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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. For billing matters, you can always contact us here and choose "Accounts": https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us I have transferred this to a ticket in our accounts department so we can assist you. However, we do not offer automatic renewals via PayPal, it has to be manually checked out to pay via PayPal.
  2. There is nothing in the software to do this. You may wish to block traffic from that on your server or network if you don't wish to service that country (or any others). Alternatively, you may wish to speak with your hosting provider to see if they have a way to block that.
  3. Is there supposed to be more in there? There are not. Do you have the below defined in your conf_global.php? (don't copy paste here as sensitive info) SKIP_UPGRADE_CHECK If not, I would advise disabling any and all third party applications/plugins/themes and trying to do that action again where you're getting that error for the below:
  4. Any errors listed in Email Error Logs you would need to share with your hosting provider to configure PHP mail on your server. This would be in the root of your installation directory of our software on your server.
  5. May wish to review what this client encountered when their outbound email on the PHP mail was not defined properly: Do you have that defined in your constants.php file?
  6. I don't really see this as an option as we won't be able to run a re-import migration on your community monthly or it will become cost prohibitive to you. Additionally, that would be highly disruptive to your users as it would be the whole database being restored to when the database backup was taken. A third party application/plugin would be the only way to do this on Cloud because you also would need your custom database table associated to one or it might be removed at some point.
  7. There have been a few discussions where these answers have been provided, among others. I would advise reading those, and comment with any concerns in those topics. I do not think we need to hash up these conversations again 🙂 .
  8. I need to stress here that once the email has been passed to your server to handle email send, we have no impact on it what-so-ever. We have proved that your community is sending email notifications and successfully passing off emails to your email server. We are unable to inspect and debug server email sending, however, I would suggest switching to an email provider, like SendGrid, to take your server completely out of the equation. If you are seeing server errors in your server error log when these emails are being handed off, we would need those logs. Otherwise, there are no interruptions and email hand-off is working from the logs and testing we performed. Sorry, we do not offer phone support. I have asked a developer to take a second look at this. Someone will be with you as soon as they can.
  9. I'm afraid, any deliverability issues what-so-ever fall on the server provider, not the software. The software has 0 control over what gets delivered. We just hand it off to server. If this was a software issue, we would not be getting any emails sent because the software does not care about the email address, it produces the same email and hands it off to the server. The suggestions provided are merely suggestions. We don't know what is causing your deliverability issue. That is the responsibility of your email provider, in this case your server, to find out. I would suggest switching to another email provider to simply test but ensure you configure it fully.
  10. Would recommend using the Alert system for this. It can be for all users, group(s), or member(s).
  11. Keep in mind we review all feedback requests, even though we may not comment on them. There is no need to bump your own topic 😉 .
  12. The software by default has video uploads disabled. You will need to enable them by editing your member groups and giving them this permission. It can by done by going to ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> Gallery -> Can upload movies?
  13. I'm a little confused by what you mean here. Are you stating when you upload an image to a Gallery category (no album) it does this? If so, I am unable to reproduce this. Have you tried with all third-party applications/plugins/themes disabled?
  14. Would guess by it being an empty file that the file either was not passed along or intercepted. If you have CloudFlare or something sitting in front, you would want to try disabling that. Also, if you have any third party applications/plugins/themes, disabling those will also help rule them out from causing an issue here.
  15. I just wanted to ensure this as such. If you're intending to do this in all then you should be good to go. I always recommend doing a test to ensure you get what you want out of your search but other than that you should be all set. The system can handle large amount due to converting it to a background task.
  16. All is the default section when loading the members page:
  17. You would just need to set the join date range you wish to have and posts exactly 0. The other settings are not needed if that is only what you want to search by. Yes, leave bulk emails on either because that would make this independent of their selection there. Keep in mind if you're under the "All" section, this would include all users.
  18. I'm afraid, there are no means to accomplish what you want in the core product here.
  19. I am sorry that you do not like the answer but I have shown, I just received email notifications and then did not due to issues beyond the software’s control on the same forum and same user. Please keep in mind that email sending and deliverability are server issues. Our software only passes the email off to your server (think like you handing a letter off to a postal worker). Gmail is just an example, it could be these other email providers are also blocking you due to the things mentioned. You should check your mail sever IP address to see if it is blacklisted and check to ensure that you have authorized your domain correctly to send mail. Email is a very hard thing to keep secure and running properly, why SMTP and mail sending services are very popular. However, as mentioned, a good starting off point is to verify if your email address is indeed receiving the Test Email I mentioned in my previous reply. If it isn’t, again, this is an issue with your email deliverability from your server, not a software issue. If you do receive it and have a forum you do not receive email notifications, we can investigate and see that user and forum.
  20. They would be the same editor unless you are using a custom theme, which for some reason, changes this. The only thing which would change what buttons are available in the editor toolbar would be the size of the window. You would want to review the available sizes and ensure you setup what you want available to those:
  21. Sorry to hear you ran into this again. I moved this to a ticket so we can address this issue you're having with the upgrader. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  22. Thank you for answering that. Unfortunately, when sending a test email via your community, it says that it is successfully sent but I do not receive it when sending to Gmail addresses. I received it fine sending to my own personal email that is not as strict as Gmail but Gmail, it was never received, not even in spam. The user you provided there is using Gmail as their email address. You can test this by going to ACP -> System -> Email Settings -> Test Settings (top right). It could be that Gmail has blocked your server for emails, you're not passing required items in your DNS for "allowing" your domain to send from your server, etc... If you have a non-Gmail email address, they receive topic notifications, as seen here: I'm afraid, at the end of the day, this is not a software problem but a server problem with mail getting blocked or incorrectly configured. Sorry we don't have better news for you.
  23. Appreciate you answering all the questions and working with us on this. I do have one last question then will dive into the information provided. You mentioned that they did receive the bubble (inline) notification but no email. Was the user online (within 15 min) of the topic being created? If so, no email would be generated in that scenario.
  24. What exactly are you searching? You can search custom profile fields on the front-end if you're looking for certain data.
  25. Not to be rude here but exactly why? We do not allow direct access to the database for security, performance, and, well, we're a SaaS platform rather than a hosting provider. We handle the structure and security side of the database so you don't have to. Think of us more like Outlook email or any other platform rather than hosting. If you need to obtain data, you would use either the available APIs or have a custom application/plugin coded to do that function. If there is data that you require for reporting or something of that nature which is missing from the core product, of course, suggesting that in our Feedback forum could see that also be added to the software or Cloud platform.
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