In my app data\themesettings.json file, I have added one theme setting which supposed to be installed and show for all themes
"sc_key": "tadarkmode_colorscheme",
"sc_type": "TextArea",
"sc_multiple": 0,
"sc_content": "[]",
"sc_app": "darkmode",
"sc_default": "",
"sc_tab_key": "darkmode",
"sc_show_in_vse": 0,
"sc_title": "tadarkmode_colorscheme",
"sc_order": 11,
"sc_condition": null
can someone tell me why this doesn't work? the theme setting does not show anywhere in my themes. is there anything that needs to be configured in order for themesettings.json to work?
clearing caches and enabling/disabling the app has no effect and the setting is not added in the "core_theme_settings_fields" table in the database!
Thanks in advance