trying to purchase the IDM and it wouldn't accept my credit card even though I put in all of the right information.

Also, when I try to update my information in the client area .. it won't update it.

And another thing I found out. Since it wouldn't let me purchase IDM with my credit card I used paypal and everything worked fine until I was being redirected to the client area or whatever.

Here is the error:

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/ipslink/public_html/customer/return.php on line 77

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Okay, now that I purchased IDM it's now telling me to "Pay Now" or "Print" after I already purchased it about an hour ago? =/

I hate these bugs. :P

Like Brandon said - all invoices are manually approved to aid the prevention of fraud (trust me, it happens a LOT here). Either Debbie or Little John will get to it when they get back online... Debbie will probably be first online in about 4 hours or so. :D
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As for the new site layout... I'm 100% pleased with it. To the person/group responsible for its inception - KUDO's! Very professional. :thumbsup:

I agree, it's a very professionally created site with very nice content and graphics. Well done, IPS and others who helped in making this great site what it currently is! :)
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Don't know what the heck happened to the IPS Site but whatever happened it's naked showing its directory structure and it's not a pretty sight!

Edit: Now, I can't even connect to invisionpower.com or ipslink.com! It appears that the server is down!

Double Edit: Now it's back up and running. :)

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Could be me cos Im Welsh not American :P

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shouldnt that be VICE - VERSA

Fixed - Rikki

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Two things on the hosting page:

On the front page, where you have the three image choices, shouldn't they be links? I instinctively tried to click on them and nothing happened, when it is something you'd expect to be clickable.

Also, on the dedicated server page, in "Benefits of IPS Dedicated Servers" the second to last entry says "Future products from IPS will be available at free reduced cost as they are released." Wouldn't "at free or reduced cost" make more sense?

Also, {$pagetitle} is still appearing in the client center.

FF2 on XP

Fixed - Rikki

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