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Posts posted by HDiddy

  1. On 7/13/2021 at 2:43 AM, HDiddy said:

    Just adding this to the bugs thread I PMd to Adriano.

    Basically The specific issue we are having has to do with using points to purchase downloads.  We are a game modding community where we use the Points system as a currency to download mods.  Every user has the ability to set their own price point for mods.  What we are finding is that when a Member up loads a new mod the first person to download it pays the points price for the mod.  After which all other members can download the item freely without any points being deducted from their bank.  Not sure what is specifically causing the issue but it has been going on for maybe a few months now.

    Hi @Adriano Faria curious if you made any progress on this issue.  Cheers!!

  2. 9 hours ago, ReyDev said:


    i checked it out in my website and i didn't see. so please tell me your website URL or share some screenshots from the bugs.



    Thank you for your suggestions

    I really like these features #1, #3 (Multiple stories with the same settings), #4. I'll add these features in the next versions.

    but about #2 ->
    This is something that can be easily implemented, but consider a case where someone publishes a story and visitors like or comment on it(these are part of my planned features and will be added). What happens if the story is completely changed to something else, the status of likes, comments, etc.? Should they be removed? What if they are removed and the story changes are not too much? For these reasons, we decided to remove the possibility of editing.In any case, if you have a solution in this regard, we will definitely welcome it.

    For #2 I was thinking around the use case of you published a story and made a spelling mistake or forgot to add a link.  So a small edit Window.  I've seen some sites do edit windows on comments for maybe 3 minutes, which is the time users have to make changes before it is final.  Just a thought though.  In the end it is not some earth shattering feature. LOL

    Also I managed to fix the "bug" myself.  To give you some detail in case it happens to anyone else...

    This is what we were getting when accessing a members stories from their member profile.  Works fine everywhere else but here is where it blanks out.


    The fix in our case was changing the storage location in files for Stories to our 3rd Party S3 provider, Vultr.  It was set to the default Amazon storage container.  My assumption is that Stories by default will upload images to whatever is the default location for post.  However the url for the button on the profile might be set to pull the storage location as set in the Files menu in ACP.  You will need to confirm if my assumption is correct.  But as is well now.



  3. Great app,

    Was waiting for a few versions to clear out the initial bugs before we purchased but very nicely done. That said a few things.


    I am really only experiencing one bug.  That is when I view a member's story from their profile, the images seem to be broken. Not sure why but it only occurs when viewing from their profile.

    Feature Suggestions:

    1. Ability to resize the icon on the widget and have the option to just use the members avatar or the picture from the story.
    2. Ability to edit a story within a specific period of time after it has been published.  Maybe 20 Minutes or so in case you make a mistake
    3. Ability to add more than one image to a story at once.  Maybe add up to a max of 5 images that can be ACP configurable
    4. Is there a way to show on the Activity Feed that someone has posted a story?
  4. 18 hours ago, Michael.J said:

    Are you using the very latest version, this was a bug but should be fixed now.

    I am.  When I click the tab for more than 1 hit, these are the ones I want to create a post on notifying the admins. However post are created on everything including the ones with just 1 hit which for the most part are the new registration accounts.

  5. I saw this block on another Invision site and I assumed it was custom so curious if someone can do something similar.  Basically it is an block that lets users know how many downloads they have remaining.



    It additionally gives an information screen when the link is clicked


  6. On 7/13/2021 at 2:43 AM, HDiddy said:

    Just adding this to the bugs thread I PMd to Adriano.

    Basically The specific issue we are having has to do with using points to purchase downloads.  We are a game modding community where we use the Points system as a currency to download mods.  Every user has the ability to set their own price point for mods.  What we are finding is that when a Member up loads a new mod the first person to download it pays the points price for the mod.  After which all other members can download the item freely without any points being deducted from their bank.  Not sure what is specifically causing the issue but it has been going on for maybe a few months now.

    @Adriano Faria I'm pretty sure your up to your eye balls in request and support bugs.  Just curious if you have had a chance to look at this bug.  For is it is making the whole points system a moot point since it is not really working correctly.

  7. 20 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    @HDiddy, fixed the group issue. Let me know if you have FTP access, so I can provide the fix while you wait the official version to be available in marketplace.

    Regarding the attachment issue reported by @OptimusBain, I still can't reproduce. Works fine to me, as admin (being the tutorial author or downloader) or as a regular member (also being the tutorial author or downloader). Technically speaking, all the columns are properly filled in the right columns of the attachments table.

    Feel free to PM to provide more info.

    Unfortunately I am on IPS Hosted so no FTP Access, but I can wait for the official.

    As for the other issue it is odd, we don't have that many tutorials about 80 so we can effectively fix them with the work around I mentioned but still kind of weird.

  8. On 8/25/2021 at 11:36 PM, OptimusBain said:

    I am having a problem with the download files attached to a tutorial. The category has all permissions and only the creator of the tutorial can download the txt files he uploaded. I am the admin and I can't download them. I see them as "unavailable". What am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot

    See attachments. I have all permissions for the tutorial/category and I can't download the files. The creator of the tutorial can.



    @Adriano Faria I can confirm I have this same issue.  It seems to be fixed by me logging in as the submitter and simply resubmitting the tutorial.  Not sure what happened but it is an issue on our side.


    On an unrelated note...what I actually came here to post.  I am recieveing this error when I try to enable guest access to the site.  I am trying to create a guest page but to do it I have to disable the Tutorials App then enable guest access, then enable the tutorials app again.  Unfortunately this method does not allow me to remove tutorials access for guest as it will throw the following error:

    REPLACE INTO `tutorials_groups` ( `tutorials_g_id`, `tutorials_posts_access`, `tutorials_othermems`, `tutorials_copy`, `tutorials_tutorializepost`, `tutorials_viewreaders`, `tutorials_view` ) VALUES ( 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, true )
    IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'tutorials_posts_access' cannot be null (1048)
    #0 /var/www/html/106131/system/Db/Db.php(967): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*r304709::r304...', Array)
    #1 /var/www/sitefiles/r304709/applications/tutorials/sources/Members/Members.php(63): IPS\_Db->replace('tutorials_group...', Array)
    #2 /var/www/sitefiles/r304709/applications/tutorials/extensions/core/GroupForm/Tutorials.php(75): IPS\tutorials\_Members::setGroupData(2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, true)
    #3 /var/www/html/106131/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(224): IPS\tutorials\extensions\core\GroupForm\_Tutorials->save(Array, Object(IPS\Member\Group))
    #4 /var/www/html/106131/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form()
    #5 /var/www/html/106131/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /var/www/html/106131/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute()
    #7 /var/www/html/106131/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


  9. On 6/24/2021 at 12:48 PM, SeNioR- said:

    Hi. Are you talking about a mobile look or not? I don't know your resolution but for me they are not small. The default icons are clearly visible.

    I would say they are even too big on the Desktop look.

    You can, of course, enlarge them through CSS.

    Topic view

    .cAuthorPane_badge {
        font-size: 30px;


    These are the badges that show up in the topics area.  I think the badges that are small are the ones that show up in the profile.

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