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Posts posted by HDiddy

  1. 19 hours ago, DawPi said:

    It's normal behaviour here. Almost all devs doing that if they something privately done. PM if you're interested and I'll send you more details how and where you may buy it.


    [ + ]

    Don't forget that Marketplace was closed here - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/473428-no-caps-topic-titles/?do=findComment&comment=2967780


    It's cool, if it is not something I can just get from your site, I can wait for it to be fixed. Thanks!!

  2. On 7/3/2022 at 8:22 AM, beats23 said:

    any update on a plugin/app that can do this?


    On 5/12/2021 at 7:18 AM, Circo said:

    I'm looking for a plugin/addon that would show users how many more downloads they are allowed within a given time.  On my site I limit specific user groups to a specific number of downloads from the files section within a 24 hour period.  There is nothing that indicates how many downloads a user has or if they have reached their limit for the day.  Currently; the only message that appears when a user reaches their download is simply "You don't have permission to download this file".  This message is confusing to people as they believe that they have been banned and sometimes causes users to register another account...

    I think something like this could be used as a marketing tool that could help push users towards subscribing to the site.

    * Located near the download button in files section.
    * Show user a reminder of how many downloads they have left for specified time period.
    ** Once their # of downloads for the time period have ended, let them know their number of downloads in specified time has been reached, have it suggest starting a subscription and link to the subscription page.  
    * Possible block for the Pages application so it can be placed anywhere on pages.

    I don't think there is a plugin/addon for this, if you are willing to create such an addon... I'm willing to sponsor it.

    Ok old thread. I paid for Adriano to create something custom but simple. Maybe if enough people have interest he can make it available on his site.

    Could contain: Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

    Works perfectly.

  3. @Adriano Faria I have a feature request that maybe you might think is useful.  I know you have your comics app that many people did not use, but have you thought of being able to use Media Uploader also as a comics reader?

    I was looking for some HTML comic readers and I found this on GitHub: https://github.com/afzafri/Web-Comic-Reader which I thought could be an interesting way to integrate it.  Even for people who want to use it to upload digital magazines and such.  So that is Big Feature Request #1.

    A couple little thing that maybe is simpler are the following

    1. Ability for an Admin to change the owner of a document to someone else.
    2. Ability to add a Cover Photo for the file uploaded.  Because I wanted to use this for comics I was think a photo to scale like a standard document.
    3. Ability to embed files into applications like Tutorials. I swear this worked before but it seems it is not anymore.

    Cheers Mate!!

  4. 1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Are you having any issues with the app itself? Is there anything not working? Copied from a MS template:

    {{if !$file->isPaid() AND $file->ms_points AND $member->member_id != $file->submitter}} {$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}{{endif}}

    Anything different that's what is there, is customization, and not supported.

    Nope that did the same thing.  I further tried to simplify that for just what I needed to limit the variables and see if that helped using

    <span class="cFilePrice ipsType_medium">
    	{{if $file->ms_points}} 
    		{$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}

    This did not work either....however again the If loop is using the "else" block instead.  Long story short I am thinking the system is not recognizing ms_points or $pointsName and I am not sure where these variables would exist.

  5. 1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Are you having any issues with the app itself? Is there anything not working? Copied from a MS template:

    {{if !$file->isPaid() AND $file->ms_points AND $member->member_id != $file->submitter}} {$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}{{endif}}

    Anything different that's what is there, is customization, and not supported.

    App is working perfectly.  It is just how the points show up...

    I am going to try the the template you posted

  6. Hi @Adriano Faria,

    Having trouble with how Points are shown when being used to purchase downloads and I cannot figure it out.  Basically by default, for any type of carousel widget it shows fine.  However in the Grid View, Table View, and on the Downloads page it just always defaults to free.  I did some test and simplified the CSS in the templates to the following

    <span class="cFilePrice">
        {{if $file->isPaid()}}

    In the Downloads>Front>Browse>IndexBlock theme this seems to handle the carousels and is working as intend.  The "price" for downloads show up as the points.

    However when I add this to any other template it does not work. I boiled it down to the fact that the when the system is not recognizing the file as paid and going straight to the "ELSE" clause marking it as FREE.  When I changed the if statement to say {{if !$file->isPaid()}} nothing shows up at all.  I honestly am at my wits end and cannot figure this out as it is weird.  So seeing if you can help.

  7. SO I like the new Gallery but it would be nice if it would work better in a few regards which I listed below



    Sometimes you just want a static album cover not to change, versus the album cover always being the latest picture.  This is especially the case for video albums where you might want to select a specific cover for that album.


    It also would be nice to be able to dedicate a category to either video or images and have the labels appropriately show up.  So if a gallery is dedicated to video you see video labels instead of image or if it is for both you see "content" labels instead


    Video Support is kind of lacking.  It would be nice if h.265 video was supported.

  8. On 12/3/2022 at 6:27 AM, Franck Poulain said:

    Same issue here ! After the 4.7.5 upgrade downloads are broken ! I'm using the regular amazon S3 service.

    Sent a support ticket but they told me that it will not be looked before Monday...

    My website is not offline because of this.

    Yeah I do no think the issue had anything to do with S3 Compatible storage.  Because if Invisions CDN is hardcoded in (which is what we are experiencing)  then using your own Amazon S3 storage is not going to work either.

  9. Ok now I do know there is no "Official" support for S3 compatible storage but it has been working fine for the most part up to now.  I am currently using Vultr as my S3 storage option, mainly because I do not need to have signed access so it works seamlessly...well it at least it did.

    I was having other issues with out of date plugins plugins in which IPS Support help me fix and while they were at the upgraded my site to the new version.  Thanks to the team for that help because I know my issues were kind of out there.

    That said...whenever someone tries to download a file they get an XML Access Denied Error. When I inspect the URL it is actually pointing to https://content-restricted.invisioncic.com, now I have no clue what this is but it is definitely not were my files are stored as this looks like an IPS CDN.

    Is anyone else on Cloud getting this issue if using S3 compatible storage? Wasabi, Vultr, or anything else?

    Ohhh and I should add, already opened a ticket with IPS, but if anyone does has this issue...when I tried to add a custom URL to my storage settings seeing if that will work my AdminCP Error 500'd on me.

  10. 1 minute ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Have you contacted the author of that items first of all? I realise it may not be actively developed any longer, however you may still be able to contact the developer themselves

    Thanks Marc. For the one I deleted it seems the developer wiped their presence clean.  They are no longer on Invision and their site no longer exist.  For me that was a simple conclusion to delete the app.  Mind you I did not enable it, it was already disabled when I tried to delete it.

    For all the apps I have enabled they are all in active development. We just made decision not to enable anything that is no longer being developed.  Yes there is a lot of nice things we will no longer have, but that pales in comparison to the site not working.

  11. So for the site I manage we have a ton of plugins and apps which honestly have been a huge headache with the PHP 8 changes.  After getting assistance for support who had to disable all my 3rd party content twice. They advised me to run through each plugin and app one by one to ensure i was compatible.  So that is what I have been doing.

    I started with plugins deleted maybe like 15 of them and everything was great. This were I realized what went wrong the first time as one of the Admins enabled at least 3 plugins that were not compatible. Anyway lesson learned.  Plugins were cleaned so off to the next thing. I went to apps to do the same thing there.  Checking and enabling or disabling one by one. In addition to deciding if the damn app is even necessary, many were not.  Then I got to a specific app that basically no longer exist anywhere...

    Could contain: Text, Paper

    So easy right? Just delete it? Well as soon as I hit the delete button


    AdminCP goes down for the 3rd time, just like that.  I'm sitting here like come on now.  All I did was hit the delete button for an app I know is not even in existence anymore.  How on earth did that make my AdminCP go down with an Error 500?

    Anyways IPS Support has been great but I am sure they are tired of having to check what new thing got F'd up today.  Curious if anyone else on IPS Cloud is having issues.

  12. So with Downloads Plus (kinda not getting updated) I think this is an opportunity for a good dev to fill in a void where one is needed.  Integrating this feature and many more.  I listed it below for someone else but figured I will post it public here.

    We need a new Downloads Plus app.  Lets call "Enhanced Downloads" just for giggles and grins.  Honestly I wish @Adriano Faria would make this but he is busy AF.  So here is what this damn app should do


    1. Merging the Details, Comments, Reviews, and Changelog sections into the main tabs like downloads Plus

    This is what the details area looks like (I have an additional field turned on)

    Could contain: Text, Label, Word

    All the way at the bottom is where Comments and Reviews are

    Could contain: Text

    Having these merged at the top, IMO is the core reason anyone used this app.  Sure the other stuff is great but I found my users almost never used those features making them more of an annoyance.

    2. Adding features to better integrate with the system (What this post is all about)

    First feature up front is a better visual UI elements for the Anti Leech systems.  Yes a lot of of us limit downloads to a certain amount per day/week/year.  However users have no clue how many downloads they ever have left.  Adding an optional button or message box under the downloads file button to show this would be perfect.  I know before you did this in an overlay....but that simply is not as intuitive as a actual visual UI element clear and present.

    I think with different apps sun setting per say, this is something that will definitely fill that void.  SO here is another bump with more details

  13. 2 hours ago, CaliPilot said:

    Hi Andy,

    yes i know, we are already using this feature but we noticed that users start replacing their content when the votes don't fly in as expected 😉



    You could put a limit on the amount of content they can put in a competition.  For us we do this, and if they delete anything an admin has to permanently delete it before they can post something else.

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