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Omri Amos

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Posts posted by Omri Amos

  1. 1 minute ago, Matt said:

    No disrespect, but you've made several leaps of assumption. 😂

    Our alpha testers are customers, some self-hosted, some with the cloud platform from all walks of life. They are not picked because they are tech savvy or knowledgable. They are picked because they are articulate, but beyond that they have no special skills. They are your peers.

    Any person who OWNS A WEBSITE/FORUM is not a common user... None of the users in this community is a common user IMO.

  2. On 5/9/2024 at 9:47 AM, 13. said:

    It's quite a bad approach and should never be used in any reputable software. Unwanted styles/tags should always be stripped immediately when text is pasted into the editor, long before the message is sent to the database, not on the template side as it happens in this example.

    This code is a temporary and ineffective workaround, not a solution.

    Of course, that was my intention - a workaround to fix an existing issue.

    Obviously the real solution is to remove the colors from the original code and never load it to begin with, instead of dynamically removing in on the client side after it has already been added to the page.

    But this workaround does work, fortunately, in the meantime. 

    On 5/9/2024 at 4:25 PM, WebCMS said:

    For the time being in v4, what is the template name @Randy Calvert @Omri Amos @Sonya* @SeNioR- ?? I see a bunch of comment and post templates and it isn't clear which one it is.

    just add it to the globalTemplate right before the </body>...

  3. On 9/20/2023 at 11:46 PM, InvisionHQ said:

    2. Send the product key for your purchase either via ticket on the site or via MP here on the forum

    when trying to submit a ticket i get redirected to another website, asking me to sign in / register again (already registered on bbcode.it) - https://eidmart.wpninjadevs.com/wp/submit-ticket/

    do I need to register to both websites?

    also, where can I find the product key? I couldn't find it in my email or in the invisioncommunity dashboard (I can see all my orders, the original purchase and all the renews, but it doesn't show a product key)


  4. 34 minutes ago, Omri Amos said:

    How can I update the plugin?

    The marketplace doesn't letting me install it because "An application is already installed that uses the same Application Key, this application cannot be installed unless the other is removed", and I also can't download an actual file to upload it manually...

    I don't want to remove the existing installtion and install again because I don't want to risk losing data.


    Nevermind, I was able to link my so-called "custom" app to the marketplace item on the db, and then update the app from the marketplace.

  5. How can I update the plugin?

    The marketplace doesn't letting me install it because "An application is already installed that uses the same Application Key, this application cannot be installed unless the other is removed", and I also can't download an actual file to upload it manually...

    I don't want to remove the existing installtion and install again because I don't want to risk losing data.


  6. 2 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    Even if you change the setting, the previously soft deleted content is still there and will be removed with the task.

    yeah, all the old tests.. but I did new tests after I changed the settings..


    1 hour ago, Daniel F said:

    apologies, I just tested it local and was able to reproduce what you're seeing. We're going to fix this for an upcoming release.

    Thank you

  7. I'm not sure why do you believe it will trigger after 12 hours, when my new-post triggered within a few seconds... this doesn't make sense and is obviously not normal even if in some miracle it will suddenly work after 12 hours... 🤷‍♂️

    I disabled the delayed deletes - my deleted post is permanently deleted, but the hook didn't get triggered.
    I'm not sure what else to say, I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with this specific hook 🤷‍♂️

  8. oh, I actually had no idea "delayed deletes" is a thing!
    I see now that I have a lot of deleted posts from the last month that I can recover - including all my test posts as well, obviously.

    So this must be it.
    (even though this should be addressed in some way.. as the post is indeed deleted as far as the user knows..)

    I looked around the adminCP settings and changed "Permanently delete content" to "Immediately", and then tested the webhooks again, hoping this time it would work: but it didn't...

    Now I don't see an option to recover my deleted post (note: it was a post (reply) and not an entire topic), but still no forumsTopicPost_delete webhook got trigger...


    I updated the Admin CP Access on my account.

  9. Thanks for the quick reply!
    I waited about 5 minutes... the forumsTopicPost_create webhook is usually fired within a few seconds (I have a decently busy site).

    I created a new test post when I started writing this message - and as I'm typing this the forumsTopicPost_create webhook got triggered - after 10-20 seconds 🙂
    I have now deleted this post, and started a stopwatch... I will submit this reply in 10 minutes.

    and.... 10 minutes passed - still no forumsTopicPost_delete triggered.

    So to answer your questions - over 10 minutes.. while the forumsTopicPost_create webhook gets triggered within seconds.


  10. Hi,

    I created 2 webhooks, one for "forumsTopicPost_create" and one for "forumsTopicPost_delete", both pointing to my script that simply logs the request.

    When I reply to a topic - I can see that the "forumsTopicPost_create" webhook is indeed being triggered, with all the IPS\forums\Topic\Post object data.
    However, when I delete this comment (not hide, full delete) - the "forumsTopicPost_delete" is NOT triggered.

    I tested this quite a few times, and waited long enough... it's not triggering.

    Any ideas?


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