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Everything posted by RocketStang

  1. I am having he same issue...the edit icon is missing on some of the styles. If you switch to Style 2, you should be able to edit. I also noticed that some of the CSS seems off. I can only use style 2 and 3, all the others look off in some fashion.
  2. Am I missing new patch notifications? The only way I learn about them is from cruising this forum! I would think new patches would pop up in the ACP notifications maybe?? If not, can we get this to happen?
  3. Ok Thanks! I got it fixed up. Seems like the map still updated, I am at 1.0.4 when my CSS came back!
  4. @Martin A. I just tried to update to version 1.0.4 and as soon as I hit install, it stripped all the CSS from my ACP! Not sure what to do now??
  5. Hope someone bumps MIND up to 4.5...I am looking for a free theme with sticky header to mess around with! I don't like to customize my default theme in order to make upgrades easier!
  6. The upgrade process does disable all your plugins and apps automatically...I know it did to mine. I was then able to upgrade each plugin and app as needed and re-enable them.
  7. I added the widget to this page with lots of tags but nothing is showing yet? https://7173mustangs.com/forums/forum/16-71-73-mustang-parts-you-are-selling/
  8. Does anyone know how similar content from tags side bar box works? Is there a trick to getting it to work on my forum? I just set tags up forum wide and starting adding some but the box still doesn't populate. Also, is there any side bar tag clouds for IPB 4.5? Thanks!
  9. I have tags set up in individual forums for use with the closed system. If I were to add tags to ACP -> System -> Posting -> Tags, would they be available everywhere that tags are allowed? I don't want tags anywhere else other than where I have them set up. This is why I would like to turn the blog tags off.
  10. I use this code in my custom css for a larger logo...maybe it will help you? /* Adjust header height. */ #elSiteTitle, #elLogo { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; height: 250px !important; }
  11. It should read creating a blog entry...sorry, that is my fault! But here is screen shots of what I see when creating a blog entry and then click on the TAG button to add tags. BOOM...error. (This screen grab was from edit but it is the same as new entry)
  12. It's hard to explain... When I created a blog, it asked to add tags like any other topic you start, but I turned off that option on all my forums except the 4 that I do use tags in. There is no setting to turn tags off when creating a blog. I did submit a ticket and they said there was no option and invited mt to add this post to feedback and ideas for consideration.
  13. No, I don't have Radical Tags...I was hoping the Devs would add this option to the Blog core settings. I only use tags and prefixes for a couple forums in a closed system...each forum has a couple tags like for sale and WTB, etc. I don't really need a big tag system! Just want to turn the option to add them off with in blogs.
  14. If you mods have restricted powers, make sure you go through all those settings that open up!
  15. I'd like to see the ability to turn tags off when creating a blog. I used a closed tag system but don't have any tags defined so I get an error message when you click on the tags button in the create blog form. Thanks! RS
  16. I was thinking the same thing! I like the info and wanted it on every post but not using up that much space! I would also like to see a entry field that self populates with usernames that posted in this post...when you get to who you are looking for, click the name to show that member's (or your own) posts within this topic! That would be helpful for longer topics!
  17. Yes, I was looking through the guide for some content but most is geared for admins...
  18. Does anyone have or has anyone seen tutorials about how to use the forums as a member? I am starting a help section and would like to add some tutorials on how to add images, how to use content streams, etc...I can write them up my self but it takes time that I don't really have! If anyone wants to share, let me know!
  19. The name changed to /communitymap You may have to create a new nav link in your menu manager to get it to show.
  20. Ok thanks! Might just be a fluke too! I still have a bunch of posts to convert but this is the only one so far that was odd.
  21. I looked at the source code for he image link and it has a ipsnoembed=true in it... <a href="http://members.dodo.com.au/~jimniki/hidden_wiring/hw-1a.jpg" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow">http://members.dodo.com.au/~jimniki/hidden_wiring/hw-1a.jpg</a> I tried several times to edit and save but still just links...no embedded images.
  22. I hate to be a pain, but something else weird just happened... I converted a post over that had hot linked images in it. The images were embedded in the post, but he new tutorial just linked them instead of embedding them. I'm not sure this is even an issue, maybe that is just how it has to be with conversions?
  23. Ok I got it...I saw the stars pop up but I didn't notice the Reviews Tab next to the comments tab! Thanks again for a great app!
  24. @Adriano Faria I enabled reviews for my categories but the stars don't seem to be clickable in the index view or tutorial view...is there another setting that I need to get them to work?
  25. OK I'll try that and if it persists, I'll let you know! Thanks!
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