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Julia Osipova

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  1. Agree
    Julia Osipova reacted to Joachim Sandstrom in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    Also from a European union standpoint I generally agree with Julia about the cookie consent process, and the urgency in which this legal requirement has to be addressed by the IPS.
    I had this conversation with the support in September 2021 and was recommended to submit our issue here. It is hereby being done.
    Since at this moment the IPB is not compliant with the cogent (non-optional) EU GDPR law applying to all countries within the union, everybody using this functionality AS IS towards European customers (also from outside the EU) are risking to go to court where heavy fines are at stake. Quoting the EU, two fine tiers are available: "Up to €10 million, or 2% annual global turnover – whichever is higher. Up to €20 million, or 4% annual global turnover – whichever is higher." 
    A quote from my support conversations describing the GDPR issue:
    But from a legal point of view I find the fact that IPB doesn't keep track of the user acceptance quite worrying. I know that Invision has worked hard to make the IPB EU GDPR and EU ePrivacy Directive compliant. But not storing the consent would make the IPB not fully GDPR compliant. Below is a quote from the relevant EU documentation: https://gdpr.eu/cookies/ ".
    To comply with the regulations governing cookies under the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive you must:
    Receive users' consent before you use any cookies except strictly necessary cookies. Provide accurate and specific information about the data each cookie tracks and its purpose in plain language before consent is received. Document and store consent received from users. Allow users to access your service even if they refuse to allow the use of certain cookies Make it as easy for users to withdraw their consent as it was for them to give their consent in the first place. " Bullet three is what directly affects the subject of tracking/storing consent. Bullet four overrules(!) our wish of stopping non-concenters to use the service, but without consent just strictly necessary cookies is allowed according to bullet one. So other cookies must then be inactivated by the PB . Are cookies inactivated by the IPB for non-concenters today? While we are at it, where in the IPB are the quite detailed information requirements of bullet two being met? I am sorry that I have to put you through these questions. But these are questions that we might get from our quite qualified target community group. We then need to be able to answer them. If it was up to us, GDPR would not have been as paranoid as it is.
    (End quote)
    We are neither builders of GDPR compliant sites nor lawyers, why we can not exactly tell you what functionality is needed to comply, even less so how to implement it. But since a few years have passed since the GDPR was implemented, there should be quite a pile of best practices to profit from out there.
     Please get in touch if we can be of further assistance.
    Kind regards
  2. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Markus Jung in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    I use https://www.ccm19.de/en/ - but it is a paid service with monthly additional costs for their cloud service in addition to the costs of IPS CiC. 
  3. Agree
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from Joachim Sandstrom in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    Moved from Developer forum:
    Due to the requirements of the regulatory authorities , it became necessary:
    1. change the text displayed on the cookies banner. Where can I correct this text? (SOLVED)
    2. Record in the logs clicking on the "Agree" button on the cookies banner. Is it being written to the log now and where can this log be viewed?
    3. On mobile, the cookie banner disappears quickly when scrolling and does not appear anymore. Please fix it urgently. 
    4.  is it possible to make it so that in order to view the content of the site it was necessary to click on consent to cookies? Now this is not necessary, and it is possible that a person has not expressed consent to cookies, but we still put them and this is a violation. Is it possible to demand consent, and not just notify about cookies?
    The expression of consent to cookies in the form of clicking on a button must be recorded in the server logs and must be presented at the request of the supervisory authority. This is not my wish, it was demanded by the inspectors from state agencies. They regard failure to comply with this requirement as a violation of the law. If now it is fixed only on the user's side, and is not transmitted to the server, then we ask you to change it. This is a critical requirement, unfortunately.
    I understand that it may be a guest. But the verifiers do not require binding to the user profile in this case. The requirement concerns the presence of an entry in the log, i.e., in theory, there is enough date/time and ip_address. Ideally, you can add a session id.
    Please answer, will this be fixed in the near future or do I need to go to another software product to meet regulatory requirements? Unfortunately, the deadlines set by the regulatory authorities for correction are very limited.
  4. Like
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Support requests for guests are unavailable   
    All rights are setted, for all users, icluding guests.
    But guests still can't to use support requests on site.
    What can be a reason?
    It's not 4.6.9 error, it also was in previous versions.
    The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in.  
  5. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Stuart Silvester in Commerce: microdata markup for products   
    I see, I've opened a bug report for that, we shouldn't be showing the stock status in that case.
    Adding microdata support for each potential custom field selection would be quite complex, so I can't promise anything there, but thank you for the suggestion.
    That's quite an 'old' way of doing it, JSON-LD effectively superseded that and makes it much easier to define and maintain microdata. - https://jsonld.com/why-json-ld/. Yandex does also support JSON-LD.
  6. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Stuart Silvester in Commerce: microdata markup for products   
    Store products are already marked up via JSON-LD with the Product type which includes the Offer type.
    <script type='application/ld+json'> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Product", "name": "Physical Product", "description": "", "category": "Test", "url": "http://localhost/ips4/store/product/7-physical-product/", "sku": 7, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "availability": "http://schema.org/InStock", "price": "25.00", "priceCurrency": "USD", "seller": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Invision Community 4.6" } } } </script>  
  7. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Claudia999 in Commerce: microdata markup for products   
    And while you're at it, schema markups for FAQ in Pages would be great too. 😉
  8. Like
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from Claudia999 in Commerce: microdata markup for products   
    I ask you to consider the possibility of implementing micro-markup of data in the product card in Commerce in accordance with https://schema.org/Offer and http://schema.org/AggregateOffer
    Such micro-markup allows search engines to process product offers much better and greatly increases the position in the search results and improves the display of goods in the search results.
  9. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Chris Anderson in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    @Marc Stridgen
    Governmental agencies throughout the world are battling with how to protect their citizenry from bad actors near and far.  Some of the protections implemented will be well thought out and some will be unmitigated disasters.  Sites with minimal technical expertise and or sufficient funds to hire that expertise out will unfortunately find they won't be able to be compliant with various legal requirements.  These sites will be forced to close which will begin to impact your bottom line.
    As much as your customer base would like IPS to dedicate your entire programming staff to adding ever cooler features there may be value in dedicating more of your staff's time figuring out what legal requirements we will likely find ourselves having to address and see if they can be programmatically dealt with.
    There may be a time in the not-too-distant future where this platform won't be able to be used in certain locales as it simply won't be economically viable to alter it by IPS or a third-party developer to be in continuous legal compliance.  Can we as a community come together in partnership with IPS to minimize such occurrences. 
    Every site that closes will diminish the overall value proposition of the internet so it's in our collective best interest to minimize these occurrences.
  10. Like
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from Sonya* in Commerce: microdata markup for products   
    I ask you to consider the possibility of implementing micro-markup of data in the product card in Commerce in accordance with https://schema.org/Offer and http://schema.org/AggregateOffer
    Such micro-markup allows search engines to process product offers much better and greatly increases the position in the search results and improves the display of goods in the search results.
  11. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Marc in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    Thank you for your topic. I have provided responses to your questions below.
    There is no way in which to obtain a log for these at the present time. 
    Have you tested this on a default unaltered theme? If so, please let me know what browser and device you are testing with so I can take a look for you. That would be a bug rather than a feature request.
    This is not something that is possible at the present time with guests. You can do it if its only members who are going to view, as you can simply switch the site offline until people are logged in, and add this information to your privacy policy, forcing it to be accepted. 
    While I understand your concern and wish for this to be added in the near future, we have to decide on whether to add features, spec them out fully, it then has to be designed on the front end, coded by developers, tested, added to beta versions, then released. We are unable to simply add features to the software very quickly, as it has to go through this process. Quite simply, development unfortunately takes time.
  12. Thanks
    Julia Osipova reacted to IveLeft... in Urgently request for changes in "Agree with cookies" banner   
    @Julia Osipova You need to post the suggestion here.
  13. Like
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from IveLeft... in Urgently request for changes in "Agree with cookies" banner   
    Thanks. I wrote in "Feature suggestions".
  14. Agree
    Julia Osipova reacted to Marc in 4.6.9: How to turn off mobile view (change to webview) ?   
    There isnt really a mobile and desktop theme anymore. Its the same theme which is responsive. 
  15. Like
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from SeNioR- in Support requests for guests are unavailable   
    All rights are setted, for all users, icluding guests.
    But guests still can't to use support requests on site.
    What can be a reason?
    It's not 4.6.9 error, it also was in previous versions.
    The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in.  
  16. Like
    Julia Osipova got a reaction from SeNioR- in 4.6.9: How to turn off mobile view (change to webview) ?   
    All ok, already find it here:
  17. Thanks
    Julia Osipova reacted to Stuart Silvester in Multilingual dev/lang.php ?   
    When developing (using developers mode) there's one master language that uses the applications dev files as a source.
    You would need to create a new language for each of your non-standard languages, I assume you may already have these for translating the various strings of Invision Community anyway.
  18. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Stuart Silvester in Commerce: Bug: quantity for products with options with 0 qt.   
    Thank you, we'll make sure to get this fixed in a future release.
  19. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to Stuart Silvester in Access to undeclared static property when add/edit package   
    Thank you for your report. I have identified the issue (it's specific to adding a product after a Misc Charge, or Shipping Charge). This issue will be fixed in a future release.
  20. Like
    Julia Osipova reacted to opentype in Canonical link for default page of community.   
    She made the Commerce app the default app. 
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