q p started following Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]
q p started following [CJ] Stratagem (Support Topic) , Patreon Integration and Members Shop ( Support Topic )
[CJ] Stratagem (Support Topic)
@CodingJungle Mentioning the developer in hopes to get their attention
Patreon Integration
Is this integration going to be updated to support the latest version? Seems to be abandoned - are there any alternatives?
[CJ] Stratagem (Support Topic)
Hello, What's the status of this application compatibility with the latest IPS? The app is locked and can't be enabled after upgrading the IPS to 4.7.5 - we had to upgrade as we were no longer supported according to the IPS Admin dashboard, however the Stratagem app is no longer compatible - any info on when the updated version will be available?
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Thank you for the prompt reply, seeing that you have extensive experience with this platform, would you be interested in creating a custom solution for the functionality we desire? If so, please get in touch with me via PM to discuss further. Thank you
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Hello Adriano, We are interested in this plugin (and the clubs add-on) and would like to ask some questions regarding its functionality before we decide if this is the right solution for our site. 1. We plan to grant access to our community via monthly subscriptions available from the store. Can points be awarded to members that have an active subscription, according to the subscription tier? So the more expensive the subscription, the more points per month the members get? 2. Can points be deducted when a user RSVP's in a calendar event? I want to remove xx amount of points every time they RSVP to an event. 3. Can points be deducted when a user RSVP's in a calendar event that's on a Club's Calendar (not global calendar) and can it have different number of points deducted depending on the Club? In other words, can a Club owner charge different number of points to be deducted when members RSVP in their Clubs' event? 4. Can points be included when purchasing another product from our store. Say we have a digital product we provide through the store and we would like product A to also award xx amount of points and product B to award zz amount of points etc. 5. Lastly could we rename the mention of 'points' to 'tickets' throughout our community, so we essentially give free 'tickets' instead of points with each subscription and the clients deduct a xx amount of 'tickets' instead of 'points' when they RSVP to an event? Thank you, qp
[CJ] Stratagem (Support Topic)
@TAMAN Yes this happens only with Dreadnought and not with default IPS theme. I've sent you a PM with instructions on how to see the page, thank you for the prompt reply!
[CJ] Stratagem (Support Topic)
Hello, Thank you for the ongoing great work on this addon, much appreciated! We are looking to create a page with Stratagem for showcasing a public roadmap and we have a couple of issues we'd like to report. Issue #1: Task Completion % When we go inside a card and select the checkbox to complete an item, the complete % status goes randomly up or down, and there seems to be no logic on how the card tracks the completion of an item. Is this a known issue? We tried the behavior using the default IPS theme, but it was the same, so this doesn't seem like something affected by our theme. In the picture below, the percentage should be 60%, however it shows 40%. If we click on any of the checkboxes, the behavior seems random on how it affects the total percentage. Issue #2: Page Width with Dreadnought theme When using the Dreadnought Theme by Taman, the right-hand side layout seems to go over the page's width. Please see the attached picture, red arrow points to the area that goes over the page's width
[CJ] Stratagem (Support Topic)
Hello! I am receiving this error when I click on the "Activity - All Activity". I am running the latest version of Stratagem on 4.6 Cloud EDIT: In addition, when trying to execute the task weeklydigest we get this error
q p started following Jordan Miller
(MIX) Advanced Reaction Settings [support topic]
Hello @MIXOH I was hoping you'd be updating this application for IPS 4.5, we would love to add it to our community.
Reactions Per User Group
Hello @Adriano Faria Thank you for your wonderful apps and plugins for IPS. I was hoping you'd consider updating and making this plugin available for 4.5 if possible. Our community would love to have this functionality on our website.
A different article styles By Pages ( IP.Content )
Hello, I am using the Dreadnought theme and if I remember correctly, it used to come with the Pages Plugin bundled. Now with 4.5 IPS upgrade, I upgraded the theme no problem, but the upgrade to the plugin said there was unknown error. So I tried uninstalling and now it tells me to pay $15 for the plugin. I have active renewal on the theme, but it no longer comes with this plugin? Do I have to buy it extra now? Just want to make sure if you can help understand my options, would appreciate it.
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
yes, it prompted no issues during installation and as far as I understand it seems to be working. As I mentioned earlier, we haven't really used this app but we plan to, so I guess I'll be reporting any issues in the upcoming weeks. I use the 'default' Cloud provided community so haven't messed up with any mysql configuration, whatever is default. We have included a theme and some other applications and plugins if that makes any difference. Let me know how to provide any additional information to help you troubleshoot.
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
so here are the errors this time (it all looks the same to me lol) There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are: UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_id`='' WHERE `project_id` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_private`=0 WHERE `project_private` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_archived`=0 WHERE `project_archived` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_manager`=0 WHERE `project_manager` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_repo_lastPage`=0 WHERE `project_repo_lastPage` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_bitbucket_lastPage`=0 WHERE `project_bitbucket_lastPage` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_projects` CHANGE COLUMN `project_id` `project_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `project_order` `project_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'Record\'s Position', CHANGE COLUMN `project_club_id` `project_club_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'Club ID', CHANGE COLUMN `project_bitwise` `project_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `project_private` `project_private` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_due` `project_due` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_created_date` `project_created_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_max_users` `project_max_users` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 6 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_archived` `project_archived` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_default_column_topic` `project_default_column_topic` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_manager` `project_manager` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_repo_lastPage` `project_repo_lastPage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_issues_column` `project_issues_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_download_id` `project_download_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_bitbucket_lastPage` `project_bitbucket_lastPage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_style` `project_style` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_calendar` `project_calendar` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_event` `project_event` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_max_comments` `project_max_comments` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_publish_date` `project_publish_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_cover_photo_offset` `project_cover_photo_offset` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_enabled` `project_enabled` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 1 ; UPDATE `stratagem_columns` SET `column_id`='' WHERE `column_id` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_columns` SET `column_order`=0 WHERE `column_order` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_columns` SET `column_project`=0 WHERE `column_project` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_columns` CHANGE COLUMN `column_id` `column_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `column_bitwise` `column_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `column_order` `column_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `column_project` `column_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `column_last` `column_last` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `column_expire` `column_expire` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `column_state` `column_state` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `column_enabled` `column_enabled` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 1 ; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_id`='' WHERE `card_id` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_column`=0 WHERE `card_column` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_order`=0 WHERE `card_order` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_sub`=0 WHERE `card_sub` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_complete`=0 WHERE `card_complete` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_project`=0 WHERE `card_project` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_comments`=0 WHERE `card_comments` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_commentsTotal`=0 WHERE `card_commentsTotal` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_percents`=0 WHERE `card_percents` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_waiting`=0 WHERE `card_waiting` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_trigger`=0 WHERE `card_trigger` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_cards` CHANGE COLUMN `card_id` `card_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `card_bitwise` `card_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `card_column` `card_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_order` `card_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_creator` `card_creator` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_create_date` `card_create_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_due_date` `card_due_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_sub` `card_sub` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete` `card_complete` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_deleted_date` `card_deleted_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_project` `card_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete_date` `card_complete_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete_by` `card_complete_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_comments` `card_comments` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_commentsTotal` `card_commentsTotal` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_votes_positive` `card_votes_positive` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_votes_negative` `card_votes_negative` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_previous_column` `card_previous_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , DROP INDEX `toCard`, CHANGE COLUMN `card_imported_id` `card_imported_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `toCard` (`card_imported_class`(-59),`card_imported_id`), CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_id` `card_repo_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_issue_id` `card_repo_issue_id` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_lists_totals` `card_lists_totals` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_percents` `card_percents` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `cards_lists_totals` `cards_lists_totals` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_content_time` `card_content_time` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_event` `card_event` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_ratingTotal` `card_ratingTotal` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_ratingUser` `card_ratingUser` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_waiting` `card_waiting` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_trigger` `card_trigger` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ; UPDATE `stratagem_times` SET `time_id`='' WHERE `time_id` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_times` CHANGE COLUMN `time_id` `time_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `time_bitwise` `time_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `time_member` `time_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_card` `time_card` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_date` `time_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_hours` `time_hours` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_minutes` `time_minutes` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_project` `time_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_clock_start` `time_clock_start` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_clock_end` `time_clock_end` INT UNSIGNED NULL ; UPDATE `stratagem_members` SET `stratagem_mid`='' WHERE `stratagem_mid` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_members` CHANGE COLUMN `stratagem_mid` `stratagem_mid` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `stratagem_hourly_rate` `stratagem_hourly_rate` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 ; UPDATE `stratagem_votes` SET `vote_id`='' WHERE `vote_id` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_votes` CHANGE COLUMN `vote_id` `vote_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `vote_bitwise` `vote_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `vote_card` `vote_card` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_member` `vote_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_positive` `vote_positive` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_negative` `vote_negative` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_value` `vote_value` INT UNSIGNED NULL ; When I select 'fix automatically' I get the following: ALTER TABLE `stratagem_cards` CHANGE COLUMN `card_id` `card_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `card_bitwise` `card_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `card_column` `card_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_order` `card_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_creator` `card_creator` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_create_date` `card_create_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_due_date` `card_due_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_sub` `card_sub` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete` `card_complete` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_deleted_date` `card_deleted_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_project` `card_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete_date` `card_complete_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete_by` `card_complete_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_comments` `card_comments` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_commentsTotal` `card_commentsTotal` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_votes_positive` `card_votes_positive` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_votes_negative` `card_votes_negative` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_previous_column` `card_previous_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , DROP INDEX `toCard`, CHANGE COLUMN `card_imported_id` `card_imported_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `toCard` (`card_imported_class`(-59),`card_imported_id`), CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_id` `card_repo_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_issue_id` `card_repo_issue_id` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_lists_totals` `card_lists_totals` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_percents` `card_percents` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `cards_lists_totals` `cards_lists_totals` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_content_time` `card_content_time` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_event` `card_event` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_ratingTotal` `card_ratingTotal` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_ratingUser` `card_ratingUser` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_waiting` `card_waiting` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_trigger` `card_trigger` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-59),`card_imported_id`), CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_id` `card_repo_id` BIGINT UNS' at line 1 I hope it helps, let me know how I can provide more information
q p started following CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
Hello and thank you for the prompt reply! I have uninstalled the application and reinstalled the latest version, and no longer have the old projects we experimented with, however the issue still persists as in my screenshots above. Is there a way to uninstall this besides the 'uninstall' option from the applications screen?
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
Hello, we've been using stratagem very lightly over the past year, but looking to start working with this app more closely in the next couple of months. I went ahead and upgraded to the latest version, however I have an issue with my database, as seen in the following screenshots taken from the 'support' part of my admin dashboard. When I click on "fix this" I get presented with the following: When I click on "check again" I see the following: There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are: UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_id`='' WHERE `project_id` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_private`=0 WHERE `project_private` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_archived`=0 WHERE `project_archived` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_manager`=0 WHERE `project_manager` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_repo_lastPage`=0 WHERE `project_repo_lastPage` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_projects` SET `project_bitbucket_lastPage`=0 WHERE `project_bitbucket_lastPage` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_projects` CHANGE COLUMN `project_id` `project_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `project_order` `project_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'Record\'s Position', CHANGE COLUMN `project_club_id` `project_club_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'Club ID', CHANGE COLUMN `project_bitwise` `project_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `project_private` `project_private` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_due` `project_due` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_created_date` `project_created_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_max_users` `project_max_users` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 6 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_archived` `project_archived` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_default_column_topic` `project_default_column_topic` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_manager` `project_manager` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_repo_lastPage` `project_repo_lastPage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_issues_column` `project_issues_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_download_id` `project_download_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_bitbucket_lastPage` `project_bitbucket_lastPage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_style` `project_style` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `project_calendar` `project_calendar` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_event` `project_event` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_max_comments` `project_max_comments` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_publish_date` `project_publish_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_cover_photo_offset` `project_cover_photo_offset` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `project_enabled` `project_enabled` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 1 ; UPDATE `stratagem_columns` SET `column_id`='' WHERE `column_id` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_columns` SET `column_order`=0 WHERE `column_order` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_columns` SET `column_project`=0 WHERE `column_project` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_columns` CHANGE COLUMN `column_id` `column_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `column_bitwise` `column_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `column_order` `column_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `column_project` `column_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `column_last` `column_last` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `column_expire` `column_expire` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `column_state` `column_state` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `column_enabled` `column_enabled` TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 1 ; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_id`='' WHERE `card_id` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_column`=0 WHERE `card_column` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_order`=0 WHERE `card_order` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_sub`=0 WHERE `card_sub` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_complete`=0 WHERE `card_complete` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_project`=0 WHERE `card_project` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_comments`=0 WHERE `card_comments` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_commentsTotal`=0 WHERE `card_commentsTotal` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_percents`=0 WHERE `card_percents` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_waiting`=0 WHERE `card_waiting` IS NULL; UPDATE `stratagem_cards` SET `card_trigger`=0 WHERE `card_trigger` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_cards` CHANGE COLUMN `card_id` `card_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `card_bitwise` `card_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `card_column` `card_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_order` `card_order` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_creator` `card_creator` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_create_date` `card_create_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_due_date` `card_due_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_sub` `card_sub` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete` `card_complete` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_deleted_date` `card_deleted_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_project` `card_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete_date` `card_complete_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_complete_by` `card_complete_by` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_comments` `card_comments` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_commentsTotal` `card_commentsTotal` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_votes_positive` `card_votes_positive` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_votes_negative` `card_votes_negative` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_previous_column` `card_previous_column` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , DROP INDEX `toCard`, CHANGE COLUMN `card_imported_id` `card_imported_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , ADD KEY `toCard` (`card_imported_class`(-59),`card_imported_id`), CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_id` `card_repo_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_repo_issue_id` `card_repo_issue_id` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_lists_totals` `card_lists_totals` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_percents` `card_percents` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `cards_lists_totals` `cards_lists_totals` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_content_time` `card_content_time` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_event` `card_event` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_ratingTotal` `card_ratingTotal` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_ratingUser` `card_ratingUser` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `card_waiting` `card_waiting` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CHANGE COLUMN `card_trigger` `card_trigger` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ; UPDATE `stratagem_times` SET `time_id`='' WHERE `time_id` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_times` CHANGE COLUMN `time_id` `time_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `time_bitwise` `time_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `time_member` `time_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_card` `time_card` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_date` `time_date` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_hours` `time_hours` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_minutes` `time_minutes` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_project` `time_project` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_clock_start` `time_clock_start` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `time_clock_end` `time_clock_end` INT UNSIGNED NULL ; UPDATE `stratagem_members` SET `stratagem_mid`='' WHERE `stratagem_mid` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_members` CHANGE COLUMN `stratagem_mid` `stratagem_mid` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `stratagem_hourly_rate` `stratagem_hourly_rate` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0 ; UPDATE `stratagem_votes` SET `vote_id`='' WHERE `vote_id` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `stratagem_votes` CHANGE COLUMN `vote_id` `vote_id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID Number', CHANGE COLUMN `vote_bitwise` `vote_bitwise` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT 'bitwise field.', CHANGE COLUMN `vote_card` `vote_card` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_member` `vote_member` BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_positive` `vote_positive` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_negative` `vote_negative` INT UNSIGNED NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `vote_value` `vote_value` INT UNSIGNED NULL ; I have then the option to "fix automatically" and "Check again". When I select the former, I see this: Can you please advise on how to solve this? Thank you, qp