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    TAMAN reacted to MarceloTTZ in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    It is in the front-ed, it appears in any field of type option, profile fields, store, etc ...
  2. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    This is the dark version of the image

    download it and then add with css like this
    .ipsApp.ipsApp_front .cke_toolgroup span.cke_button_icon[style*="icons.png"]{ background: url('LINK HERE') !important; } If it doesn't work 
    the you might want to remove this line in ta_Base template it is next to custom.css
    search for this and remove
    .ipsApp.ipsApp_front .cke_toolgroup span.cke_button_icon[style*="icons.png"]{ background-image: url('{resource="custom/editor_icon.png" app="core" location="front"}') !important; }  
  3. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from MarceloTTZ in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    It has been removed,  it didnt look good in some widgets and the best choice was making it normal 
  4. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    ckeditor uses images instead of fonts and the only way to change that to a dark version is to replace the image with css
    I will give you a dark version later when i get to my pc  
  5. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Michael R in A different article styles By Pages ( IP.Content )   
    Not sure what you talking about to be honest but this seem to be in your database permission settings, right now on my side i can see sharer icons on the article in your website and it is fine, if you are logged in and cant see it then check the database settings and permissions
    anyways, for sharer icons to appear, your database MUST be public to see, everyone should be able to see the articles otherwise there is no point of sharing anything of the database, this has nothing to do with these styles tho, thats how pages app works
  6. Like
    TAMAN reacted to vpatrickd in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    OK let me try it, thanks TAMAN.
  7. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Sirmadsen in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thanks for quick reply. Going to skip this though, I don't use articles and my homepage is focused purely on downloads. I only know minimal edits, mostly small html codes that some themes require in for example footer and such.
    Good luck in the future. You themes look really good.
  8. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from P2E Gaming in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Twiiter name without @
    for example this account
    You put this TwitterDev in twitter name 
    In social links field you add your social media link like this
    <a href="PASTE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA LINK HERE" target=_blank><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>  
    Let me know if i can help on anything else  
  9. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Yep, Maybe in next version, But no promises.
  10. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Would it be possible in the future to add an exclusion for the slider on the site offline page?
  11. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Profile widgets background connected with IPS Box background Background located in Body tab
    Widget background changes widget backgrounds not anything else, for example any widget that you manually drag and drop any where
  12. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Should be in Buttons tab  
  13. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Bluto in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    But It doesn't matter if it comes before or after, It works if you use it properly as i have replied targeting the selectors differently or using !important, and i have replied on first post tell me what box shadow's you want to remove so i can help  
    anyway, try to add this in custom.css 
    *{box-shadow:none!important;text-shadow:none!important;} This should remove any box-shadow and any text shadow used on any elements
    Have a good day
  14. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to mz_ in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thanks!  Such great work and support!
  15. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from mz_ in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    @mz_ Please re-download and update the theme  
    No version number added
  16. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from mz_ in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    I will add custom ticker field back
  17. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from mz_ in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Version 2.1.1
    Easier way to add tickers in "News Ticker"
    Improving "Style your forums" cover user group setting, It is now "Exclude from groups" instead showing to groups How to update?
    ACP --> Customization ---> Themes

  18. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from mz_ in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Version 2.1
    Palette is now available in this theme, You can switch between a white and dark version of the theme or adding your own preset of colors, Please read the palette description in theme settings.   Added user group option to News ticker, You can now choose who can see the news ticker. Added "Forums: Categories" to slider exclude option
      For faster scrolling Body: Background attachment  setting has been removed.
    during theme upgrade, this setting wont be removed on your side unless you install the theme fresh, So just ignore it   Fixing minor CSS issues and improvements
    How to update?
    ACP --> Customization ---> Themes

  19. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from mz_ in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Oh i totally misunderstood then 
    I thought you wanted to exclude the slider in club forums only and not on main forums app 
    yea i did add that option to exclude on forum categories like a week ago LOL 
    keep your eyes on update changes 
  20. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Michael R in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    No, Just ad this to custom.css to make it normal
    .ipsType_sectionTitle { text-transform: none; }  
  21. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Fierce God in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Version 1.1.1
    Easier way to add tickers in "News Ticker"
    Improving "Style your forums" cover user group setting, It is now "Exclude from groups" instead showing to groups How to update?
    ACP --> Customization ---> Themes

  22. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Optic14 in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    @TAMAN thank you very much for the explanation.
    @TheJackal84 and thank you for looking into changing this. Hope to see the update soon in your plugin! We are eager to use it as soon as possible. 
  23. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Optic14 in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Yea, I had to move the body background image to a new element to reduce the scrolling janks, Now the theme scrolls as fast as me killing everyone in PUBG school area
    @TheJackal84 I hope you dont mind me tagging you here
    In your plugin "profile Backgrounds" 
    Try to avoid using the images on body element, this causes scrolling janks (laggy scrolling), especially with "background-attachment: fixed" 
    So, for your plugin try add a new element for the background images with z-index and you dont even need to use !important on anything and it will always be on top of body
    Or using ::before pseudo element on body, You can simply copy my css codes in my themes you can check here http://hellshammers.net/tit/
  24. Like
    TAMAN reacted to TheJackal84 in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Yeah that's no problem I will look into changing it, I tried to make it so it will work on all themes cos I know some people use their own elements and classes, Thanks for the info.
  25. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Optic14 in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    wait! no no im sure someone else wanted to exclude the slider on club forums only  
    anyways, leave it 
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