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Posts posted by silenceheaven

  1. 14 hours ago, kmk said:

    Only menu icon or possible extend feature? Example place menu icon as access on the mobilenavbar

    It is already hooking into the mobile navbar templates, so it should appear, at least on the default theme. Are you using a custom theme?

  2. @Fosters for some reason the application page is not loading any content, it just shows the title bar and the page is empty. Is there a reason this happens, like a noob mistake on my end or is it something more serious?

    Something like another admin disabling showing on the index page perhaps?


  3. 2 hours ago, Nebthtet said:

    @silenceheaven you might try looking into following error: when this application is enabled when you try creating a new page in Pages via Page Builder it throws a big error (I'm sending it to you via PM). I've tried disabling other things and by elimination came to conclusion it's caused by this application :(.

    I'll try to replicate and have an update out by this weekend!

  4. UPDATE `raffles_categories` raffles_categories  SET `rc_name_furl`='game-giveaways',`rc_parent`=0,`rc_icon`=NULL,`rc_sortorder`='updated',`rc_sortby`='DESC',`rc_sharing`=true,`rc_raffles_type`='{"raffle":0,"giveaway":1}',`rc_newmoderated`=true,`rc_allowcomments`=true,`rc_comments_moderated`=false,`rc_allowreviews`=false,`rc_reviews_moderated`=NULL,`rc_min_prizes`=1,`rc_max_prizes`=3,`rc_maxss`=0,`rc_maxdims`='0x0',`rc_tags_disabled`=false,`rc_tags_noprefixes`=false,`rc_forum_on`=false,`rc_forum`=0,`rc_prefix`=NULL,`rc_suffix`=NULL,`rc_delete_topic`=1 WHERE rc_id=2
    IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'rc_reviews_moderated' cannot be null (1048)

    When creating a new category.

  5. Just now, Adriano Faria said:

    There's a notice for this in the file description:


    Actually It was due to something stupid that you can probably guess caused it, but does the raffle system allow for entries without purchase?

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