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  1. I've been watching La Palma series the first episode and I found this commercial for IPS 😄 Congrats!
  2. aXenDev started following Release Notes v5
  3. More info please.
  4. You have to create your own API outside the application.
  5. Hi @Archerus, That is why I created Custom API. You can create own custom API with any database.
  6. Finally I found this "test 1" 😄
  7. I fixed this in the 4.4.0 version. Please update the theme to the latest version.
  8. aXenDev started following Marketplace Closure
  9. StreamGro started following aXenDev
  10. Yes, It's true. I'm working on it. I need to move theme logic from cookie to local storage.
  11. What about current customers?
  12. Yes, but we don't have any information about how we have to convert plugins. We waiting for more about IPS5.
  13. For me works fine. Can you provide me more information? Check theme in incognito mode, different browser.
  14. Can you give me a link to your community? Or some video how it works on your device?
  15. Can you show me how can I reproduce this issue?
  16. Oh, I see what is going on. I'll send you PM.