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Posts posted by Lindor

  1. Hi @Marc Stridgen, not runs correctly but I dont know if can be a new issue but is related.

    I've a Monthly Plan for 87€/month and a Annual Plan for 897€/year. If I update from actual monthly to annual plan charges a difference of 669.42€. So did not calculate correctly this upgrade.

    Should be 897€ - 87€ = 810€ if I update the same day that renew the monthly plan, If I consume some weeks should be more than 810€.

    Can you take a new look again? I deactivate the upgrade/downgrade function again.


  2. Hi, I only have a payed subscriptors and I have a problem, when any user unsubscribe your plan they can continue to send messages to all forum users. There is not protected or I can't find any option to config this parameters.

    Another requirement about private messages should be that we can select who members group are permited to send.
    For example, only can send to administrators and moderators.

    Can you take a look if it is posible?

    Thanks a lot.

  3. Hi team, can be a great function to sell high ticket subscriptions to offer a fractioned payments. For example we can sell a annual subcription but payment charge in 3 consecutive months.

    Now I can't make this payment method with subscription options, so can be a grear function to upcomminng versions.

    This function can be an option for the same subcription plan, for exemple.

    Only one Annual Plan subscription and this payment options:

    1. Unique cuote: $300/year
    2. 3 months for $110/month, total amount $330

    How do you think about?

    Thanks a lot.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Sorry, its not clear which menu items you are rererring to here, and what you have already clicked on in the mobile menu. Please could you clarify? Also, aere you ensuring you are logged in as the same user when testing each?

    Yes Marc, I'm logged with same user in 2 devices.

    The menu "test" only have 2 drop-down submenus "Guia" & "Soporte". In desktop is showed correctly but in mobile show under "test menu" the 2 pages under the "soporte submenu".

    This 2 pages in pink rectagle not should be showed in mobile version because those are 2 pages inside "soporte submenu".


  5. 15 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    When it's ready:)
    Soon™ ( Sorry for not being more specific )

    Unfortunatly it was delayed because we've prioritised the task to make it available for self hosted clients, before we ship any new Zapier features.
    That said, we've enhanced some existing REST API endpoints and have added few new webhooks for the next release of the suite, which are required for our new Zapier triggers and actions, which are coming along other many under the hood improvements.

    I really can't wait to share all the new stuff with you!


    So really your bussiness priority change like a wheather... IPS support recomend me to change my self hosted license to cloud service because zapier only was available in cloud service, I have the cloud license since february 2021, ten months paying cloud service.

    And now the priority is add zapier to self hosted clients? Are you kidding me?

    I dont understand whats happend, but I need a more extensive explanation about this, and how are you going to compensate for these course changes?

  6. Thanks @Jim M for your quickly answer I had activated this setting for all plans. But I've some issues in this subscriptions because some users has had an upgrade subscription plan, change from monthly to annualy plan and when monthly plan expires automatically reset the group. So I need to change manually the groups by recomendation from developer team member.

    I cant create a new invoice because the user have an annual plan paid. So only have a permisions problem. But I need to know what will happend at annual plan expiration to stay alert for this users. Really it is a mess.

  7. Hello, I have paid a monthly subscription plan and change the group when any user buy this subscription plan. I've Subscribed and Unsuscribed Groups.

    I've an important doubts after that I'm having some issues that are in study by mail. What happend if I change manually the group before or after that subscribes any user. Do IPS will reset the group in expiration date? Do IPS will send the renewal invoice and charge?

    1. Manually change from Unsuscribed to Subscribed Group, and then user buy the monthly subscription plan
    2. User buy the monthly subcription and then I change manually from Subscribed to Unsubscribed group

    Thanks for your help and clarification.

  8. I've enabled the "Force Subscription purchase when registering" and I've users registered without subscription plan. And this not all, this register send an event to zapier and register in my ActiveCampaign a new user with payed privileges, so I start to send some automatic mails about payed services. There is a stroong issue.

    Or we have more events to discriminate any scenario to send to zapier or IPS cant send this zapier without subcription plan payed.

    Can you take a look and find a solution?

    I've the usr id=2300 in this situation.

    Thanks a lot.

  9. Hi team, we only have the Topic Feed block to create an area to show the "latest topics updated by comments".

    In the main area show the date and author that was created at the left and the updated comment author and date at the right. But in sidebar only show the date and author that was created. So don't have any sense to show as last topic with and older date and user author.

    So it is necessary to add a setting to select show this personalized info.

    Can you take a look to incomming updates?

    Thanks a lot


  10. Hi team,

    I've a user that upgrade your subscription to Annual Plan and IPS not cancel the Monthly Plan, so now they are 2 active plans. Should be an issue that isn't correct that we have any manual action.

    Can you take a look? The ID user is 2283. How I should cancel the Monthly Plan to not charge and not renew this subscription plan?

    I've another open ticket with subscription process with other issue that can be relationated but not are the same problem. 



  11. I think that Topic Feed block is bether solution for me, but I can't change the "created date" to "last post date" because I think that show an older date is incongruent for "Latest posts".

    It is possible to change this parameters? Now I comment a post and show it as last topics with April 7, 2020 as date.


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