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Posts posted by Lindor

  1. 17 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Just having a quick read through there, I feel "requirement" is a little disingenuous here. What you have linked to there is "guidance" and not something that is a requirement. 

    Yes Marc, this is a guidance, I can't find any official site for this or other GPDR requirements, only could find this site https://gdpr.eu/ looks unofficial.

    It can be a bit confusing and unclear but all the websites I use have updated this consent, google.com for example.

    Therefore the requirement or obligation exists and must be implemented. In fact, Google itself has informed in its guidelines for web positioning that it will start to monitor whether the GPDR regulations are complied with as an SEO factor.

    Could contain: Page, Text

  2. Hi team,

    Recently the UE governtment changes your requirements about cookies acompliance. Now we should offer in our sites the option to Accept - Decline - Manage Preferencies about all our cookies used in our site. This functionality should accept or block the diferent cookies used in every visit.

    This blog resume this new UE requirements: https://www.insideprivacy.com/eu-data-protection/eu-supervisory-authorities-publish-new-guidance-on-cookies/

    IC is not prepared to support these requirements and we must comply with them immediately as they are coming into force in most EU countries. We risk penalties of thousands of euros or dollars if we fail to do so.

    How and when IC can solve this problem in upcoming updates? Do we have any other options at the moment?

    Cookie Consent V3 requirements:

    CookieConsent v3 cover


  3. 8 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Try clicking on the pages then...that's how I found it.

    Anyway...on a default install with all applications, and nothing 3rd-party...

    • It's on page 81 if doing a search for 'in' as the language key
    • It's on page 51 if doing a search for 'in' as the language key, targeting the 'System' app only.

    Don't want to do that? Then use the 'Quick translating' tool that is available in the ACP.

    Sorry, but I cant find this keys in 50, 51, 52 and 80, 81, 82 pages... What is the key you found?

    I test with quick translating and not appears key for this "in" word

    Could contain: Page, Text

  4. Hi team,

    I've the user id=442 with 2 payment cards, once is expired. And IPS tried to charge the renewal price first in the expired card with refused message and then charged in the second one.
    IPS should disable the expired cards to not generate unnecesary charge process.

    Probably this user will delete the expired card in the next hours because I sended a message for this, but I add your payment cards pic and account activity here.

    Can you take a look to solve in upcoming updates? Thanks a lot.

    Could contain: Text, Credit Card

    Could contain: Chart, Plot, Text, Page

  5. Hi team,

    I use the topic feed blocks in my pages and I filter my posts by tags, but when a topic feed block haven't posts to show, directly not show the full block. It is like this content was deleted or an site error.

    If havent any post to show, should show the block with your title with a message like this "we haven't any post to show here" but not delete the block. (We should have the option of a personalised message, the better)

    Can you take a look and solve it in upcoming updates? I only use the topic feed block but provably other blocks have the same problem.

    Thanks a lot!

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Could contain: Page, Text

  6. I opened this question and ends as a new feature proposal for upcoming versions: 

    We need to set permissions by category or forum groups. Not sense to set permissions one to one when we have a lot of categories, forums and subforums.

    Can you consider to add in upcoming updates? Thanks


  7. Thanks @Randy Calvert but I think that IC is a powerfull app and forum permissions by groups is the core of  any forum app. All can solved by custom apps but this custom apps only should be for special functions needed. The basics should be solved by core app.

    Did I am the only one that have a big forum with some subscriptions levels and permissions? The only one with this problem? I think no. If not, I may have made a mistake in choosing IC as the application that allows me to scale and grow my community and business.

    Well not is a problem, I can make this functions but will take a lot of time, probably some days, so we need to be more efficiently adding some basic tools like other forums apps as vBulletin, bbPress, WPForum and others.

  8. Thanks @Nathan Explosion and @Marc Stridgen, I was doing it this way. It is forum by forum for me because I need check or uncheck one by one for every, Group (4), forum (300) and situation (5), see, read, post, reply and download.

    To simplify, I've this forum structure and I need this permissions:

    • Category 1 to 5: Forum 1 to 25 and every forum have 20 subforums (For every category)
    • Group 1 to 4
    • Group 1: can see all categories, forums and subforums (it is easy, only need check one column field), Category 1 Forum 1 to 5 with all subforums can read, post, reply and download.
    • Group 2: Group 1 permissions plus Category 1 Forum 6 to 15, Category 2 Forum 1 to 5, Category 3 Forum 15 to 20 with all subforums can read, post, reply and download.
    • ......
    • Group 4: can read, post, reply and download all categories, forums and subforums. (It is easy too)

    Can you imagine the complexity?

    I can't set permissions for all subforums in a forum by one click, I need a lot of clicks. The same for categories. It is necessary to be able to set these permissions by forum and category grouping.

    In fact, setting permissions with the checkbox in the top column only makes sense for the Administrator or Moderator, other groups will always need a more varied combination and is not easy to do.

  9. Hi team,

    I'm creating new member groups for new subscriptions and I'm setting permissions for all my forums and subforums. I've more than 300. And I've a problem, I only can set permissions in a general way for ALL forums, but not for subforums or catgories as groups. So I need to set permissions one by one.

    Did we have another way to set permissions more efficently? Now I need to select about 6.000 field check

    Thanks for your help.

  10. Hi team,

    I think that will be a great update to add recent activity in a search results for every topic. Because now only show the creation date, so looks like is an old topic, and they can have a lot recent replies so it is a recent hot topic.

    For exemple, this topic named "My site is down / slow" was created 09/08/23 but have last reply in 11/15/23 (Last wednesday) If we show the last reply field too we offer to user signals of freshness and actuality.

    Actually looks like all topics results are olds.

    Can you consider to future updates? Thanks

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Person, Face, Head

  11. 19 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can take a closer look

    I have found the reason for this problem. It has to do with the admin languages. Even if a default language is disabled for the front-end in the CP admin you can choose it. And the search engine only searches in the language you have selected.
    If any forum does not have translation configured for that language it skips it does not show result.
    I think that if it has no translation it should take the existing name, and only prevail the chosen language when its translation exists. Otherwise this happens, it does not show all the results because it is empty in your language.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    We're still investigating your ticket, but an alternative would be to use IPS webhooks in combination with Zapier https://help.zapier.com/hc/en-us/articles/8496326446989-Send-webhooks-in-Zaps to receive the data and then forward them to Active Campaign.

    But Zapier conection uses webhooks, I've 2 webhooks created in my IC and I only has enabled zapier. I never created these webhooks manually.

    Could contain: File, Text

    I can see that IPS webhooks have the same triggers and I suspect that have the same data too. So the problems will be the same.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

  13. Hi team,

    If we have many groups and many content it is very complicated to set permissions because all the groups appear out of order.

    We only order by name in the groups page, can be useful to search some group name but not when set permissions in new forum created. We've all groups mixed, guests, admin, moderators, partners, ex-partners, etcc... and it's dificult

    So It would be very useful to be able to sort them manually as we do with the forums and have them appear in this order when assigning permissions. This would save us time and many errors when assigning privileges in our communities.

    Can you consider for upcoming upgrades?

    Thanks a lot.

    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Computer, Pc, File

    Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Chart

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