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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by silenceheaven

  1. Yeah it is a styling issue, I could add a section for styling as well as the normal icon configuration but it would be redundant. Also to save headaches it would be best to keep all CSS in the theme if it pertains specifically to that theme.
  2. It is already hooking into the mobile navbar templates, so it should appear, at least on the default theme. Are you using a custom theme?
  3. Update posted, I'll get more features implemented so please let me know if there are things you want to see!
  4. @Fosters for some reason the application page is not loading any content, it just shows the title bar and the page is empty. Is there a reason this happens, like a noob mistake on my end or is it something more serious? Something like another admin disabling showing on the index page perhaps?
  5. https://github.com/libvips/php-vips
  6. Can you send me that version as well I am experiencing the same issue.
  7. I'll try to replicate and have an update out by this weekend!
  8. Could an extension for items be created so I can make my own item types easily? @TheJackal84
  9. Post any issues or suggestions!
  10. @Adriano Faria Could you add two options to each group, one that says `Can be assigned as primary group` and `Can be assigned as secondary group` and based on these entries, it will list the groups accordingly?
  11. Also on the raffle page index, hovering over the expiration date, it just says its expiring soon with an undefined phrase.
  12. If configured like this, the error is triggered.
  13. Also could we possible have limits for usergroups. Say one usergroup could have 5 entries allowed, while another could have 10. Thanks!
  14. UPDATE `raffles_categories` raffles_categories SET `rc_name_furl`='game-giveaways',`rc_parent`=0,`rc_icon`=NULL,`rc_sortorder`='updated',`rc_sortby`='DESC',`rc_sharing`=true,`rc_raffles_type`='{"raffle":0,"giveaway":1}',`rc_newmoderated`=true,`rc_allowcomments`=true,`rc_comments_moderated`=false,`rc_allowreviews`=false,`rc_reviews_moderated`=NULL,`rc_min_prizes`=1,`rc_max_prizes`=3,`rc_maxss`=0,`rc_maxdims`='0x0',`rc_tags_disabled`=false,`rc_tags_noprefixes`=false,`rc_forum_on`=false,`rc_forum`=0,`rc_prefix`=NULL,`rc_suffix`=NULL,`rc_delete_topic`=1 WHERE rc_id=2 IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'rc_reviews_moderated' cannot be null (1048) When creating a new category.
  15. Actually It was due to something stupid that you can probably guess caused it, but does the raffle system allow for entries without purchase?
  16. @TheJackal84 can you add in the template for the donate link to be hidden if that user is the same as the visitor id? Thanks!
  17. Could we get prefixes to be made based on a select/radio field? Global fields so if you have a list used on multiple applications you won't need to update it on all of them. Thanks!
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