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Posts posted by mountaininteractive

  1. 3 minutes ago, CheersnGears said:

    It's not an IPS thing at all.  They have zero control over your site logo being trademarked. It's a file upload to root and a DNS change.  What exactly would you have IPS do?

    Correction, to add to the post, I believe he means having IPS's email verified so we can put our own name on the email. I am a little confused as I'm trying to understand the post.

  2. 17 minutes ago, CheersnGears said:

    @beats23 - you can install BIMI without getting the certificate, but not all mail clients will recognize it that way, gmail and outlook being two that won't. EMClient and other lesser known ones might. EMClient seems to.

    You'll need to get your logo into a very specific SVG format and upload it to the root of your website and then install the DNS tag, so it's relatively low effort if you want to try.

    That wouldn't be worth it as most people have Gmail / Outlook. On the main post, we'd have to pay for it, but I believe if IPS supports a feature like this, it will bring more clients as it hasn't heard of forum software supporting this. This is something i'd love to use!!

  3. On 11/12/2023 at 6:58 PM, MartinLawrence said:

    I've been using IPB since 2006 with the MSSQL driver.   I was always attracted to the flexibility of the platform with minimal programming.

    Recently tech support has become more difficult.  It's harder to find code examples and removing the marketplace killed a creativity source for me.   I had a stroke a few years ago, so my development skills are retarded, but still I believe this is one of the poorer organized forms in regards to technical documentation.

    A wiki, kept up to date by your community, would really help in development IMHO.

    Good luck all!



    Hi Martin, 

    I've really attempted to use IPS for my big gaming community but honestly, at this point, I have to agree. IPS seems to be moving to appeal to corporate websites with things like (courses) instead of focusing on what other forum sites do. It seems that awesome features I loved are being removed like the integrated support system and more. With the marketplace being removed it is removing a good and awesome opportunity for developers to make money. I am going to start to begin to move to another forum site. 

  4. Hi,

    My name is David. I run a side business called Mountain Interactive and frequently browse forum pages around Invision community. I've used Discord mainly for my community with over 34k+ Members. I am more attracted to running a website (forum) instead for communication as it is a more safer and enjoyable way, discord feels too corporate and doesn't give you enough room for customization. Now, I used to use Xenforo and left because they made an error while cloud hosting my site and I lost pretty much all my site data and subscribers which is really important when you're making $20,000 a month and need to ensure that your billing is working as normal every single day. They offered me $500 credit and told me that's all they could do 💀.  

    Now, with that out of the way. I love Invision community for a lot of reasons but I do highly recommend you guys do not choose to go full corporate robot mode. A lot of things I like about Xenforo were that they had such a big addon community and it felt more sociable aside from how IPS Boards feel. My biggest recommendation and advice is to keep a balance between serving those corporate communities and also little guys like us, who love add-ons, and configuring our websites to the fullest potential possible.  I'm super excited to see Invision Community 5, It's been really hard to push my community from Discord to a forum software because anyone who like me, was born in 2004 and later isn't very familiar with forums. 

    Thank you for your hard work!


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