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Everything posted by Miss_B

  1. What version are you trying to upgrade from?
  2. What about your host? Most hosts make dayily backups and maybe they have a recent one for your site. It 's worth a shot imo.
  3. The new version is compatible with Ipb 4.7 and PHP 8.
  4. What is the actual query that it keeps asking you to run?
  5. Do you have strict sql mode enabled? Somewhere an empty string '' is being passed as a value for decimal fields in the insert query. If strict sql mode is enabled and an invalid data is inserted into a column, it throws an error rather than providing a warning. I 've come this across before. I fixed it by changing the INSERT query to add the IGNORE command. i.e. from INSERT INTO table_name to INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name Hope it helps.
  6. I am happy to see that Invision Community is growing! A very warm welcome and congratulations to @Gary on getting hired by Invision. 😊
  7. This usually happens due to disk issues on the MySQL server and/or corrupted keys/tables.
  8. This is not something that can be fixed from the admin panel. As mentioned above, you should contact your host about this. Database tables should not be missing like that.
  9. Sorry about that. You can post at that app 's support topic about your request and see if Adriano can add the notification option as well besides the pms.
  10. I have not seen any such app for Ipb. Have you checked the Marketplace? If there is such an app, it will be listed there.
  11. If support can not get access to the site in question, where the issue is happening, and they themselves can not reproduce this on their installations, it is impossible to spot, find and/or fix it. It is the equivalent of going to a car garage and tell the mechanics there that my car has this problem and I want you to fix it, but I do not want to give you access to the car itself.
  12. It looks like it is being caused by a third party app. What apps do you have installed and what the latest change/edit done to the forum prior to this error happening?
  13. Can you check the System Logs and see if any errors pertaining to this has been logged in?
  14. No, it supports the forum only.
  15. I will look into this very soon. Thank you for your reply.
  16. Can you please tell me what errors messages are you getting?
  17. I did check it on my test site with php 8.1. and I did not get any errors.
  18. Where were the widgets appearing first? Or to be more precise, where do you want them to appear? What was the latest change that you did to your forum before the widgets started to appear everywhere?
  19. I have edited the file to include the version compatibility for 4.7. It is currently waiting approval.
  20. If a guest makes a post and/or creates a topic, they will not be allowed to complete them unless they register. Post before register is the name of the option that makes this possible. Have you enabled it?
  21. What application was that? It looks to me like a case of strings not been properly formated/
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