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Everything posted by Alexandru

  1. PHP Version is at fault, are you sure you have php 8.0 selected in cpanel?!
  2. Can you please upload a screenshot or something ? Or maybe just rebuild the achievements sys.
  3. Hi there. Enable designer mode and "remove disk file" or something like that, I forgot what it's called. When working on your own installation, if you create custom Templates will also appear on the new template, I hope I m not wrong. Or just contact me privately and I will have a look for you into this. Because I don't really understand what you are referring to.. Thank you!
  4. Contact me privately. I will help ya.
  5. If someone needs help implementing this, I'm here to help you. Just text me privately and I will get back to you ASAP.
  6. We already talked on the phone that night, I forgot to call you back. But if you still want me to help you, just contact me again 😄 😛
  7. <html class="{{if \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['ipsTheme_type'] == 'light'}}theme--light{{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['ipsTheme_type'] == 'dark'}}theme--dark{{else}}theme--dark{{endif}}"> <div id='ipsTheme_changer--selector'> <i class="fas fa-moon"></i> <span>mode</span> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src='//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js'></script> <script> $(document)['ready'](function() { if (ips['utils']['cookie']['get']('ipsTheme_type') == 'dark') { document['documentElement']['classList']['remove']('theme--light'); document['documentElement']['classList']['add']('theme--dark') } else { if (ips['utils']['cookie']['get']('ipsTheme_type') == 'light') { document['documentElement']['classList']['remove']('theme--dark'); document['documentElement']['classList']['add']('theme--light') } }; $('#ipsTheme_changer--selector')['click'](function() { if (document['documentElement']['classList']['contains']('theme--dark')) { document['documentElement']['classList']['remove']('theme--dark'); document['documentElement']['classList']['add']('theme--light'); ips['utils']['cookie']['unset']('ipsTheme_type'); ips['utils']['cookie']['set']('ipsTheme_type', 'light', true) } else { document['documentElement']['classList']['remove']('theme--light'); document['documentElement']['classList']['add']('theme--dark'); ips['utils']['cookie']['unset']('ipsTheme_type'); ips['utils']['cookie']['set']('ipsTheme_type', 'dark', true) } }) }); </script> #ipsTheme_changer--selector { position: relative; display: flex; align-items: center; z-index: 1; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: rgb(0 18 46 / 18%) 0px 2px 3px 0px; border-radius: 100px; } #ipsTheme_changer--selector > i { box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgb(17, 138, 240); background: linear-gradient(135deg, rgb(39 111 218), rgb(0 161 255)); width: 40px; height: 40px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: 50%; line-height: 1; color: #111520; font-size: 17px; } #ipsTheme_changer--selector > span { background: rgb(var(--theme-page_background)); height: 40px; display: flex; align-items: center; padding-left: 45px; margin-left: -35px; z-index: -1; border-radius: 100px; padding-right: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: rgb( var(--theme-text_color) ); font-weight: 600; } #ipsTheme_changer--selector > span:before { content: "dark"; margin-right: 3px; } html.theme--dark #ipsTheme_changer--selector > span:before { content: "light"; } html.theme--dark #ipsTheme_changer--selector > .fa-moon:before { content: '\f185'; } I hope it's not too complicated to understand. The HTML class you'll need to add to your html tag in your theme. The <script> tag you'll need to add them under the <footer> tag or where you want doesn't matter. The CSS, I think this is obvious, and the <div id=ipsTheme..> is the button, add it where you want. CSS was written by me. JS was not written by me, the author is nowhere to be found 😄 😛 🙂.
  8. I know for sure that In the example above that I gave, my styles are closed correctly 100%. I'm not working since yesterday with HTML and CSS. I don't want really to use classes, I want to see the colors even in AdminCP where the group's section is, and even on other AdminCP pages. You could add a new setting for custom CSS to the group formatting. I could suggest it in the suggestions area but it will not be taken into consideration, cuz I've already suggested in a topic something, and a lot of people agreed with me and I see no updates related to my suggestion. Like I said and I'm saying this to a lot of people, IPS is the best software to have for a community, but if you just add some small updates which in this case will also help Front-end Devs and it will make community owners their job so much easier. I'm even determined to help you guys myself with some new updates that, trust me a lot of clients will be satisfied.
  9. I understand, but even if you are doing it correctly as I have it correctly it will still look terrible on the things I've mentioned above.
  10. I know what you mean, but it's pointless, when you use classes you'll need to add the styles on each template you got, and in AdminCP those styles are not visible, that's why I use and used style so I can see the styles even in ACP. There is 100% something wrong in the source code when changing avatars and having "linear-gradient" as styles on the group. It's fixable, I have fixed it over 100 times on different templates. This is where the bug is {html|raw} something is wrong in there. @Jim M please talk to the dev team to debug it, you'll see that I'm right. I am also more than happy to help if needed/required.
  11. Quick heads up here, they are using on groups custom html with gradients and such, when used, on profile the first post will appear like this, even when you change a photo it will break it as well. This is actually a known issue since 4.0.x but didn't get fixed in any of the updates. Example: <span style="-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;-webkit-background-clip: text;font-weight: bold;background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #cc0000 10%, #ff0000);"> Group Name </span> This is another bug when you change the photo and you have these styles in your group. Even though is closed correctly it's like it removes that </span> before the group and also some characters, there is something fighting with it as you can see here. And again I will repeat myself, the tags in ACP in the group manager are closed 100% correctly but when rendered in HTML it brakes. Look closely top right, where the CSS Styles are, -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg changed their profile photo</span> <s... It's breaking the HTML, and I know that the group span styles are closed correctly.
  12. Contact your host provider and tell him about this problem, he should know what to do. If you are saying that your old host didn't take so long to save/submit, that means that is something from your new host, there is a lot of stuff to take into consideration when "posting" there are more settings and such.
  13. Could you tell me what are you trying to request actually? Cuz somehow for me makes no sense. Take a look over here. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/clubs/GETindex You have more examples there, just use the navigation from the left of your screen once there.
  14. You see, you got a temporary solution, glad to hear. Keep it up 😛
  15. It seems like you have a custom template. Talk to your front-end dev or do as @Nathan Explosion said. But If your dev has overwritten those buttons in custom.css, it will not change anything from the Button Colors tab, so it's better you talk with your dev. If you don't have one, just go over here and contact one. https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/?csrfKey=be6ffb53ff7428218a09d6324b3fd850&advanced_search_submitted=1&sortby=primary_id_field&sortdirection=asc&content_field_124[1]=1 I already gave you the link filtered with "Theme Design" front-devs on it.
  16. Hi, there is no such setting I'm afraid. You could suggest it in the "Feature Suggestions" area. I think when they did it, even though you have bypass moderation activated for your group it will still require approval. If you just stay for a minute and think about it, it's better this way, but if you feel like this is important and more members agree with you then your suggestion will be for sure taken into consideration.
  17. Morning, Contact me privately, I will have a look for you if you want.
  18. No, I'm afraid it's not possible, there is no such setting found in the IPS Suite installation. Unfortunately, you'll need to turn on the topic / reply approval for the forum where the images are being posted. But you could always make it as a feature suggestion here -> https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  19. I would not recommend you use it this way. @Nathan Explosion try for yourself to see why I'm not recommending him to use the CSS code you gave him. @angle4cor instead of using CSS follow this link. https://forum.wrestling.pl/admin/?app=core&module=settings&controller=posting&tab=general&searchResult=form_max_video_width Or follow this steps: ENJOY!
  20. Didn't see this one 😄 @Randy Calvertthanks for letting me know! ❤️
  21. And 1 more thing, I agree with all the members above who explained you and, yes. After you have updated your version and you are required to move to php8 because php 7.4 is no longer supported, I would recommend you to disable all plugins and applications (Third Party Ones) because that might be the reason with your forum won't work.
  22. Hello, For the old server. 1. Download the public_html installation of your Invisioncommunity software. 2. Download your database from PHPMyAdmin. New server. 1. Upload your downloaded installation "FROM THE OLD SERVER" into public_html. 2. Create a database with a user and add that user to the database with all privileges. 3. Import the database from your old server into the newly created database. 4. Go to your config and make sure that everything is correct in that file, (Base_url needs to be changed, and the database name + database user + database password). That's how I would do it. If you don't understand how I explained it, please contact me privately and I will help you move your installation to a new server. Enjoy!
  23. There are multiple ways to do it, but I don't really think I understand your question, please contact me privately and I will help you personally with your issue.
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